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According to \Citet{Hensley2008}

bib 文件包含

author = {Hensley, Scott and Wheeler, Kevin and Sadowy, Greg and Jones, Cathleen and Shaffer, Scott and Zebker, Howard and Miller, Tim and Heavey, Brandon and Chuang, Ernie and Chao, Roger and Vines, Ken and Nishimoto, Kouji and Prater, Jack and Carrico, Bruce and Chamberlain, Neil and Shimada, Joanne and Simard, Marc and Chapman, Bruce and Muellerschoen, Ron and Le, Charles and Michel, Thierry and Hamilton, Gary and Robison, David and Neumann, Greg and Meyer, Robert and Smith, Phil and Granger, Jim and Rosen, Paul and Flower, Dennis and Smith, Robert},
booktitle = {2008 IEEE Radar Conference},
doi = {10.1109/RADAR.2008.4720722},
isbn = {978-1-4244-1538-0},
month = {may},
pages = {1--6},
publisher = {IEEE},
title = {{The UAVSAR instrument: Description and first results}},
url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4720722/},
year = {2008}


