


Daniel  Hi there, what are you up to?
Anna    I was just gonna go to the store to
        grab some groceries, do you want some-
Daniel  A pack of gum would be nice, thanks!



扩展 Zarko 的好主意,我将play使用枚举项打包并定义一些演员姓名等命令,\Anna以便您可以以更直观的方式编写剧本\Daniel\Susan

\Daniel  Hi there, what are you up to?
\Anna    I was just gonna go to the store to grab some
groceries, do you want something?
\Daniel  A pack of gum would be nice, thanks!


\DeclareActors{Daniel, Anna, Susan}




% define some macros for the play
\newlength\widthofactors% will become width of widest actor name
\newcommand\DeclareActors[1]{% define actor commands
   \setlist[play]{labelwidth=\widthofactors, leftmargin=!}


\DeclareActors{Daniel, Anna, Susan}


\Daniel  Hi there, what are you up to?
\Anna    I was just gonna go to the store to grab some
groceries, do you want something?
\Daniel  A pack of gum would be nice, thanks!
\Direction{Anna exits stage left, going to the shops}
\Susan   What's on your mind?





\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,oneside,openany]{book} % use oneside to allow geometry to keep text always left
\usepackage{dramatist} % INMHO best of related packages i.e. Theatre Stage Play Frankinstein etc. 
\usepackage{calc} %required for length adjustments
\usepackage[left=20mm,right=45mm]{geometry} % minimise left & allow for right hand notes
\setlength{\speakswidth}{\widthof{\speaksfont Daniel}} % we need to allow for the longest name unless we abreviate him to Dan throughout see character definitions later
\addtolength{\speakswidth}{\Dlabelsep} % required for first column spacing
\setlength{\speaksindent}{0mm} % maintains second line indent
% The following shortcuts must not conflict with any likely or known abbreviated command e.g. beware ans or das may be defined elsewhere
\def\ans{\annspeaks} %\lowercase short name speaks to ease repetitive typing 
\def\das{\danspeaks} % one entry per character see cast-list in main body

\title{All'o'World's a stage\\ \it or ``As I like it''\normalfont}
\author{Philipp Stephan}
\Character[\Large Anna(stagia) - An na'ctress\normalsize]{Anna}{ann}  % define characters and alias, the last variant is for ease of typing \annspeaks
\Character[\Large Daniel - A-lad-in This word play\normalsize]{Daniel}{dan} % the short form \dan can be expanded in text see last dialogue

\DramPer[\\~\newline A Cast of a Thousand \\ Less 998 miserables \\ = Our two thespians \par] %\DramPer % recommended two empty lines below

\scene[- A Sitting Room] % recommended one empty line below

\StageDir{\centering Raise the house - it's curtains for us.}

\dan \direct{Enters and moving centre stage, turns towards \ann}.
\das \direct{Brightly}.  Hi there, what are you up to?
\ans I was just gonna go to the store to grab some groceries, do you want something?
\das A pack of gum would be nice, thanks!
\ans \direct{Pensively}. But \dan a pack of Vivamus varius tellus et mi pretium elementum iaculis tellus semper. Donec semper iaculis ante, convallis convallis arcu laoreet vitae. Aliquam id leo ac eros ultrices rhoncus porta sed ipsum. 

\centering - The End -
