Tikz - 决策树

Tikz - 决策树

我是 Tikz 的新手,我想创建一个类似于下图的决策树(我在 Paint 中创建)。有人知道我如何在 Latex 中做到这一点吗?在此处输入图片描述




child[sibling distance=25mm]{node{1}
child{node{} edge from parent[] node[right,xshift=10]{}
child[sibling distance=10mm]{node{5}
child{node{} edge from parent[] node[right,xshift=10]{}}
child[sibling distance=10mm]{node{6}
child{node{} edge from parent[] node[right,xshift=10]{}}
child[sibling distance=25mm]{node{2}
child{node{} edge from parent[] node[right,xshift=10]{}
child[sibling distance=10mm]{node{3}
child{node{} edge from parent[] node[right,xshift=10]{}}
child[sibling distance=10mm]{node{4}
child{node{} edge from parent[] node[right,xshift=10]{}}
    \node[left=of A](B){B};



for tree={grow'=east,child anchor=south east,parent anchor=south east,edge=thick}
   [[Label 4
     [[Label 6
       [[Label 10]]
     [[Label 7
       [[Label 11]]
   [[Label 5
     [[Label 8
       [[Label 11]]
     [[Label 9
       [[Label 12]]



不太快速的森林提案。由于您的 MWE(确定树中的节点)和草图(不清楚它是否仅确定边缘标签或节点)在树的级别数量上有所不同,因此我不清楚这个问题。两者之间的折衷是:


    anchors/.style={anchor=#1,child anchor=#1,parent anchor=#1},
    decision edge label/.style n args=2{%
            edge label/.expanded={node[pos=0.48, inner sep=1pt, anchor=#1]{#2}}
  decision/.style={if n=1{decision edge label={south}{#1}}
                         {decision edge label={north}{#1}}
  decision tree/.style={
    for tree={
    /tikz/every node/.append style={font=\footnotesize},
        font=\normalsize, inner xsep=4pt,
        grow' = east,
    if n children=1{anchors=east}{anchors=west},
    if level = 1{l sep=24mm,s sep=4mm}{l sep=8mm,s sep=3mm},
    edge path'={
    (!u.parent anchor) -- ([xshift=2mm]!u.parent anchor |- .child anchor) -- (.child anchor)
    delay={for descendants={split option={content}{;}{content,decision}}},
                        }% end of decision tree
        }% end of forestset
\begin{forest} decision tree
    [1; in
        [1;option 11\quad text
        [2;option 12\quad text

