

我正在尝试创建一个图形,其中右侧有两三张照片,左侧有文字。我想要的是左侧的文本均匀分布在单元格的高度(等于照片的高度)。这是我的 MWE:



                        \makecell[cc]{line 1 \\ line 2 \\ line 3 \\} & \makecell[cc]{\includegraphics[width=0.5 \textwidth]{example-image-a}\\ text below image A} & \makecell[cc]{\includegraphics[width=0.5 \textwidth]{example-image-b}\\ text below image b}\\
                        \makecell[cc]{line 1 \\ line 2 \\ line 3 \\} & \makecell[cc]{\includegraphics[width=0.5 \textwidth]{example-image-a}\\ text below image A} & \makecell[cc]{\includegraphics[width=0.5 \textwidth]{example-image-b}\\ text below image b}\\
                \caption{caption of the whole figure}


\makecell[cc]{\vfill line1 \\ \vfill line2 \\ \vfill line3\\}

但这样我就得到了一个错误,提示“缺少 \endgroup 插入”。\\在我看来,在行间使用 more 似乎非常不方便。





\usepackage{showframe}% debugging tool

           \sbox0{\includegraphics[width=0.4 \textwidth]{example-image-a}}%
           \sbox1{\includegraphics[width=0.4 \textwidth]{example-image-b}}%
                \parbox[c][\dimexpr \ht0+\normalbaselineskip][s]{\dimexpr 0.2\textwidth - 6\tabcolsep}%
                  {\centering line 1 \\[\fill] line 2 \\[\fill] line 3 \\[\fill]} & 
                    \makecell[cc]{\usebox0 \\ text below image A} & 
                    \makecell[cc]{\usebox1 \\ text below image b}\\
                        \makecell[cc]{line 1 \\[\fill] line 2 \\[\fill] line 3 \\[\fill]} & \makecell[cc]{\includegraphics[width=0.4 \textwidth]{example-image-a}\\ 
                        text below image A} & \makecell[cc]{\includegraphics[width=0.4 \textwidth]{example-image-b}\\ text below image b}\\
                \caption{caption of the whole figure}



\usepackage{showframe}% debugging tool

\newlength{\tempdima}% \dimen0 doesn't work here

          \sbox0{\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}} line 1 \\ line 2 \\ line 3 \end{tabular}}% measure width of text
          \setlength{\tempdima}{\dimexpr 0.5\textwidth - 3\tabcolsep - 0.5\wd0}%
          \sbox1{\includegraphics[width=\tempdima]{example-image-a}}% measure height of image
          \sbox2{\includegraphics[width=\tempdima]{example-image-b}}% measure height of image
          \ifdim\ht2>\ht1 \dimen1=\ht2 \fi
          \advance\dimen1 by \arraystretch\baselineskip
              {\centering line 1 \\[\fill] line 2 \\[\fill] line 3 \\[\fill] \hrule} & 
                \makecell[cc]{\usebox1 \\ text below image A} & 
                \makecell[cc]{\usebox2 \\ text below image b}\\
            \makecell[cc]{line 1 \\[\fill] line 2 \\[\fill] line 3 \\[\fill]} & \makecell[cc]{\includegraphics[width=\tempdima]{example-image-a}\\ 
              text below image A} & \makecell[cc]{\includegraphics[width=\tempdima]{example-image-b}\\ text below image b}\\
          \caption{caption of the whole figure}


minipage一个更简单的解决方案是在 a 中使用 atabular并适应@karlkoeller 的回答上一个问题在这个修改过的例子中,计算了高度和宽度以避免过满hbox


\usepackage{graphicx, ragged2e, array, calc}

\newlength{\picheight} % height of picture, use same height on the minipage
\newlength{\cwidth} % calculate the width of columns, use same width for the picture






\begin{minipage}[b][\picheight][s]{\linewidth} % minipage has same height as the pictures
\setlength{\baselineskip}{\dimexpr\baselineskip plus 50pt}%
I am trying to create a figure or something nice to write.%
& \includegraphics[width=\cwidth]{example-image-a} 
& \includegraphics[width=\cwidth]{example-image-b}\\
& text below image A & text below image B \\
\setlength{\baselineskip}{\dimexpr\baselineskip plus 50pt}%
Here, I am trying to write some interesting words regarding a figure or something.%
& \includegraphics[width=\cwidth]{example-image-a} 
& \includegraphics[width=\cwidth]{example-image-b}\\
& text below image C & text below image D \\
\caption{Caption of the whole figure}

