

我想在表格中添加第六列,此列应为预测 Tp、Np 和 Ep 的总和。但是,我真的不知道该怎么做,并且表格看起来仍然不错,因为我的表格似乎已经占据了我页面的大部分两列,如下图所示 在此处输入图片描述



\usepackage{ctable}% http://ctan.org/pkg/ctable
\usepackage{color, colortbl}
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\usepackage{array, booktabs, makecell, multirow}% new

\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, multirow, tabularx}

\newcommand\mytab[1]{\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}c@{}} #1 \end{tabular}}

\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em

\title{An Automated Approach for Refining Coarse-Grained Requirement-to-Code 

\caption{Precision/recall and completeness of the requirement-to-method 
traces output by our approach}
    \multirow{2}{*}{\mytab{1-\\ Program}} 
    & \multirow{2}{*}{\mytab{2-\\ Step}} 
    & \mc{3}{\mytab{Cumulative\\ Predictions}} & \mc{3}{\mytab{Cumulative \\ Output\\ Completeness}}
    & \mc{5}{\mytab{Cumulative Precision \\ and Recall}} 
    & \mc{2}{\mytab{Cumulative \\ Output \\ Precision}} 
    & \mc{2}{\mytab{Cumulative\\ Output \\ Recall}} \\
    \cmidrule{3-5} \cmidrule{6-8} \cmidrule{9-13}
    \cmidrule{14-15} \cmidrule{16-17}
    & \mytab{3-\\ T\textsubscript{p} (\#)}
    & \mytab{4-\\ N\textsubscript{p} (\#)}
    & \mytab{5-\\ E\textsubscript{p} (\#)}
    & \mytab{6-\\ T (\%)}
    & \mytab{7-\\ N (\%)}
    & \mytab{8-\\ E (\%)}
    & \mytab{9-\\ TP}
    & \mytab{10-\\ TN}
    & \mytab{11-\\ FP}
    & \mytab{12-\\ FN}
    & \mytab{13-\\ E}
    & \mytab{14-\\ T (\%)}
    & \mytab{15-\\ N (\%)}
    & \mytab{16-\\ T (\%)}
    & \mytab{17-\\ N (\%)} \\
    Chess & 1 & 0 & 2063 & 3953 & 0 & 34.29 & 65.71 & 0 & 1612 & 0 & 0 & 4404 & NA & 100 & NA & 100 \\

    & 2 & 0 & 3227 & 2789 & 0 & 53.64 & 46.36 & 0 & 1841 & 0 & 49 & 4126 & NA & 97.41 & 0 & 100 \\

    & 3 & 908 & 3227 & 1881 & 15.09 & 53.64 & 31.27 & 415 & 1841 & 378 & 49 & 3333 & 52.33 & 97.41 & 89.44 & 82.97 \\

    & 4 & \textbf{1464} & \textbf{3227}
    & \textbf{1325} & \textbf{24.34} & \textbf{53.64}
    & \textbf{22.02} & \textbf{471} & \textbf{1841}
    & \textbf{438} & \textbf{49} & \textbf{3217}
    & \textbf{51.82} & \textbf{97.41} & \textbf{90.58}
    & \textbf{80.78} \\
    Gantt & 1 & 0 & 55535 & 34699 & 0 & 61.55 & 38.45 & 0 & 22365 & 0 & 0 & 67869 & NA & 100 & NA & 100 \\
    & 2 & 0 & 69880 & 20354 & 0 & 77.44 & 22.56 & 0 & 22707 & 0 & 94 & 67433 & NA & 99.59 & 0 & 100 \\

    & 3 & 677 & 69880 & 19677 & 0.75 & 77.44 & 21.81 & 84 & 22707 & 85 & 94 & 67264 & 49.70 & 99.59 & 47.19 & 99.63 \\
    & 4 & \textbf{1143} & \textbf{69880} & \textbf{19211} & \textbf{1.27} & \textbf{77.44} & \textbf{21.29} & \textbf{136} & \textbf{22707} & \textbf{136} & \textbf{94} & \textbf{67161} & \textbf{50.00} & \textbf{99.59} & \textbf{59.13} & \textbf{99.40} \\
    iTrust & 1 & 0 & 17573 & 149265 & 0 & 10.53 & 89.47 & 0 & 6572 & 0 & 0 & 160266 & NA & 100 & NA & 100 \\
    & 2 & 0 & 28660 & 138178 & 0 & 17.18 & 82.82 & 0 & 6685 & 0 & 9 & 160144 & NA & 99.87 & 0 & 100 \\

