在横向页面上垂直对齐过高的 threeparttable,同时保持 fancyhdr 保持在原始位置

在横向页面上垂直对齐过高的 threeparttable,同时保持 fancyhdr 保持在原始位置




以下是 MWE:

width=16cm, %bindingoffset=-1mm, 
hmarginratio=1:1, % default=2:3




This text should be on a normal page.

                \caption{A long caption that spans multiple lines, so it adds considerable height tot the total table height. This makes is even more important to center the table vertically as the bottom of the tbale comes very close to the bottom of the page. This does not look good when printing the document on paper.}
                    \multicolumn{ 1}{c}{\em  } & \multicolumn{12}{c}{\em Spanner head} \\
                    \multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \multicolumn{6}{c}{Left panel} & \multicolumn{6}{c}{Right panel} \\
                    \cmidrule(lr){2-7} \cmidrule(l){8-13}
                    ${k}$ & ${Column 1}$ & ${Column2}$ & ${Column3}$ & ${Column4\tnote{a}}$ & ${Column5}$ & ${Column6\tnote{c}}$ & ${Col.1}$ & ${Col.2}$ & ${Col.3}$ & ${Col.4\tnote{a}}$ & ${Col.5}$ & ${Col.6\tnote{c}}$\\
                    1 & 2.45$^{**}$ & 1.28$^{**}$ & -0.33$^{**}$ & 0.06 & 3.41 & 8.49$^{**}$ & 2.45$^{**}$ & 1.28$^{**}$ & -0.33$^{**}$ & 0.06 & 3.41 & 8.49$^{**}$\\
                    & (0.40) & (0.39) & (0.12) &  &  &  & (0.40) & (0.39) & (0.12) &  &  & \\
                    2 & 2.29$^{**}$ & 1.55$^{**}$ & -0.40$^{**}$ & 0.13 & 2.65 & 20.42$^{**}$ & 2.20$^{**}$ & 1.79$^{**}$ & -0.47$^{**}$ & 0.12 & 3.30 & 17.51$^{**}$\\
                    & (0.44) & (0.36) & (0.11) &  &  &  & (0.36) & (0.36) & (0.12) &  &  & \\
                    3 & 2.26$^{**}$ & 1.51$^{**}$ & -0.38$^{**}$ & 0.16 & 2.32 & 25.39$^{**}$ & 2.26$^{**}$ & 1.40$^{**}$ & -0.33$^{*}$ & 0.07 & 3.38 & 10.80$^{**}$\\
                    & (0.45) & (0.35) & (0.11) &  &  &  & (0.41) & (0.44) & (0.14) &  &  & \\
                    4 & 2.25$^{**}$ & 1.44$^{**}$ & -0.36$^{**}$ & 0.18 & 2.09 & 29.38$^{**}$ & 2.29$^{**}$ & 1.23 & -0.27 & 0.06 & 3.41 & 8.52$^{**}$\\
                    & (0.58) & (0.33) & (0.12) &  &  &  & (0.50) & (0.68) & (0.22) &  &  & \\
                    5 & 2.28$^{**}$ & 1.37$^{**}$ & -0.34$^{**}$ & 0.19 & 1.92 & 31.36$^{**}$ & 2.49$^{**}$ & 1.05$^{**}$ & -0.25$^{*}$ & 0.04 & 3.44 & 5.78$^{**}$\\
                    & (0.56) & (0.33) & (0.12) &  &  &  & (0.52) & (0.38) & (0.12) &  &  & \\
                    6 & 2.34$^{**}$ & 1.24$^{**}$ & -0.30$^{**}$ & 0.19 & 1.79 & 29.83$^{**}$ & 2.71$^{**}$ & 0.57$^{*}$ & -0.12 & 0.01 & 3.50 & 1.80\\
                    & (0.58) & (0.30) & (0.11) &  &  &  & (0.53) & (0.27) & (0.10) &  &  & \\
                    7 & 2.40$^{**}$ & 1.13$^{**}$ & -0.27$^{*}$ & 0.18 & 1.69 & 27.62$^{**}$ & 2.83$^{**}$ & 0.40 & -0.09 & 0.00 & 3.52 & 0.88\\
                    & (0.63) & (0.28) & (0.11) &  &  &  & (0.57) & (0.36) & (0.11) &  &  & \\
                    8 & 2.48$^{**}$ & 1.03$^{**}$ & -0.25$^{*}$ & 0.16 & 1.61 & 25.02$^{**}$ & 3.07$^{**}$ & 0.27 & -0.11 & 0.00 & 3.52 & 0.44\\
                    & (0.65) & (0.26) & (0.10) &  &  &  & (0.62) & (0.72) & (0.21) &  &  & \\
                    12 & 2.77$^{**}$ & 0.61 & -0.17 & 0.08 & 1.40 & 11.03$^{**}$ & 3.37$^{**}$ & -0.26 & 0.02 & 0.01 & 2.33 & 1.76\\
                    & (0.78) & (0.48) & (0.15) &  &  &  & (1.15) & (1.07) & (0.29) &  &  & \\
                    16 & 2.96$^{**}$ & 0.31 & -0.09 & 0.02 & 1.25 & 3.46$^{*}$ & 3.57$^{**}$ & -0.66 & 0.13 & 0.04 & 2.24 & 5.99$^{**}$\\
                    & (1.09) & (0.36) & (0.16) &  &  &  & (0.78) & (0.41) & (0.15) &  &  & \\
                    20 & 3.08$^{**}$ & 0.17 & -0.07 & 0.01 & 1.13 & 1.89 & 3.55$^{**}$ & -0.41 & 0.02 & 0.03 & 2.20 & 5.25$^{**}$\\
                    & (0.97) & (0.35) & (0.15) &  &  &  & (0.79) & (0.43) & (0.15) &  &  & \\
                    \item \textit{Notes:} 
                    \item A general note.
                    \item[a] A specific note.
                    \item[b] Another specific note.
                    \item[c] The last note.

