

我正在尝试运行我的 latex 文件。我收到以下错误。我认为这与文档类有关。我们将其创建为“paper”,并将其放在同一个文件中。但是,它显示未找到它。这是代码:

\hypersetup{urlcolor=blue, citecolor=red}

  \textheight=8.2 true in
   \textwidth=5.0 true in
    \topmargin 30pt

\def\proofb{\par{\it Proof} \ignorespaces}


\newtheorem*{main}{Main Theorem}







Process started: pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "ArticleSC".tex

Unfortunately, the package symbol could not be installed. Please check the log file: C:\Users\SAMARA\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\2.9\miktex\log\pdflatex.log

Unfortunately, the package symbol could not be installed. Please check the log file: C:\Users\SAMARA\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\2.9\miktex\log\miktex-maketfm.log

Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:\Users\SAMARA\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\2.9\miktex\log\miktex-makemf.log

Couldn't open `ps.cfg' hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.4)

Sorry, but miktex-maketfm did not succeed. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:\Users\SAMARA\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\2.9\miktex\log\miktex-maketfm.log

Sorry, but pdflatex.exe did not succeed. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: C:\Users\SAMARA\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\2.9\miktex\log\pdflatex.log

Error: Command crashed: pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "ArticleSC".tex

Process exited with error(s)


基于可能正是您强制使用大写 P 才导致该类出现问题,我修改了您的 MWE 的其余部分,包括出现问题的评论(可能在以后出现)。


    \\documentclass[a4paper]{paper} %do not use P = LaTeX Warning: You have requested document class `Paper', but the document class provides `paper'.
\usepackage{amsthm}     % for * theorem environments
\usepackage{microtype} % recommended for anti-hyphen microadjustments  https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/294478
%\usepackage{graphics} % graphicx is preferred
%\usepackage{epsfig}    % graphicx is preferred
\usepackage{graphicx}   % prefered to include epsfig's and others
\hypersetup{urlcolor=blue, citecolor=red}
\usepackage{bookmark} % recommended by TeX but clashes if placed before Hyperref
  \textheight=8.2 true in
   \textwidth=5.0 true in
    \topmargin 30pt

\def\proofb{\par{\it Proof} \ignorespaces}


\newtheorem*{main}{Main Theorem}
\newtheorem{Example}{Example}[section] % CLASH WARNING 2nd definition of example see caution below

\subtitle{The longer subtitle}
\author{Samara Chamoun \small (E-mail: [email protected]) % remove following % for second line
%\and First Prof (B) Last Prof (B) \small(E-mail: [email protected])
\institution{e.g. University of life}

\keywords{key clef treble bass $\ep$ \LaTeX} %read the manual this is not correct way


Wello Horld\footnote{Well Hello} here I will add a \remark (By others)``From a logical point of view, there is no difference between a lemma, proposition, theorem, or corollary - they are all claims waiting to be proved. However, we use these terms to suggest different levels of importance and difficulty.''

\notation Ano Tation without a number.

\definition - a precise and unambiguous description of the meaning of a mathematical term.  It characterizes the meaning of a word by giving all the properties and only those properties that must be true.
\theorem - a mathematical statement that is proved using rigorous mathematical reasoning.  In a mathematical paper, the term theorem is often reserved for the most important results.
\lemma - a minor result whose sole purpose is to help in proving a theorem.  It is a stepping stone on the path to proving a theorem. Very occasionally lemmas can take on a life of their own (Zorn’s lemma, Urysohn’s lemma, Burnside’s lemma, Sperner’s lemma).
%\limon - a cidic fruit whose sole purpose is to test if your looking.
\corollary - a result in which the (usually short) proof relies heavily on a given theorem (we often say that “this is a corollary of Theorem A”).
\proposition - a proved and often interesting result, but generally less important than a theorem.
\conjecture - a statement that is unproved, but is believed to be true (Collatz conjecture, Goldbach conjecture, twin prime conjecture).

\Example Here we are using Example with a capital $E=mc^2$
\example CAUTION \textbackslash example is a fixed definition \item generating lines fit for \item providing a list \end{list}

