我的 tikz-cd 图表不适合文本区域

我的 tikz-cd 图表不适合文本区域

如何使我的图表适合文本区域?这是一个示例图表 - 我还有其他图表,它们也有类似的问题,所以我希望有一个通用的解决方案。



            cells={nodes={draw=black, ellipse, anchor=center, minimum height=\nodeheight}}]
            new\ Channel(low) \arrow[Rightarrow, dd, PineGreen, bend right=50] &
                new\ Channel(low) \arrow[Rightarrow, dd, PineGreen] &
                new\ Channel(low) \arrow[Rightarrow, dd, PineGreen, bend right=50]\\
            |[fill=darkgray,text=yellow]|low \arrow[rightarrow, d, violet] &
                & |[fill=darkgray,text=yellow]|low \arrow[rightarrow, d, violet]\\
            inLow1 \arrow[Rightarrow, d, PineGreen] &
                outLow \arrow[rightarrow, d, violet] &
                inLow2 \arrow[Rightarrow, d, PineGreen]\\
            read(inLow1) \arrow[Rightarrow, d, PineGreen] &
                |[fill=darkgray,text=yellow]|low &
                read(inLow2) \arrow[Rightarrow, d, PineGreen]\\
            a.f \arrow[Leftrightarrow, r, WildStrawberry] &
                c.f \arrow[rightarrow, u, violet] &
                b.f \arrow[Leftrightarrow, l, WildStrawberry]\\
            a \arrow[Rightarrow, r, PineGreen] &
                c \arrow[violet]{u}[description]{\text{inference rule}} &
                b \arrow[Rightarrow, l, PineGreen]\\
            new\ Foo \arrow[Rightarrow, u, PineGreen] &
                read(inHigh) \arrow[rightarrow, u, violet] &
                new\ Foo \arrow[Rightarrow, u, PineGreen]\\
            & inHigh \arrow[Rightarrow, u, PineGreen] &\\
            & |[fill=darkgray,text=yellow]|high \arrow[rightarrow, u, violet] &\\
            & new\ Channel(high) \arrow[Rightarrow, uu, PineGreen, bend right=50]                                                                                               







\usepackage{showframe} % just to see the margins



         \begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,
            cells={nodes={draw=black, ellipse, anchor=center, minimum height=\nodeheight}}]
            \text{new Channel(low)} \arrow[Rightarrow, dd, PineGreen, bend right=50] &
                \text{new Channel(low)} \arrow[Rightarrow, dd, PineGreen] &
                \text{new Channel(low)} \arrow[Rightarrow, dd, PineGreen, bend right=50]\\
            |[fill=darkgray,text=yellow]|\text{low} \arrow[rightarrow, d, violet] &
                & |[fill=darkgray,text=yellow]|\text{low} \arrow[rightarrow, d, violet]\\
            \text{inLow1} \arrow[Rightarrow, d, PineGreen] &
                \text{outLow} \arrow[rightarrow, d, violet] &
                \text{inLow2} \arrow[Rightarrow, d, PineGreen]\\
            \text{read(inLow1)} \arrow[Rightarrow, d, PineGreen] &
                |[fill=darkgray,text=yellow]|\text{low} &
                \text{read(inLow2)} \arrow[Rightarrow, d, PineGreen]\\
            \text{a.f} \arrow[Leftrightarrow, r, WildStrawberry] &
                \text{c.f} \arrow[rightarrow, u, violet] &
                \text{b.f} \arrow[Leftrightarrow, l, WildStrawberry]\\
            \text{a} \arrow[Rightarrow, r, PineGreen] &
                \text{c} \arrow[violet]{u}[description]{\text{inference rule}} &
                \text{b} \arrow[Rightarrow, l, PineGreen]\\
            \text{new Foo} \arrow[Rightarrow, u, PineGreen] &
                \text{read(inHigh)} \arrow[rightarrow, u, violet] &
                \text{new\ Foo} \arrow[Rightarrow, u, PineGreen]\\
            & \text{inHigh} \arrow[Rightarrow, u, PineGreen] &\\
            & |[fill=darkgray,text=yellow]|\text{high} \arrow[rightarrow, u, violet] &\\
            & \text{new Channel(high)} \arrow[Rightarrow, uu, PineGreen, bend right=50]                                                                                               