Here the normal page orientation continues.



这几乎是一行补丁。我过去\raisebox将基线和\smash表格居中,以便 [p] 可以将基线置于页面中央。

width=16cm, %bindingoffset=-1mm, 
hmarginratio=1:1, % default=2:3



\newlength{\tempdima}% name is unimportant


This text should be on a normal page.

      \raisebox{\dimexpr 0.5\depth-0.5\height}[0pt][0pt]{\begin{threeparttable}
                \caption{A long caption that spans multiple lines, so it adds considerable height tot the total table height. This makes is even more important to center the table vertically as the bottom of the tbale comes very close to the bottom of the page. This does not look good when printing the document on paper.}
                    \multicolumn{ 1}{c}{\em  } & \multicolumn{12}{c}{\em Spanner head} \\
                    \multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \multicolumn{6}{c}{Left panel} & \multicolumn{6}{c}{Right panel} \\
                    \cmidrule(lr){2-7} \cmidrule(l){8-13}
                    ${k}$ & ${Column 1}$ & ${Column2}$ & ${Column3}$ & ${Column4\tnote{a}}$ & ${Column5}$ & ${Column6\tnote{c}}$ & ${Col.1}$ & ${Col.2}$ & ${Col.3}$ & ${Col.4\tnote{a}}$ & ${Col.5}$ & ${Col.6\tnote{c}}$\\
                    1 & 2.45$^{**}$ & 1.28$^{**}$ & -0.33$^{**}$ & 0.06 & 3.41 & 8.49$^{**}$ & 2.45$^{**}$ & 1.28$^{**}$ & -0.33$^{**}$ & 0.06 & 3.41 & 8.49$^{**}$\\
                    & (0.40) & (0.39) & (0.12) &  &  &  & (0.40) & (0.39) & (0.12) &  &  & \\
                    2 & 2.29$^{**}$ & 1.55$^{**}$ & -0.40$^{**}$ & 0.13 & 2.65 & 20.42$^{**}$ & 2.20$^{**}$ & 1.79$^{**}$ & -0.47$^{**}$ & 0.12 & 3.30 & 17.51$^{**}$\\
                    & (0.44) & (0.36) & (0.11) &  &  &  & (0.36) & (0.36) & (0.12) &  &  & \\
                    3 & 2.26$^{**}$ & 1.51$^{**}$ & -0.38$^{**}$ & 0.16 & 2.32 & 25.39$^{**}$ & 2.26$^{**}$ & 1.40$^{**}$ & -0.33$^{*}$ & 0.07 & 3.38 & 10.80$^{**}$\\
                    & (0.45) & (0.35) & (0.11) &  &  &  & (0.41) & (0.44) & (0.14) &  &  & \\
                    4 & 2.25$^{**}$ & 1.44$^{**}$ & -0.36$^{**}$ & 0.18 & 2.09 & 29.38$^{**}$ & 2.29$^{**}$ & 1.23 & -0.27 & 0.06 & 3.41 & 8.52$^{**}$\\
                    & (0.58) & (0.33) & (0.12) &  &  &  & (0.50) & (0.68) & (0.22) &  &  & \\