    & 3 & 290 & 28660 & 137888 & 0.17 & 17.18 & 82.65 & 81 & 6685 & 27 & 9 & 160036 & 75.00 & 99.87 & 90.00 & 99.60 \\

    & 4 & \textbf{1074} & \textbf{28660} & \textbf{137104} & \textbf{0.64} & \textbf{17.18} & \textbf{82.18} & \textbf{93} & \textbf{6685} & \textbf{28} & \textbf{9} & \textbf{160023} & \textbf{76.86} & \textbf{99.87} & \textbf{91.18} & \textbf{99.58} \\
    JHotDraw & 1 & 0 & 116787 & 20133 & 0 & 85.30 & 14.70 & 0 & 12013 & 0 & 0 & 124907 & NA & 100 & NA & 100 \\

    & 2 & 0 & 128756 & 8164 & 0 & 94.04 & 5.96 & 0 & 12134 & 0 & 208 & 124578 & NA & 98.31 & 0 & 100 \\

    & 3 & 1279 & 128756 & 6885 & 0.93 & 94.04 & 5.03 & 63 & 12134 & 20 & 208 & 124495 & 75.90 & 98.31 & 23.25 & 99.84 \\

    & 4 & \textbf{2000} & \textbf{128756} & \textbf{6164} & \textbf{1.46} & \textbf{94.04} & \textbf{4.50} & \textbf{95} & \textbf{12134} & \textbf{32} & \textbf{208} & \textbf{124451} & \textbf{74.80} & \textbf{98.31} & \textbf{31.35} & \textbf{99.74} \\

    %   \rowcolor{lightgray}
    Average & 4 & \textbf{1420} & \textbf{57631} & \textbf{40951} & \textbf{6.93} & \textbf{60.57} & \textbf{32.50} & \textbf{199} & \textbf{10842} & \textbf{159} & \textbf{90} & \textbf{88713} & \textbf{63.37} & \textbf{98.79} & \textbf{68.06} & \textbf{94.88} \\






\usepackage{ctable}% http://ctan.org/pkg/ctable
\usepackage{color, colortbl}
\newcommand{\plusplus}{{+}{+}}% Other options: 
\usepackage{array, booktabs, makecell, multirow}% new

\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, multirow, tabularx,rotating}

\newcommand\mytab[1]{\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}c@{}} #1 \end{tabular}}

\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em

\title{An Automated Approach for Refining Coarse-Grained Requirement-to-Code 
\caption{Precision/recall and completeness of the requirement-to-method 
traces output by our approach}
    \multirow{2}{*}{\mytab{1-\\ Program}} 
    & \multirow{2}{*}{\mytab{2-\\ Step}} 
    & \mc{4}{\mytab{Cumulative\\ Predictions}} & \mc{3}{\mytab{Cumulative \\ Output\\ Completeness}}
    & \mc{5}{\mytab{Cumulative Precision \\ and Recall}} 
    & \mc{2}{\mytab{Cumulative \\ Output \\ Precision}}
    & \mc{2}{\mytab{Cumulative\\ Output \\ Recall}} \\
    \cmidrule{3-5} \cmidrule{6-8} \cmidrule{9-13}
    \cmidrule{14-15} \cmidrule{16-17}
    & \mytab{3-\\ T\textsubscript{p} (\#)}
    & \mytab{4-\\ N\textsubscript{p} (\#)}
    & \mytab{5-\\ E\textsubscript{p} (\#)}
    & \mytab{5.5-\\Sum of stuff}
    & \mytab{6-\\ T (\%)}
    & \mytab{7-\\ N (\%)}
    & \mytab{8-\\ E (\%)}
    & \mytab{9-\\ TP}
    & \mytab{10-\\ TN}
    & \mytab{11-\\ FP}
    & \mytab{12-\\ FN}
    & \mytab{13-\\ E}
    & \mytab{14-\\ T (\%)}
    & \mytab{15-\\ N (\%)}
    & \mytab{16-\\ T (\%)}
    & \mytab{17-\\ N (\%)} \\
    Chess & 1 & 0 & 2063 & 3953 & 0 & 34.29 & 65.71 & 0 & 1612 & 0 & 0 & 4404 & NA & 100 & NA & 100 \\

