

最近,我收到一份期刊的重大修订,审稿人抱怨说“表 4 难以阅读”。PDF 版本的表格快照如下...此外,表格的 latex 代码是

\caption{SRE approaches- at a glance}
\begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}
 \textbf{SRE approaches} & \textbf{Model/technique adopted} & \textbf{Elicitation technique used} &\textbf{Integration of standards}& \textbf{Size of project} &  \textbf{ Threat modeling } & \textbf{Risk analysis}  & \textbf{Tool support} & \textbf{Industry adoption}   \\
 & Goal – Oriented approach, uses    & Interviewing, existing & - & large  & Yes & No & Yes & No \\
{KAOS}&  anti-models for  modeling   & systems study & & & &  & (Objectiver) &  \\
 & threats & & & & & & & \\[2pt] \hline

{Secure i*} & Agent Oriented approach,  & artefacts analysis, & - & large &  No &  No & Yes & Not reported \\
& uses i* modeling framework & Interviews & & & & & (ST-Tool) & \\ [2pt]  \hline

{Secure Tropos} & Agent oriented approach,  & Constraints analysis & ISO/IEC 17799- & large & No & No & Yes & Not reported   \\
&  uses i* modeling framework  & & & & & & (ST-Tool, SecTro) & \\ [2pt]  \hline

{GBRAM} & goal based approach  & - & - & medium & No & Yes & No & No  \\
& & & & & & & & \\[2pt]   \hline

 & Problem Frame based approach, & - & ISO13335 & medium & No & No & No & No  \\
 {Abuse Frames}&uses constraints for security  & & & & & & & \\
 &goal modelling & & & & & & & \\[2pt]  \hline

{SEPP} & Uses  security patterns, security & - & CC & large & Yes & No & No & No   \\
&problem frames and templates   & & & & & & & \\ [2pt]  \hline

{SREF} & Goal based approach & - & - & large & Yes & No & No & Not reported     \\
& & & & & & & & \\[2pt]   \hline

{CORAS} & Uses security-risk model  & Meeting with the clients & ISO31000 & large & Yes & Yes & Yes & not reported \\
&  inspired by UML & & & & & & (CORAS Tool)& \\[2pt]   \hline

{SREP} & Based on unified process & - & CC &  - & Yes & Yes & No & Not reported \\
& model of  SDLC & & & & & & & \\[2pt] \hline

{Microsoft’s threat } & Based on STRIDE  and DREAD & - & - &  medium & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes   \\
modeling &  methodology & & & & & & (Threat Modeling Tool) &  \\[2pt]   \hline

{CLASP} & Adopts Resource centric & Interviewing/existing   & - & large & Yes & Yes & No & Yes   \\
& methodology & artefacts analysis & & & & & & \\[2pt]   \hline

 & Adopts a Series of prescriptive  & Any & - & - & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\
{SQUARE}& steps for eliciting,analyzing  & & & & & & (P-SQUARE, eSQUARE) & \\
&  and categorizing requirements & & & & & & & \\[2pt]   \hline

 & Adopts Multilateral Security  & - & - & large & No & No & No & No \\
{MSRA}&  concepts  and View – point oriented  & & & & & & & \\
&  Requirements Engineering & & & & & & & \\[2pt]  \hline

{SRE methods based } & Adopts and uses agile  & User stories & - & large & Yes & No & No & Yes  \\
on AGILE & methodology  with security & & & & & & & \\[2pt]   \hline

{Secure UML} & Based on UML and Model & - & - & medium & No & No & Yes & No\\
&  based Architecture & & & & & & (Visio-based template) &  \\[2pt]   \hline

 & Based on extension of UML & -  & ISO/IEC 15408, ISO/IEC 27001,& medium & No & No & Yes & No   \\
{UMLsec} & for secure systems development & & ISO/IEC 17799, ISO/IEC 13335, & & & &(CARISMA) & \\
&&& IEEE 830-1998&&&&& \\[2pt]   \hline

 & Based on extension of UML     & Brain-storming &-& small &  Yes & Yes & No & Yes    \\
{Misuse Case}&  use case to model threat   & & & & & & & \\
&  and risks & & & & & & & \\[2pt]  \hline

 & Model oriented framework for    & Any &-& medium(web-based) &  Yes & Yes & No & No    \\
{MOSRE}&   elicitation, analysis and traceability   & & & & & & & \\
&   of security requirements  & & & & & & & \\[2pt]  \hline

 & Iterative process based on & - & ISO/IEC Guide 73, ISO/IEC 27001 & large &  Yes & Yes & No & Not reported    \\
{ISSRM}&  existing risk analysis standards   & & AS/NZS 4360,ISO/IEC 13335-1 & & & & & \\
&  and methods & & & & & & & \\[2pt]  \hline

{Ontology based } & Based on reuse of Security     & ontology & ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27002 & small (domain-specific) &  Yes & Yes & Yes & No    \\
 SRE approaches& ontologies   & & & & & &(Protege) & \\
&  & & & & & & & \\[2pt]


