如何在 LaTeX 中强制对短首音节进行连字符连接?

如何在 LaTeX 中强制对短首音节进行连字符连接?

为什么 LaTeX 不能按照我明确设置的方式(即“e-sco”)对“esco”进行连字符连接?


以下是一个 MWE,它通过将左右页边距设置为纸张宽度的 50% 来强制连字。该示例重点介绍意大利语单词“esco”(我出去),其音节为“e-sco”:


% if uncommented, this has no effect: produces "esco" 
% \hyphenation{e-sco} 

% if uncommented, this test produces "es-co" as requested (but I want "e-sco"!)
% \hyphenation{es-co}

esco % by default, this produces "esco" (while the correct Italian hyphenation is "e-sco")
coro % by default, this produces "co-ro" (which is correct in Italian)



我在 Windows 10 上使用 TeXLive 2019。提前感谢这个伟大的社区!


TeX 有一个参数,\lefthyphenmin它告诉它一个单词必须至少在连字点左侧留出多少个字符才能将其视为有效。此参数默认设置为 2,因此e-sco无法使用,因为连字点左侧只剩下 1 个字符。

您可以将 改为\lefthyphenmin1\AtBeginDocument以获取仅在首字母后才有有效连字点的带连字的单词:


% if uncommented, this has no effect: produces "esco" 

% if uncommented, this test produces "es-co" as requested (but I want "e-sco"!)
% \hyphenation{es-co}

\AtBeginDocument{\lefthyphenmin=1 }

esco % by default, this produces "esco" (while the correct Italian hyphenation is "e-sco")
coro % by default, this produces "co-ro" (which is correct in Italian)
