Biber 不打印参考书目,尽管没有显示任何错误

Biber 不打印参考书目,尽管没有显示任何错误

我对 Latex 有点熟悉,尽管我才刚刚开始研究参考书目部分。不久前,我只是使用 \thebibliography 命令。

现在我想改用 biber,但我遇到了一个似乎无法解决的问题。我想只有我一个人无法解决,因为这肯定是我在某个地方忽略了一些愚蠢的细节。让我先写一个我的代码示例。

%... more packages...


Here the whole document goes on... Then I would like to print the bibliography.


然后我首先使用 pdfLaTeX 运行 tex 文件,然后用 Biber,然后再次使用 pdfLaTeX。


我尝试更新实用程序的每个包。我尝试将 biber 重新定义为 BibTeX 引擎。我尝试了所有能想到的方法,但似乎都不起作用。

此外,如果我打开 .bib 文件并使用 biber 进行编译,我会看到以下错误显示:

INFO - This is Biber 2.12
INFO - Logfile is 'biblio_mimeo.blg'
ERROR - Cannot find control file 'biblio_mimeo.bcf'! - Did latex run successfully on your .tex file before you ran biber?

这里我还显示 .bib 源,以防缺少某些内容。

    author = {Fehr, Ernst and Tyran, Jean-Robert},
    title = {Does Money Illusion Matter?},
    journaltitle = {American Economic Review},
    date = {2001},

    author = {Fehr, Ernst and Tyran, Jean-Robert},
    title = {Money Illusion and Coordination Failure},
    journaltitle = {Games and Economic Behavior},
    date = {2007},

    author = {Fehr, Ernst and Tyran, Jean-Robert},
    title = {Limited Rationality and Strategic Interaction: The Impact of the Strategic Environment on Nominal Inertia},
    journaltitle = {Econometrica},
    date = {2008},

    author = {Petersen, Luba and Winn, Abel},
    title = {Does Money Illusion Matter?:Comment},
    journaltitle = {American Economic Review},
    date = {2014},

@article{de groot:sub
    author = {DeGroot, H. Morris},
    title = {Reaching a Consensus},
    journaltitle = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
    date = {1974},

    author = {Cooper, Russell and John, Andrew},
    title = {Coordinating Coordination Failures in Keynesian Models},
    journaltitle = {The Quarterly Journal of Economics},
    date = {1988},

我忘了说我在 MacBook 上使用 TeXworks。我也尝试通过命令行运行这些命令,但得到的响应相同。



好吧,根据您给出的代码和 bib 条目,我创建了以下 mwe:

    author = {Fehr, Ernst and Tyran, Jean-Robert},
    title = {Does Money Illusion Matter?},
    journaltitle = {American Economic Review},
    date = {2001},

    author = {Fehr, Ernst and Tyran, Jean-Robert},
    title = {Money Illusion and Coordination Failure},
    journaltitle = {Games and Economic Behavior},
    date = {2007},

    author = {Fehr, Ernst and Tyran, Jean-Robert},
    title = {Limited Rationality and Strategic Interaction: The Impact of the Strategic Environment on Nominal Inertia},
    journaltitle = {Econometrica},
    date = {2008},

    author = {Petersen, Luba and Winn, Abel},
    title = {Does Money Illusion Matter?:Comment},
    journaltitle = {American Economic Review},
    date = {2014},

@article{de groot:sub
    author = {DeGroot, H. Morris},
    title = {Reaching a Consensus},
    journaltitle = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
    date = {1974},

    author = {Cooper, Russell and John, Andrew},
    title = {Coordinating Coordination Failures in Keynesian Models},
    journaltitle = {The Quarterly Journal of Economics},
    date = {1988},


%... more packages...

\addbibresource{\jobname.bib} % biblio_mimeo.bib

Here the whole document goes on ... \cite{ft:2001} % <==================
Then I would like to print the bibliography.
\nocite{*} % <==========================================================


使用链pdflatex mwe.tex, biber mwe,编译pdflatex mwe.texpdflatex mwe.tex得到以下mwe.blg文件:

[273]> ERROR - BibTeX subsystem: C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\xxxxxxxx\mwe.bib_2792.utf8, line 2, syntax error: found "author", expected ","
[273]> INFO - ERRORS: 1

这里的信息非常明确:syntax error: found "author", expected ","

造成这种情况的原因是您在 bib 文件中的 bib 输入键后忘记添加逗号。

请看下面的内容,现在已更正 mwe(更正后的 bib 文件请参见环境中的内容filecontents*,请注意我还删除了键中的空白de groot:)@article{degroot:sub,

    author = {Fehr, Ernst and Tyran, Jean-Robert},
    title = {Does Money Illusion Matter?},
    journaltitle = {American Economic Review},
    date = {2001},

    author = {Fehr, Ernst and Tyran, Jean-Robert},
    title = {Money Illusion and Coordination Failure},
    journaltitle = {Games and Economic Behavior},
    date = {2007},

    author = {Fehr, Ernst and Tyran, Jean-Robert},
    title = {Limited Rationality and Strategic Interaction: The Impact of the Strategic Environment on Nominal Inertia},
    journaltitle = {Econometrica},
    date = {2008},

    author = {Petersen, Luba and Winn, Abel},
    title = {Does Money Illusion Matter?:Comment},
    journaltitle = {American Economic Review},
    date = {2014},

    author = {DeGroot, H. Morris},
    title = {Reaching a Consensus},
    journaltitle = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
    date = {1974},

    author = {Cooper, Russell and John, Andrew},
    title = {Coordinating Coordination Failures in Keynesian Models},
    journaltitle = {The Quarterly Journal of Economics},
    date = {1988},


%... more packages...

\addbibresource{\jobname.bib} % biblio_mimeo.bib

Here the whole document goes on ... \cite{ft:2001} % <==================
Then I would like to print the bibliography.
\nocite{*} % <==========================================================




请阅读使用 biblatex 和 biber 创建参考书目的介绍,因为您给定的 bib 文件中缺少字段,您应该添加这些字段以获得正确的参考书目...