                    5 & 2.28$^{**}$ & 1.37$^{**}$ & -0.34$^{**}$ & 0.19 & 1.92 & 31.36$^{**}$ & 2.49$^{**}$ & 1.05$^{**}$ & -0.25$^{*}$ & 0.04 & 3.44 & 5.78$^{**}$\\
                    & (0.56) & (0.33) & (0.12) &  &  &  & (0.52) & (0.38) & (0.12) &  &  & \\
                    6 & 2.34$^{**}$ & 1.24$^{**}$ & -0.30$^{**}$ & 0.19 & 1.79 & 29.83$^{**}$ & 2.71$^{**}$ & 0.57$^{*}$ & -0.12 & 0.01 & 3.50 & 1.80\\
                    & (0.58) & (0.30) & (0.11) &  &  &  & (0.53) & (0.27) & (0.10) &  &  & \\
                    7 & 2.40$^{**}$ & 1.13$^{**}$ & -0.27$^{*}$ & 0.18 & 1.69 & 27.62$^{**}$ & 2.83$^{**}$ & 0.40 & -0.09 & 0.00 & 3.52 & 0.88\\
                    & (0.63) & (0.28) & (0.11) &  &  &  & (0.57) & (0.36) & (0.11) &  &  & \\
                    8 & 2.48$^{**}$ & 1.03$^{**}$ & -0.25$^{*}$ & 0.16 & 1.61 & 25.02$^{**}$ & 3.07$^{**}$ & 0.27 & -0.11 & 0.00 & 3.52 & 0.44\\
                    & (0.65) & (0.26) & (0.10) &  &  &  & (0.62) & (0.72) & (0.21) &  &  & \\
                    12 & 2.77$^{**}$ & 0.61 & -0.17 & 0.08 & 1.40 & 11.03$^{**}$ & 3.37$^{**}$ & -0.26 & 0.02 & 0.01 & 2.33 & 1.76\\
                    & (0.78) & (0.48) & (0.15) &  &  &  & (1.15) & (1.07) & (0.29) &  &  & \\
                    16 & 2.96$^{**}$ & 0.31 & -0.09 & 0.02 & 1.25 & 3.46$^{*}$ & 3.57$^{**}$ & -0.66 & 0.13 & 0.04 & 2.24 & 5.99$^{**}$\\
                    & (1.09) & (0.36) & (0.16) &  &  &  & (0.78) & (0.41) & (0.15) &  &  & \\
                    20 & 3.08$^{**}$ & 0.17 & -0.07 & 0.01 & 1.13 & 1.89 & 3.55$^{**}$ & -0.41 & 0.02 & 0.03 & 2.20 & 5.25$^{**}$\\
                    & (0.97) & (0.35) & (0.15) &  &  &  & (0.79) & (0.43) & (0.15) &  &  & \\
                    \item \textit{Notes:} 
                    \item A general note.
                    \item[a] A specific note.
                    \item[b] Another specific note.
                    \item[c] The last note.

Here the normal page orientation continues.





            width=16cm, %bindingoffset=-1mm,
            hmarginratio=1:1, % default=2:3
%\usepackage[export]{adjustbox}   % not used in this MWE
\usepackage{array,                % new
\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{1}{>{$}c<{$}}{#1}} % new
\setlength{\defaultaddspace}{3pt}  % increased from 2pt
\usepackage{siunitx}               % new




This text should be on a normal page.

