wrapfigure 修改整个文档

wrapfigure 修改整个文档

我正在编写简历,没有使用任何预定义的文档类,例如 moderncvn,我为其编写了如下代码:

    \draw [line width=0.5mm, red,dash pattern={on 7pt off 2pt on 1pt off 3pt}] (0,0) -- (\textwidth,0);
    {\Huge \textbf{Charles, Xavier, Ph.D.}}
        \underline{\textbf{Institute Address}}:\\
        Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters (X-Mansion),\\
        Central Park,\\
        New York City,\\
        United States of America\\
        \underline{\textbf{Permenent Address}}:\\
        Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters (X-Mansion),\\
        Central Park,\\
        New York City,\\
        United States of America\\
\Letter: \href{[email protected]}{[email protected]}, \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}\\\\
\Mobilefone: 100, 100\\\\
\phone: 911 (Institute), 912 (Home)
\textbf{Present Position}: \\
Professor @ Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters - From 1963
\textbf{{Article published}}:
    \item In some journal- A
    \item In some journal- B
\textbf{{Conference Attended and \textit{paper presented}}}:\\
    \item sometime at Oxford University with Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto)
    \item sometime at Columbia University with Henry McCoy (Beast).
\textbf{{Technical Skills}}:\\\\
Professor X ordinarily possesses vast psionic powers, including telepathy; the ability to induce in others mental illusions, temporary mental or physical paralysis, and loss of specific memories or total amnesia; the projection of "mental bolts" to stun or render a person unconscious; astral projection; and the ability to sense other superhuman mutants within a small radius. At present Xavier is unable to use his psionic powers.
\textbf{{Teaching Experience}}:\\\\
I have founded Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters (later named the Xavier Institute) which provides a safe haven for mutants and teaches them to master their abilities and to explore and control their powers.
    \item Henry McCoy aka The Beast,\\
        1407 Graymalkin Lane,\\
        Salem Center,\\
        Westchester County,\\
        New York.,\\
        United States of America\\
    \item Jean Grey aka Phoenix,\\
        1407 Graymalkin Lane,\\
        Salem Center,\\
        Westchester County,\\
        New York.,\\
        United States of America\\


  1. 当我评论wrapfigure环境时,我得到了这种输出: 无包装图




此外,我希望它是这样的,其中数字位于学院地址和永久地址的中间: 在此处输入图片描述


  1. 该命令\linespace \textbf{Present Position}: \\ Professor @ Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters - From 1963在两行不同的行中给出输出,如下所示:



  1. \linespace \textbf{{Article published}}: \begin{enumerate} \item In some journal- A \item In some journal- B \end{enumerate}输入命令后 \linespace,我收到一条错误消息“这里没有结束的行。\linespace”。但如果我用它替换它,{\rule{14cm}{0.2pt}}\\\\它就可以完美运行。这在之前\textbf{{Technical Skills}}:\\\\和最后也发生过。为什么会这样?
  2. 此外,通过上述修正,第 2 点提到的问题再次出现 - 这次是针对“参加会议和发表论文”:




似乎 wrapfigure 做了一些事情,因为如果我评论它,一切都会顺利进行。


