\setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=alerted text.fg, fg = red}
以下是 MWE:
\useinnertheme{rectangles} % adds squared bullets to TOC
% Define colors of our university
\definecolor{UniGreen}{RGB}{ 0,139,0}
\setbeamercolor{item projected}{bg=UniGreen, fg=white} %define color of the item-bullets
\setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=alerted text.fg, fg = red} % this changes name of current section to red as desired
\setbeamercolor{section in toc shaded}{bg=structure!20, fg=structure}
\setbeamertemplate{section in toc shaded}[default][100]
\setbeamercolor{section number projected}{fg=alerted, bg=red,fg=white} % THIS LINE OF CODE CHANGES ALL THE BULLETS IN THE TOC TO RED
\section{Test section one}
\begin{frame} test \end{frame}
\section{Test section two}
\begin{frame} test \end{frame}
\frame{\frametitle{Outline}\tableofcontents[currentsection, currentsubsection, subsectionstyle = show, subsubsectionstyle=show]
\section{Test section three}
\begin{frame} test \end{frame}
\section{Test section four}
\begin{frame} test \end{frame}
从我发现的情况来看,仅通过重新定义颜色似乎无法实现您想要的行为。因此,我的建议是重新定义模板section in toc
本身只会加载\setbeamertemplate{sections/subsections in toc}[square]
\defbeamertemplate*{section in toc}{square_special}
\usebeamerfont*{section number projected}%
%\usebeamercolor[bg]{section number projected}%
\vrule width2.25ex height1.85ex depth.4ex%
\hbox to2.25ex{\hfil\usebeamercolor[fg]{section number projected}\inserttocsectionnumber\hfil}}%
的颜色section number projected
它在您的 MWE 中看起来如下:
\useinnertheme{rectangles} % adds squared bullets to TOC
% Define colors of our university
\definecolor{UniGreen}{RGB}{ 0,139,0}
\setbeamercolor{item projected}{bg=UniGreen, fg=white} %define color of the item-bullets
\setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=alerted text.fg, fg = red} % this changes name of current section to red as desired
\setbeamercolor{section in toc shaded}{bg=structure!20, fg=structure}
\setbeamertemplate{section in toc shaded}[default][100]
\setbeamercolor{section number projected}{fg=alerted, bg=red,fg=white} % THIS LINE OF CODE CHANGES ALL THE BULLETS IN THE TOC TO RED
\defbeamertemplate*{section in toc}{square_special}
\usebeamerfont*{section number projected}%
%\usebeamercolor[bg]{section number projected}%
\vrule width2.25ex height1.85ex depth.4ex%
\hbox to2.25ex{\hfil\usebeamercolor[fg]{section number projected}\inserttocsectionnumber\hfil}}%
\section{Test section one}
\begin{frame} test \end{frame}
\section{Test section two}
\begin{frame} test \end{frame}
\frame{\frametitle{Outline}\tableofcontents[currentsection, currentsubsection, subsectionstyle = show, subsubsectionstyle=show]
\section{Test section three}
\begin{frame} test \end{frame}
\section{Test section four}
\begin{frame} test \end{frame}