    & 2 & 0 & 3227 & 2789 & 0 & 53.64 & 46.36 & 0 & 1841 & 0 & 49 & 4126 & NA & 97.41 & 0 & 100 \\

    & 3 & 908 & 3227 & 1881 & 15.09 & 53.64 & 31.27 & 415 & 1841 & 378 & 49 & 3333 & 52.33 & 97.41 & 89.44 & 82.97 \\

    & 4 & \textbf{1464} & \textbf{3227}
    & \textbf{1325} & \textbf{24.34} & \textbf{53.64}
    & \textbf{22.02} & \textbf{471} & \textbf{1841}
    & \textbf{438} & \textbf{49} & \textbf{3217}
    & \textbf{51.82} & \textbf{97.41} & \textbf{90.58}
    & \textbf{80.78} \\
    Gantt & 1 & 0 & 55535 & 34699 & 0 & 61.55 & 38.45 & 0 & 22365 & 0 & 0 & 67869 & NA & 100 & NA & 100 \\
    & 2 & 0 & 69880 & 20354 & 0 & 77.44 & 22.56 & 0 & 22707 & 0 & 94 & 67433 & NA & 99.59 & 0 & 100 \\

    & 3 & 677 & 69880 & 19677 & 0.75 & 77.44 & 21.81 & 84 & 22707 & 85 & 94 & 67264 & 49.70 & 99.59 & 47.19 & 99.63 \\
    & 4 & \textbf{1143} & \textbf{69880} & \textbf{19211} & \textbf{1.27} & \textbf{77.44} & \textbf{21.29} & \textbf{136} & \textbf{22707} & \textbf{136} & \textbf{94} & \textbf{67161} & \textbf{50.00} & \textbf{99.59} & \textbf{59.13} & \textbf{99.40} \\
    iTrust & 1 & 0 & 17573 & 149265 & 0 & 10.53 & 89.47 & 0 & 6572 & 0 & 0 & 160266 & NA & 100 & NA & 100 \\
    & 2 & 0 & 28660 & 138178 & 0 & 17.18 & 82.82 & 0 & 6685 & 0 & 9 & 160144 & NA & 99.87 & 0 & 100 \\

    & 3 & 290 & 28660 & 137888 & 0.17 & 17.18 & 82.65 & 81 & 6685 & 27 & 9 & 160036 & 75.00 & 99.87 & 90.00 & 99.60 \\

    & 4 & \textbf{1074} & \textbf{28660} & \textbf{137104} & \textbf{0.64} & \textbf{17.18} & \textbf{82.18} & \textbf{93} & \textbf{6685} & \textbf{28} & \textbf{9} & \textbf{160023} & \textbf{76.86} & \textbf{99.87} & \textbf{91.18} & \textbf{99.58} \\
    JHotDraw & 1 & 0 & 116787 & 20133 & 0 & 85.30 & 14.70 & 0 & 12013 & 0 & 0 & 124907 & NA & 100 & NA & 100 \\

    & 2 & 0 & 128756 & 8164 & 0 & 94.04 & 5.96 & 0 & 12134 & 0 & 208 & 124578 & NA & 98.31 & 0 & 100 \\

    & 3 & 1279 & 128756 & 6885 & 0.93 & 94.04 & 5.03 & 63 & 12134 & 20 & 208 & 124495 & 75.90 & 98.31 & 23.25 & 99.84 \\

    & 4 & \textbf{2000} & \textbf{128756} & \textbf{6164} & \textbf{1.46} & \textbf{94.04} & \textbf{4.50} & \textbf{95} & \textbf{12134} & \textbf{32} & \textbf{208} & \textbf{124451} & \textbf{74.80} & \textbf{98.31} & \textbf{31.35} & \textbf{99.74} \\

    %   \rowcolor{lightgray}
    Average & 4 & \textbf{1420} & \textbf{57631} & \textbf{40951} & \textbf{6.93} & \textbf{60.57} & \textbf{32.50} & \textbf{199} & \textbf{10842} & \textbf{159} & \textbf{90} & \textbf{88713} & \textbf{63.37} & \textbf{98.79} & \textbf{68.06} & \textbf{94.88} \\

