

您可以在这里找到 Cvs 的乳胶模板。https://www.overleaf.com/articles/satish-kumars-cv/dngwrghdxxqh




% env cvtimeline
% creates a vertical cv timeline
% param 1: start year
% param 2: end year
% param 3: overall width
%param 4: overall height             {\parbox{\myboxwidth}

        \node[label=\mbox{\colorbox{##1}{\strut\hspace{2pt}}\colorbox{white}{\textcolor{textcol}{##2}}}] at (0,-5) {}; %start year


    % creates a stretched box as cv entry headline followed by two paragraphs about 
    % the work you did
    % param 1:  event start month/year
    % param 2:  event end month/year
    % param 3:  event name
    % param 4:  institution (where did you work / study)
    % param 5:  what was your position
    % param 6:  color
    % param 7: level (position, use minus for left placement)
    \newcommand{\cvevent}[7] {

        \foreach \monthf/\yearf in {##1} {
            \foreach \montht/\yeart in {##2} {


                %\filldraw[fill=##6,draw=none, opacity=0.9] (-0.15-##7,\startexp) rectangle (-0.15-##7-0.5,\endexp);
                \draw[draw=##6, line width=1.5pt] (0, \startexp) -- (1,\startexp);

                \node[label={[label distance=0]0:\colorbox{##6}{\strut}\colorbox{white}{\textcolor{gray}{##1}\hspace{3pt}\textcolor{textcol}{##3}}}] at (0.5, \startexp) {};

    %   BEGIN



    %calc fullrange= number of years
    \draw[draw=textcol,line width=4pt] (0,0) -- (0,#3) ;    %the timeline

    %for each year put a horizontal line in place
    \whiledo{\value{yearcount} < \fullrange}{
        \draw[fill=white,draw=textcol, line width=2pt]  (0,#3/\fullrange*\value{yearcount}) circle (0.1);

    %start year
    \filldraw[fill=white!100,draw=textcol,line width=3pt] (0,-0.5) circle (0.5);
    \node[label=\textcolor{textcol}{\textbf{\small#1}}] at (0,-0.85) {}; 

    %end year
    \filldraw[fill=white!100,draw=textcol,line width=5pt] (0,#3+0.75) circle (0.75);
    \node[label=\textcolor{textcol}{\textbf{\large#2}}] at (0,#3+0.42) {}; 

}%end begin part of newenv

我的第一个问题是:如何更改颜色框以允许换行?我从其他问题中了解到,将其更改为 tcolorbox 可以解决问题Colorbox 不换行,但我无法在这里适应这种变化。

其次,在时间轴中,白色框仅显示开始日期和另一条信息,例如“NES 学校”。那么为什么要输入注释中的 7 个参数呢?如您所见,PDF 中看不到这些参数。我遗漏了什么?


您的 MWE 示例代码需要可编译,并产生一个典型颜色框错误,以便我们解决它。

永远要小心你的愿望,你的 3 个愿望现在都实现了。1
) 我已经从你链接到的代码中拼凑出了一个 MWE
2) 我已经包含了你链接到的 Parbox 命令
3) 我已经揭示了其他 7 个参数的一些额外用途
至于为什么 cv 事件是仅有的使用条目中的第一项和第三项,例如\cvevent{9/2018}{9/2018}{Tech Innovation and CAT-MAT}{WITech and Acceleration 2018}{WIT Events}{secondcol}{0}只有神灵或 Jan Küster 可以回答,恕我直言,其他的都用在注释掉的部分。


\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=1cm, right=1cm]{geometry}     

% custom column width
% for drawing graphics and charts
\usetikzlibrary{shapes, backgrounds}
\definecolor{maincol}{RGB}{255,150,0} %main color
\definecolor{bgcol}{RGB}{190,220,255}  %background color
\pagecolor{bgcol} %set a background col for whole page

% env cvtimeline
% creates a vertical cv timeline
% param 1: start year
% param 2: end year
% param 3: overall width
%param 4: overall height             {\parbox{\myboxwidth}
        \node[label=\mbox{\colorbox{##1}{\strut\hspace{2pt}}\colorbox{white}{\textcolor{textcol}{##2}}}] at (0,-5) {}; %start year
    % creates a stretched box as cv entry headline followed by two paragraphs about 
    % the work you did
    % param 1:  event start month/year
    % param 2:  event end month/year
    % param 3:  event name
    % param 4:  institution (where did you work / study)
    % param 5:  what was your position
    % param 6:  color
    % param 7: level (position, use minus for left placement)
    \newcommand{\cvevent}[7] {
        \foreach \monthf/\yearf in {##1} {
            \foreach \montht/\yeart in {##2} {
                \filldraw[fill=##6,draw=none, opacity=0.9] (-0.15-##7,\startexp) rectangle (-0.15-##7-0.5,\endexp);
                \draw[draw=##6, line width=1.5pt] (0, \startexp) -- (1,\startexp);

                \node[label={[label distance=0]0:\colorbox{##6}{\strut}\colorbox{white}{\parbox{0.3\textwidth}{\textcolor{gray}{##1}\hspace{3pt}\textcolor{textcol}{##3}}}}] at (0.5, \startexp) {};

    %   BEGIN

    %calc fullrange= number of years
    \draw[draw=textcol,line width=4pt] (0,0) -- (0,#3) ;    %the timeline
    %for each year put a horizontal line in place
    \whiledo{\value{yearcount} < \fullrange}{
        \draw[fill=white,draw=textcol, line width=2pt]  (0,#3/\fullrange*\value{yearcount}) circle (0.1);
    %start year
    \filldraw[fill=white!100,draw=textcol,line width=3pt] (0,-0.5) circle (0.5);
    \node[label=\textcolor{textcol}{\textbf{\small#1}}] at (0,-0.85) {}; 
    %end year
    \filldraw[fill=white!100,draw=textcol,line width=5pt] (0,#3+0.75) circle (0.75);
    \node[label=\textcolor{textcol}{\textbf{\large#2}}] at (0,#3+0.42) {}; 
}%end begin part of newenv

%   custom sections
% custom strut
\cvevent{6/2009}{5/2011}{N.E.S School}{Primary School}{Bhiwandi}{red}{0}
\cvevent{6/2011}{4/2014}{St. Joseph's\newline Public School}{Hyderabad}{Secondary School}{blue}{0}
