我正在为某种情况创建条形图,但每个条形的比例不同,应以 10 的比例表示。我的代码是:
\pgfplotscreateplotcyclelist{gray}{ % define a new cycle list
ymin = 0, ymax = 25,
bar width=17, % added
enlarge x limits=0.3,
legend style={at={(0.7 ,1)},
anchor=north,legend columns =-1},
ylabel ={Gas Cost and Price in ETH},
xlabel ={Sources Quantity},
symbolic x coords ={7,14,21},
nodes near coords ,
nodes near coords align ={vertical},
nodes near coords style={font=\tiny}, % reduce font size of nodes near coords
cycle list name=gray, % use the new cycle list
\addplot coordinates {(7,11) (14,15) (21,19)};
\addplot coordinates {(7,5) (14,7) (21,9)};
%7: 0.11449906 ETH - 5 724 953 Gas
%14: 0.153421 ETH - 7 671 050 Gas
%21: 0.1962195 ETH - 9 810 975 Gas
- 我怎样才能以十为单位表示条形图上方显示的值(即 5.75 * 10⁶)
另一种选择是将值读入表中,然后使用和进行一些visualization depends on
缩放y expr
\pgfplotscreateplotcyclelist{gray}{ % define a new cycle list
p ETH gas
7 0.11449906 5724953
14 0.153421 7671050
21 0.1962195 9810975
ymin = 0, ymax = 25,
bar width=17pt, % added
enlarge x limits=0.3,
legend style={at={(0.7 ,1)},
anchor=north,legend columns =-1},
ylabel ={Gas Cost and Price in ETH},
xlabel ={Sources Quantity},
xticklabels from table={\DataTable}{p}, % instead of symbolic coords
nodes near coords align ={vertical},
nodes near coords style={font=\tiny}, % reduce font size of nodes near coords
cycle list name=gray, % use the new cycle list
\addplot +[
visualization depends on=y*1e-2\as\RawY,
nodes near coords={\pgfmathprintnumber{\RawY}}
table[x expr=\coordindex, y expr=\thisrow{ETH}*1e2] {\DataTable};
\addplot +[
visualization depends on=y*1e6\as\RawY,
nodes near coords={\pgfmathprintnumber{\RawY}},
node near coords style={anchor=south west,rotate=45}]
table[x expr=\coordindex, y expr=\thisrow{gas}*1e-6] {\DataTable};
这是一项建议。请注意,我必须增加条形宽度的尺寸,以便能够使用最新版本的 pgfplots 进行编译。
\pgfplotscreateplotcyclelist{gray}{ % define a new cycle list
ymin = 0, ymax = 25,
bar width=17pt, % added
enlarge x limits=0.3,
legend style={at={(0.7 ,1)},
anchor=north,legend columns =-1},
ylabel ={Gas Cost and Price in ETH},
xlabel ={Sources Quantity},
symbolic x coords ={7,14,21},
nodes near coords align ={vertical},
nodes near coords style={font=\tiny}, % reduce font size of nodes near coords
cycle list name=gray, % use the new cycle list
%7: 0.11449906 ETH - 5 724 953 Gas
%14: 0.153421 ETH - 7 671 050 Gas
%21: 0.1962195 ETH - 9 810 975 Gas
\addplot+[nodes near coords=\pgfmathparse{{\myLstA}[\coordindex]}%
\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}] coordinates {(7,11) (14,15) (21,19)};
\addplot+[nodes near coords=\pgfmathparse{{\myLstB}[\coordindex]}%
nodes near coords style={xshift=1.5ex,yshift=3.5ex,rotate=70}] coordinates {(7,5) (14,7) (21,9)};