\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}
\newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % right alligned text in X column
\caption{Risk management plan.}
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\textbf{\#}} &
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Risk}} &
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Risk\\ level\end{tabular}}} &
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Mitigation}} &
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Monitoring}} &
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Respon-\\ sibility\end{tabular}}} \\
1 & Possible defaulted payment by the client in December & \rot{High} & Make client pay one month in advance & Well documented payment schedule & Project manager \\
2 & Subcontractor going out of business & \rot{Low} & Have access to a quick raplacement & Look out for any late payments by the subcontractor & Project manager \\
3 & Property developer going out of business & \rot{Low} & Recover damages in court & & Project manager \\
4 & Bad weather, slowing down civil works & \rot{Medium} & Planing ahead, doing certain tasks under good conditions & Keeping an eye on the weather forecast & Civil CPEng \\
5 & Force Majeure (e.g. earthquake) & \rot{Medium} & Uphold current safety standards regarding natural disasters & Pay attention to warnings of natural catastrophes & Project manager \\
6 & Accidents on the workplace & \rot{Medium} & Adhere to health \& safety standards & Being mindful of oneself and others at work & Project manager \\
7 & Unforeseen physical condidtions of the site & \rot{High} & Complete geotechnical reports on the land & Compare report with actual condidtions weekly & Civil CPEng \\
旋转后的单词“medium”比其所在的行高要长。要改善其位置,您需要增加行高(例如添加),此外还要使用@Kurniawan Prihadi 评论中所建议的rule[-3ex]{0pt}{0pt}
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}
\usepackage[hmargin=30mm, vmargin=22.5mm]{geometry}
\usepackage{makecell, tabularx}
\newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % right aligned text in X column
\caption{Risk management plan.}
\thead{\#} &
\thead{Risk} &
\thead{Risk\\ level} &
\thead{Mitigation} &
\thead{Monitoring} &
\thead{Respon-\\ sibility} \\
1 & Possible defaulted payment by the client in December & \rot{High} & Make client pay one month in advance
& Well documented payment schedule
& Project manager \\
2 & Subcontractor going out of business &\rot{Low} & Have access to a quick raplacement
& Look out for any late payments by the subcontractor
& Project manager \\
3 & Property developer going out of business & \rot{Low} & Recover damages in court
& & Project manager \\
4 & Bad weather, slowing down civil works & \rot{Medium} & Planing ahead, doing certain tasks under good conditions
& Keeping an eye on the weather forecast
& Civil CPEng \\
5 & Force Majeure (e.g. earthquake) & \rot{Medium} & Uphold current safety standards regarding natural disasters
& Pay attention to warnings of natural catastrophes
& Project manager \\
6 & Accidents on the workplace & \rot{Medium} & Adhere to health \& safety standards
& Being mindful of oneself and others at work\rule[-3ex]{0pt}{0pt} % <---
& Project manager \\
7 & Unforeseen physical conditions of the site & \rot{High} & Complete geotechnical reports on the land
& Compare report with actual conditions weekly
& Civil CPEng \\
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}
\usepackage[hmargin=30mm, vmargin=22.5mm]{geometry}
\usepackage{makecell, tabularx}
\newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % right alligned text in X column
\caption{Risk management plan.}
\thead{\#} &
\thead{Risk} &
\thead{Risk\\ level} &
\thead{Mitigation} &
\thead{Monitoring} &
\thead{Respon-\\ sibility} \\
1 & Possible defaulted payment by the client in December & H & Make client pay one month in advance
& Well documented payment schedule
& Project manager \\
2 & Subcontractor going out of business & L & Have access to a quick raplacement
& Look out for any late payments by the subcontractor
& Project manager \\
3 & Property developer going out of business & L & Recover damages in court
& & Project manager \\
4 & Bad weather, slowing down civil works & M & Planing ahead, doing certain tasks under good conditions
& Keeping an eye on the weather forecast
& Civil CPEng \\
5 & Force Majeure (e.g. earthquake) & M & Uphold current safety standards regarding natural disasters
& Pay attention to warnings of natural catastrophes
& Project manager \\
6 & Accidents on the workplace & M & Adhere to health \& safety standards
& Being mindful of oneself and others at work
& Project manager \\
7 & Unforeseen physical conditions of the site & H & Complete geotechnical reports on the land
& Compare report with actual conditions weekly
& Civil CPEng \\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{H: Height,\quad M: M: Medium, \quad L: Low}