如何从 biblatex 获取参考书目?

如何从 biblatex 获取参考书目?

我尝试理解 biblatex 并尝试获取 Rich Thomason 的参考书目,http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~rth​​omaso/bibs/index.html,上班。这是我的 MWE:

Will this be bibliographised? ~\cite{aaker:1981a}.


以下是 Thomason 大型文件中的一些 bib 条目:

@book{ aaker:1981a,
  author = {David A. Aaker},
  title = {Multivariate Analysis in Marketing},
  edition = {2},
  publisher = {The Scientific Press},
  year = {1981},
  address = {Palo Alto},
  topic = {multivariate-statistics;market-research;}

@incollection{ abb-etal:1996a,
  author = {Bernd Abb and Carsten G\"unther and Michael Herweg and Kai
            Lebeth and Claudia Maienborn and Andrea Schopp},
  title = {Incremental Grammatical Encoding---An Outline of the
        Synphonics Formulator},
  booktitle = {Trends in Natural Language Generation, An Artificial
        Intelligence Perspective, Fourth {E}uropean Workshop,
        {EWNLG} '93, Pisa, Italy, April 28-30, 1993, Selected
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = {1036},
  year = {1996},
  editor = {Giovanni Adorni and Michael Zock},
  pages = {277--299},
  address = {New York},
  topic = {nl-generation;nl-realization;}

@inproceedings{ abbate-thiel_u:2003a,
  author = {Marcello L'Abbate and Ulrich Thiel},
  title = {The Use of Contextual Information in a Proactivity Model
        for Conversational Agents},
  booktitle = {Modeling and Using Context: Fourth International and
    Interdisciplinary Conference, Context 2003},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2003},
  editor = {Patrick Blackburn and Chiara Ghidini and Roy M. Turner
    and Fausto Giunchiglia},
  pages = {459--466},
  address = {Berlin},
  topic = {context;HCI;}

@unpublished{ abbott_b:1974a,
  author = {Barbara Abbott},
  title = {Some Problems in Giving an Adequate Model-Theoretical
    Account of {CAUSE}},
  year = {1974},
  rtnote = {In RHT collection.  Judging from a note attached, it may
    have been published in BLS 3, 1975.  Check this out.},
  note = {Unpublished manuscript.},
  topic = {causality;}

@unpublished{ abbott_b:1974b,
  author = {Barbara Abbott},
  title = {Some Remarks Concerning {H}intikka's Theory of Propositional
  year = {1974},
  rtnote = {In RHT collection.},
  note = {Unpublished manuscript.},
  topic = {propositional-attitudes;}

@unpublished{ abbott_b:1975a,
  author = {Barbara Abbott},
  title = {Remarks on `Belief-Contexts'\,},
  year = {1975},
  rtnote = {In RHT collection.},
  note = {Unpublished manuscript.},
  topic = {propositional-attitudes;}

@phdthesis{ abbott_b:1976a,
  author = {Barbara Abbott},
  title = {A Study of Referential Opacity},
  school = {Linguistics Department, University of California at Berkeley},
  year = {1976},
  type = {Ph.{D}. Dissertation},
  address = {Berkeley, California},
  rtnote = {In RHT collection.  LLP authored shelves.},
  missinginfo = {Date is a guess},
  topic = {intensionality;}

我认为出现错误是因为 Thomason 的书目并不总是与 biblatex 兼容。如果是这样,这很不幸,因为 Thomason 的书目非常有用。





现在看来,这个 8 MB(原文如此!)的大型参考书目包含错误,正如您在评论中引用的错误消息中所看到的那样:


在语法上,您需要以而不是 来bibtex结束输入字段,这显然是该文件中的一个错误(您也可以将相关的 bib 条目添加到您的问题中——我不想下载这样的 8MB 文件...),;


  author = {Barbara Abbott},
  title  = {Some Problems in Giving an Adequate Model-Theoretical
            Account of {CAUSE}},
  year   = {1974},
  rtnote = {In RHT collection.  Judging from a note attached, it may
            have been published in BLS 3, 1975.  Check this out.},
  note   = {Unpublished manuscript.},
  topic  = {causality;}


