如何使用 algorithm2e latex 包使算法标题居中、左对齐、右对齐和两端对齐?

如何使用 algorithm2e latex 包使算法标题居中、左对齐、右对齐和两端对齐?

我正在迁移到 algorithm2e 包。我想根据文本列宽将算法标题对齐。但我还想知道如何左对齐、右对齐和居中标题。

我的 MWE 尝试:








The algorithm with \verb|algorithm2e| package:




    \KwIn{$a$, $b$, $c$.}
    \KwOut{$d$, $e$, $f$.}


    \KwPcdr{\ProcedureTitle{$a$, $b$, $c$}}{
        \While{not at end of this document}{
            read current\;
                go to next section\;
                current section becomes this one\;
                go back to the beginning of current section\;
        \KwRet{$d$, $e$, $f$}   }

    \caption{A long caption is being placed here. I would like to typeset breaklines and full caption box size (i.e., height and width for the ``Algorithm #1: title string'' set).}









\SetAlCapHSkip{0pt}% set caption margins



    \setlength{\hsize}{\columnwidth}% restored on exit of sbox
    \addtolength{\hsize}{-2\AlCapHSkip}% add equal margin to both sides
    \vtop{\AlgoCaptionFormat\algocf@captiontext{#1}{#2}}}% then caption is not centered





The algorithm with \verb|algorithm2e| package:




    \KwIn{$a$, $b$, $c$.}
    \KwOut{$d$, $e$, $f$.}


    \KwPcdr{\ProcedureTitle{$a$, $b$, $c$}}{
        \While{not at end of this document}{
            read current\;
                go to next section\;
                current section becomes this one\;
                go back to the beginning of current section\;
        \KwRet{$d$, $e$, $f$}   }

    \caption{A long caption is being placed here. I would like to typeset breaklines and full caption box size (i.e., height and width for the ``Algorithm \thealgorithm: title string'' set).}


