xelatex 选项 -output-directory 与 include 命令有关的问题

xelatex 选项 -output-directory 与 include 命令有关的问题

我的设置是 texlive2019 + texstudio,编译器是 xelatex,我在与主 tex 相同的根文件夹中为辅助文件设置了“临时”文件夹,使用此命令

xelatex.exe -output-directory=temp -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

将代码编译为 pdf。使用以下 MWE,


\title{ \normalsize \textsc{}
    \\ [2.0cm]
    \HRule{0.5pt} \\
    \LARGE {\uppercase{\bfseries{xx}}
        \HRule{2pt} \\ [0.5cm] \vspace*{2\baselineskip}
        \normalsize  \vspace*{3\baselineskip}}


\author{xx \\ 
    xx }

\pdfbookmark[0]{Cover}{title}           % command in hyperref
%\pdfbookmark[0]{Contents}{toc}        % comment this line for have minitoc in each chapter
\dominitoc                              % Pre-do the minitoc
\dominilof                              % Pre-do the minilof
\dominilot                              % Pre-do the minilot
\faketableofcontents                      % hide main toc
%\pdfbookmark[0]{Figure}{lof}          % comment this line for have minitoc in each chapter
\fakelistoffigures                        % hide main lof
%\pdfbookmark[0]{Table}{lot}           % comment this line for have minitoc in each chapter
\fakelistoftables                        % hide main lot
\pdfbookmark[0]{Revision}{Revision}           % command in hyperref








! I can't write on file `main/ch1/ch1.aux'.

我该如何修复这个问题?意思是让 xelatex 找到正确的辅助文件?谢谢。
