

编辑 2:我的问题确实是重复的,或者是我自己的一些误解。抱歉给您带来不便。

编辑:这个问题被关闭了,因为重复了,但链接的帖子并没有解决我的问题。我的问题是,我无法将任何类型的\thanks\footnote或 甚至\footnotemark放在 的第二个参数中\author。另外,我没有添加 URL。我添加了文本。


\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsthm, amsfonts,color}


\title{A paper}

\author[F. Author]{First Author}
\author[S. Author]{Second Author}\thanks{for all the fish}
\address{the department\\
a place}
\email[F. Author]{[email protected]} 
\email[S. Author]{[email protected]}


the abstract

lots of good stuff 






作者谨感谢 AMS 对本文发表的慷慨支持

\documentclass[11pt]{amsart} % A-M-S-ART-icle 
% Templates and template classes are built with ONE prime
% purpose, that is they serve to provide a like it or not framework. 
% ``As author, you are responsible for the content of your paper. 
% At the production end, the concern is to turn the (electronic)
% manuscript into a published document in the style of the designated journal
% see http: //mirrors.ctan.org/info/amscls-doc/Author_Handbook_Journals.pdf

% Unmarked, unnumbered footnotes on the first page of an article should include
% primary classification numbers according to the 2010 Mathematics Subject 
% Classification scheme (www.ams.org/msc) (required);  grant information (optional);
% and key words and phrases describing the subject matter of the article (optional). 

% Formatting is automatic when using the AMS style files. 

% That framework may be upset by the use of package
% contents in a different order or subsequent changes
% to that envisioned by the template writers at the time.
% Item sequencing or structure should not be changed.
% to check what can be here and in what order consult
% the documentation. If you add an item to a template 
% it is your responsibility to change one item at a time
% for comparability.
\usepackage{lipsum} % for demonstration only 

\begin{document} % Be aware this document is invalid it does not follow class rules

%main data block
%% The title of the paper goes here.  Edit to your title.
\title[short]{A duplicate question} % longtitle data to be placed at start
%% Now edit the following to give first name and address:
%% Also you can Give information on grants or contracts under which the research
%% was performed, including grant number, using the \thanks command. 
\author{I'm First Author} % author sign off to be placed at article closing is a fixed sequence
\address{At the department, some plaice\vspace{0.3cm}} % A one line SC entry 
\email{[email protected]}% Italics then bold
\thanks{Thanks... @ barbara beeton ... for all her hard work as TeX ``champion'' at AMS} % the first authors thanks data is collected from any first occurrence
%% If there is a secondary author edit the following.
\author{ALSO Second Author}
%\address{ALSO At the department, some plaice} % IF required for a second establishment
\email{ALSO [email protected]}% Italics then bold
% Second authors thanks data is collected from the correct placement of defining 2nd \thanks
\thanks{ALSO Thanks to @ sigma-finite for a generous grant of ``If at first it does not work ... lets describe it''}
%%% The following is for the abstract.  The abstract is optional and
%%% if not used just delete, or comment out, the following.
%\begin{abstract}% Environment data for Title abstract data on first page
%The abstract is defined before the maketitle command is invoked
%%  LaTeX will not make the title for the paper unless told to do so.
%%  This is done by uncommenting the following.
\maketitle % For amsArt(icle) class maketitle function should appear after above data is loaded including abstract

\section{How AMS article class works}

We can see the AMS Class is not expecting any data in the \bf first page footing \normalfont other than mandatory classification such as \bf 15-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. or optional thanks for grants \normalfont or other abstract key words\\\par Lots of good floating stuff \hfill \lipsum [1-2]




\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsthm, amsfonts,color}



\title{A paper}

\author[F. Author]{First Author\thankssymb{1}}
\author[S. Author]{Second Author\thankssymb{2}}
\thanks{\thankssymb{1} for all the fish}
\thanks{\thankssymb{2} for all the chips}

\address{the department\\
a place}
\email[F. Author]{[email protected]} 
\email[S. Author]{[email protected]}

the abstract


lots of good stuff 




给出了脚注符号、小写字母和纯数字的三种示例样式\thankssymb。请注意在第二个变体中使用lowercase,因为作者姓名在 中以大写字母排版amsart



\author{First Author^1} \thanks{^1 Thanks\ for\ releasing\ fish}