%    \begin{table}[h!]
%        \begin{adjustbox}{valign=C,raise=2cm} 
\sisetup{input-symbols = {( )},          
\renewcommand\arraystretch{0.8}  % <-----
\small                           % <-----
    \caption{A long caption that spans multiple lines, so it adds considerable height tot the total table height. This makes is even more important to center the table vertically as the bottom of the tbale comes very close to the bottom of the page. This does not look good when printing the document on paper.}
        & \multicolumn{12}{c}{\emph{Spanner head}}  \\
        & \multicolumn{6}{c}{Left panel} & \multicolumn{6}{c}{Right panel} \\
        \cmidrule(lr){2-7} \cmidrule(l){8-13}
    ${k}$   & \mc{Column 1} & \mc{Column 2} & \mc{Column 3} & \mc{Column 4\tnote{a}}
            & \mc{Column 5} & \mc{Column 6\tnote{c}}
            & \mc{Col. 1}   & \mc{Col. 2}   & \mc{Col. 3}   & \mc{Col. 4\tnote{a}} 
            & \mc{Col. 5}   & \mc{Col. 6\tnote{c}}  \\
        1 & 2.45\tnote{**} & 1.28\tnote{**} & -0.33\tnote{**} & 0.06 & 3.41 & 8.49\tnote{**} & 2.45\tnote{**} & 1.28\tnote{**} & -0.33\tnote{**} & 0.06 & 3.41 & 8.49\tnote{**}\\
        & (0.40) & (0.39) & (0.12) &  &  &  & (0.40) & (0.39) & (0.12) &  &  & \\
        2 & 2.29\tnote{**} & 1.55\tnote{**} & -0.40\tnote{**} & 0.13 & 2.65 & 20.42\tnote{**} & 2.20\tnote{**} & 1.79\tnote{**} & -0.47\tnote{**} & 0.12 & 3.30 & 17.51\tnote{**}\\
        & (0.44) & (0.36) & (0.11) &  &  &  & (0.36) & (0.36) & (0.12) &  &  & \\
        3 & 2.26\tnote{**} & 1.51\tnote{**} & -0.38\tnote{**} & 0.16 & 2.32 & 25.39\tnote{**} & 2.26\tnote{**} & 1.40\tnote{**} & -0.33\tnote{*} & 0.07 & 3.38 & 10.80\tnote{**}\\
        & (0.45) & (0.35) & (0.11) &  &  &  & (0.41) & (0.44) & (0.14) &  &  & \\
        4 & 2.25\tnote{**} & 1.44\tnote{**} & -0.36\tnote{**} & 0.18 & 2.09 & 29.38\tnote{**} & 2.29\tnote{**} & 1.23 & -0.27 & 0.06 & 3.41 & 8.52\tnote{**}\\
        & (0.58) & (0.33) & (0.12) &  &  &  & (0.50) & (0.68) & (0.22) &  &  & \\
        5 & 2.28\tnote{**} & 1.37\tnote{**} & -0.34\tnote{**} & 0.19 & 1.92 & 31.36\tnote{**} & 2.49\tnote{**} & 1.05\tnote{**} & -0.25\tnote{*} & 0.04 & 3.44 & 5.78\tnote{**}\\
        & (0.56) & (0.33) & (0.12) &  &  &  & (0.52) & (0.38) & (0.12) &  &  & \\
        6 & 2.34\tnote{**} & 1.24\tnote{**} & -0.30\tnote{**} & 0.19 & 1.79 & 29.83\tnote{**} & 2.71\tnote{**} & 0.57\tnote{*} & -0.12 & 0.01 & 3.50 & 1.80\\
        & (0.58) & (0.30) & (0.11) &  &  &  & (0.53) & (0.27) & (0.10) &  &  & \\
        7 & 2.40\tnote{**} & 1.13\tnote{**} & -0.27\tnote{*} & 0.18 & 1.69 & 27.62\tnote{**} & 2.83\tnote{**} & 0.40 & -0.09 & 0.00 & 3.52 & 0.88\\
        & (0.63) & (0.28) & (0.11) &  &  &  & (0.57) & (0.36) & (0.11) &  &  & \\
        8 & 2.48\tnote{**} & 1.03\tnote{**} & -0.25\tnote{*} & 0.16 & 1.61 & 25.02\tnote{**} & 3.07\tnote{**} & 0.27 & -0.11 & 0.00 & 3.52 & 0.44\\
        & (0.65) & (0.26) & (0.10) &  &  &  & (0.62) & (0.72) & (0.21) &  &  & \\
        12 & 2.77\tnote{**} & 0.61 & -0.17 & 0.08 & 1.40 & 11.03\tnote{**} & 3.37\tnote{**} & -0.26 & 0.02 & 0.01 & 2.33 & 1.76\\
        & (0.78) & (0.48) & (0.15) &  &  &  & (1.15) & (1.07) & (0.29) &  &  & \\
        16 & 2.96\tnote{**} & 0.31 & -0.09 & 0.02 & 1.25 & 3.46\tnote{*} & 3.57\tnote{**} & -0.66 & 0.13 & 0.04 & 2.24 & 5.99\tnote{**}\\
        & (1.09) & (0.36) & (0.16) &  &  &  & (0.78) & (0.41) & (0.15) &  &  & \\
        20 & 3.08\tnote{**} & 0.17 & -0.07 & 0.01 & 1.13 & 1.89 & 3.55\tnote{**} & -0.41 & 0.02 & 0.03 & 2.20 & 5.25\tnote{**}\\
        & (0.97) & (0.35) & (0.15) &  &  &  & (0.79) & (0.43) & (0.15) &  &  & \\
        \note{A general note.}  % changed
        \item[a] A specific note.
        \item[b] Another specific note.
        \item[c] The last note.
%        \end{adjustbox}
%    \end{table}

Here the normal page orientation continues.

