\tikzstyle{block}=[draw, fill=boxcolor, minimum size=2em, text width = 2.5cm, align = center, minimum height = 2.5cm]
\tikzstyle{arrow}=[->, red, text = black]
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, >=latex']
\node [block, pin={[arrow] above left:$m$}] (s) {Susceptible \\ $S$};
\node [block, right = 2.5cm of s] (p) {Infected, \\ Presymptomatic \\ $P$};
\node [block, above right = 0.25cm and 1cm of p] (a) {Infected, \\ Asymptomatic \\ $A$};
\node [block, below right = 0.25cm and 1cm of p] (i) {Infected, \\ Sympomatic \\ $I$};
\node [block, right = 1cm of a] (r) {Recovered, \\ Immune \\ $R$};
\node [block, right = 1cm of i] (d) {Dead \\ $D$};
\draw [arrow] (s) -- node [above] {$b_PPS+b_AAS$} node [below] {$+b_IIS$} (p);
\draw [arrow] (p.north) |- ++(0cm,+1.5cm) -- node [above] {$fg_PP$} (a.west);
\draw [arrow] (p.south) |- ++(0cm,-1.5cm) -- node [below] {$(1-f)g_P P$} (i.west);
\draw [arrow] (a) -- node [above] {$g_A A$} (r);
\draw [arrow] (i) -- node [below] {$d g_I I$} (d);
\draw [arrow] (i) -- node [above, xshift = 1cm,yshift = -0.2cm] {$(1-d) g_I I$} (r);
\draw [arrow] (r.north) |- ++(0cm,+1.0cm) -- node [above, pos = 0.75mm] {$wR$} ++(-3cm,0cm) -| (s);
但是,我很难弄清楚如何添加指向节点或指向节点外的箭头而不连接到另一个节点(例如,标记为 $m$ 的箭头仅进入易受影响节点)。
您需要进行pin edge
\tikzset{block/.style={draw, fill=boxcolor, minimum size=2em, text width =
2.5cm, align = center, minimum height = 2.5cm},
arrow/.style={->, red, text = black}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, >=latex']
\node [block, pin={[pin edge={arrow,<-}] above left:$m$}] (s) {Susceptible \\ $S$};
\node [block, right = 2.5cm of s] (p) {Infected, \\ Presymptomatic \\ $P$};
\node [block, above right = 0.25cm and 1cm of p] (a) {Infected, \\ Asymptomatic \\ $A$};
\node [block, below right = 0.25cm and 1cm of p] (i) {Infected, \\ Sympomatic \\ $I$};
\node [block, right = 1cm of a] (r) {Recovered, \\ Immune \\ $R$};
\node [block, right = 1cm of i] (d) {Dead \\ $D$};
\draw [arrow] (s) -- node [above] {$b_PPS+b_AAS$} node [below] {$+b_IIS$} (p);
\draw [arrow] (p.north) |- ++(0cm,+1.5cm) -- node [above] {$fg_PP$} (a.west);
\draw [arrow] (p.south) |- ++(0cm,-1.5cm) -- node [below] {$(1-f)g_P P$} (i.west);
\draw [arrow] (a) -- node [above] {$g_A A$} (r);
\draw [arrow] (i) -- node [below] {$d g_I I$} (d);
\draw [arrow] (i) -- node [above, xshift = 1cm,yshift = -0.2cm] {$(1-d) g_I I$} (r);
\draw [arrow] (r.north) |- ++(0cm,+1.0cm) -- node [above, pos = 0.75mm] {$wR$} ++(-3cm,0cm) -| (s);
如果您想要该类型的所有引脚,请使用every pin
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, >=latex',every pin/.style={pin edge={arrow,<-}}]
\node [block, pin={above left:$m$}] (s) {Susceptible \\ $S$};