为了能够找到该 bib 文件中的所有错误,您应该首先使用\nocite{*}和测试该文件bibtex...(我有关于如何做到这一点的答案,但目前我找不到它:-()


但是,这意味着您必须重新处理原始 bib 文件中的每个 bib 条目,以使其最适合biblatex/ biber。这确实会是一项艰巨的工作……

或者,如果您只需要此文件的一些 bib 条目,请将它们复制到新的 bib 文件中,并准备好使用biblatex/ biber,如上所述...


链接的 bib 文件似乎包含错误,必须予以更正,并且是为使用而制作的bibtex。必须对其进行更改才能使用为您提供的biblatex优势biber...


要开始学习biblatex/biber最好从你的一个旧项目中获取一个简短的 bib 文件并对其进行修改以获得biblatex/的优势biber...


使用以下 mwe(您给定的 bib 条目和稍微改变的代码以打印所有条目,复制它并将其命名mwe.tex为新目录中的测试):

  author    = {David A. Aaker},
  title     = {Multivariate Analysis in Marketing},
  edition   = {2},
  publisher = {The Scientific Press},
  year      = {1981},
  address   = {Palo Alto},
  topic     = {multivariate-statistics;market-research;}

  author = {Bernd Abb and Carsten G\"unther and Michael Herweg and Kai
            Lebeth and Claudia Maienborn and Andrea Schopp},
  title = {Incremental Grammatical Encoding---An Outline of the
        Synphonics Formulator},
  booktitle = {Trends in Natural Language Generation, An Artificial
        Intelligence Perspective, Fourth {E}uropean Workshop,
        {EWNLG} '93, Pisa, Italy, April 28-30, 1993, Selected
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = {1036},
  year = {1996},
  editor = {Giovanni Adorni and Michael Zock},
  pages = {277--299},
  address = {New York},
  topic = {nl-generation;nl-realization;}

  author = {Marcello L'Abbate and Ulrich Thiel},
  title = {The Use of Contextual Information in a Proactivity Model
        for Conversational Agents},
  booktitle = {Modeling and Using Context: Fourth International and
    Interdisciplinary Conference, Context 2003},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2003},
  editor = {Patrick Blackburn and Chiara Ghidini and Roy M. Turner
    and Fausto Giunchiglia},
  pages = {459--466},
  address = {Berlin},
  topic = {context;HCI;}

  author = {Barbara Abbott},
  title = {Some Problems in Giving an Adequate Model-Theoretical
    Account of {CAUSE}},
  year = {1974},
  rtnote = {In RHT collection.  Judging from a note attached, it may
    have been published in BLS 3, 1975.  Check this out.},
  note = {Unpublished manuscript.},
  topic = {causality;}

  author = {Barbara Abbott},
  title = {Some Remarks Concerning {H}intikka's Theory of Propositional
  year = {1974},
  rtnote = {In RHT collection.},
  note = {Unpublished manuscript.},
  topic = {propositional-attitudes;}

  author = {Barbara Abbott},
  title = {Remarks on `Belief-Contexts'\,},
  year = {1975},
  rtnote = {In RHT collection.},
  note = {Unpublished manuscript.},
  topic = {propositional-attitudes;}

  author = {Barbara Abbott},
  title = {A Study of Referential Opacity},
  school = {Linguistics Department, University of California at Berkeley},
  year = {1976},
  type = {Ph.{D}. Dissertation},
  address = {Berkeley, California},
  rtnote = {In RHT collection.  LLP authored shelves.},
  missinginfo = {Date is a guess},
  topic = {intensionality;}



Will this be bibliographised?~\cite{aaker:1981a}. 
\nocite{*} % <=========================== to get all bib entries printed




