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কি অবস্থা? \textbf{কি অবস্থা?} \textit{কি অবস্থা?} \\
\textbf{\textit{কি অবস্থা?}} \emph{কি অবস্থা?}
在 MS Word 中没有问题,这是 MS Word 的输出:
This is HarfTeX, Version 0.1.2 (TeX Live 2019/W32TeX) (format=harflatex 2019.6.16) 18 JUN 2019 07:06
restricted system commands enabled.
file:line:error style messages enabled.
LaTeX2e <2018-12-01>
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\openout1 = test.aux
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Missing character: There is no ক (U+0995) in font [SutonnyMJ-Bold.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no (U+0000) in font [SutonnyMJ-Bold.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
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Missing character: There is no ব (U+09AC) in font [SutonnyMJ-Bold.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no স (U+09B8) in font [SutonnyMJ-Bold.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no ্ (U+09CD) in font [SutonnyMJ-Bold.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no থ (U+09A5) in font [SutonnyMJ-Bold.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no (U+0000) in font [SutonnyMJ-Bold.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no ক (U+0995) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no (U+0000) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no অ (U+0985) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no ব (U+09AC) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no স (U+09B8) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no ্ (U+09CD) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no থ (U+09A5) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no (U+0000) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no ক (U+0995) in font [SutonnyMJ-BoldItalic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no (U+0000) in font [SutonnyMJ-BoldItalic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no অ (U+0985) in font [SutonnyMJ-BoldItalic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no ব (U+09AC) in font [SutonnyMJ-BoldItalic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no স (U+09B8) in font [SutonnyMJ-BoldItalic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no ্ (U+09CD) in font [SutonnyMJ-BoldItalic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no থ (U+09A5) in font [SutonnyMJ-BoldItalic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no (U+0000) in font [SutonnyMJ-BoldItalic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no ক (U+0995) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no (U+0000) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no অ (U+0985) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no ব (U+09AC) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no স (U+09B8) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no ্ (U+09CD) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no থ (U+09A5) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
Missing character: There is no (U+0000) in font [SutonnyMJ-Italic.ttf]:mode=node;+tlig;mode=harf;!
] (./test.aux))
Here is how much of HarfTeX's memory you used:
11418 strings out of 494308
100000,383344 words of node,token memory allocated
544 words of node memory still in use:
3 hlist, 1 vlist, 1 rule, 2 glue, 3 kern, 23 glyph, 10 attribute, 40 glue_spec, 10 attribute_list, 1 write nodes
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Output written on test.pdf (1 page, 12193 bytes).
PDF statistics: 36 PDF objects out of 1000 (max. 8388607)
20 compressed objects within 1 object stream
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,你会发现它们的大小约为 73 KB,而SutonnyOMJ.ttf
约为 352 KB!这应该已经引起警觉了。
- 未遵循 Unicode 标准将字形分配给正确的代码点。例如,
(孟加拉语字母 Ka)的字形编码为U+004B
(拉丁文大写字母 K)。 - 不包含执行辅音群连字所需的查找表。例如,
<U+09B8 U+09CD U+09A5>
(孟加拉语字母 Sa、孟加拉语符号 Virama、孟加拉语字母 Tha)无法形成正确的群。
Extension = .ttf,
BoldFont = SutonnyMJ-Bold,
ItalicFont = SutonnyMJ-Italic,
BoldItalicFont = SutonnyMJ-BoldItalic,
% RawFeature = {mode=harf}
\parindent 0pt
কি অবস্থা? \textbf{wK Ae¯’v?} \textit{wK Ae¯’v?} \\
\textbf{\textit{wK Ae¯’v?}} \emph{wK Ae¯’v?}
\char"0995\char"09BF\ \char"0985\char"09AC\char"09B8\char"09CD\char"09A5\char"09BE\char"003F \\
\char"0077\char"004B\ \char"0041\char"0065\char"00AF\char"2019\char"0076\char"003F\ %
\textbf{\char"0077\char"004B\ \char"0041\char"0065\char"00AF\char"2019\char"0076\char"003F}