

我希望以下 LOF、LOT 和 TOC 中的所有标题都与左边距对齐。我在这里所说的标题是指不包括编号的章节或节的标题。事实上,我希望编号缩进。我不希望对齐文本,而是希望将其与缩进的编号对齐,从而允许单词之间的间距更宽松,并避免强制使用连字符。我想要这样做是因为它会使长标题在连字符时断开或超出其指定区域并到达页码列








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\subsection{Review of Control or Compensation Based Techniques to Mitigate Grid Weakness Symptoms}
\section{Background About Round-Off Errors During the Inversion of Ill-Conditioned Matrices}


    \caption{Impact of impedance ratios with different angles in the same quadrant on grid strength at the reference POI. Note that in all subfigures, the vector whose angle with respect to the reference is smaller will have larger impact}



    \caption{Top Five Weakest Combinations of POIs Identified with Exhaustive Search Method and the Proposed Method for Case 1.}


\chapter{A Method to Identify Weak Points of Interconnection of Renewable Energy Resources}

\section{Proposed Method to Update ${Z}_{bus}$ to Account for Changes in the Series Impedance of a Branch}

\chapter{Vector-Based Approach to Analyze Transmission Network Effect on Interaction Among Renewables}

\section{A Mathematical Basis for Understanding the Relationship Between Interaction and Structural Changes in Power Grid}

\subsection{Combined Effect of $\bar{w}_{ij}$ Angle and Magnitude Near When its Angle is Near $\pm 90^{\degree}$}





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\section{First section}
Some text

这些\cft...indent更改减少了目录中标题编号前的空间;在这种情况下,标题文本(大约)垂直对齐,编号缩进到边距,我认为这是您想要的。阅读文档tocloft> texdoc tocloft)了解更多信息。我让您自行进行调整以适合您的 ToC、LoF、Lot 条目。



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\subsection{Review of Control or Compensation Based Techniques to Mitigate Grid Weakness Symptoms}
\section{Background About Round-Off Errors During the Inversion of Ill-Conditioned Matrices}
    \caption{Impact of impedance ratios with different angles in the same quadrant on grid strength at the reference POI. Note that in all subfigures, the vector whose angle with respect to the reference is smaller will have larger impact}

    \caption{Top Five Weakest Combinations of POIs Identified with Exhaustive Search Method and the Proposed Method for Case 1.}
\chapter{A Method to Identify Weak Points of Interconnection of Renewable Energy Resources}
\section{Proposed Method to Update ${Z}_{bus}$ to Account for Changes in the Series Impedance of a Branch}
\chapter{Vector-Based Approach to Analyze Transmission Network Effect on Interaction Among Renewables}
\section{A Mathematical Basis for Understanding the Relationship Between Interaction and Structural Changes in Power Grid}
\subsection{Combined Effect of $\bar{w}_{ij}$ Angle and Magnitude Near When its Angle is Near $\pm 90^{\degree}$}

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\subsection{Review of Control or Compensation Based Techniques to Mitigate Grid Weakness Symptoms}
\section{Background About Round-Off Errors During the Inversion of Ill-Conditioned Matrices}
    \caption{Impact of impedance ratios with different angles in the same quadrant on grid strength at the reference POI. Note that in all subfigures, the vector whose angle with respect to the reference is smaller will have larger impact}

    \caption{Top Five Weakest Combinations of POIs Identified with Exhaustive Search Method and the Proposed Method for Case 1.}
\chapter{A Method to Identify Weak Points of Interconnection of Renewable Energy Resources}
\section{Proposed Method to Update ${Z}_{bus}$ to Account for Changes in the Series Impedance of a Branch}
\chapter{Vector-Based Approach to Analyze Transmission Network Effect on Interaction Among Renewables}
\section{A Mathematical Basis for Understanding the Relationship Between Interaction and Structural Changes in Power Grid}
\subsection{Combined Effect of $\bar{w}_{ij}$ Angle and Magnitude Near When its Angle is Near $\pm 90^{\degree}$}

