定制@inbook 或@incollection 书目条目?

定制@inbook 或@incollection 书目条目?

我对 LaTeX 还很陌生,上周末才开始写代码。我学了基础知识,bibtex并改用biblatex它编写参考书目。

我一直在努力学习教程,试图获得我自己的版本harvard-style。我需要它以 为authoryear后端bibtex。我已经按照自己的喜好格式化了@article,但我一直在为 和 的格式化而烦恼@inbook@incollection如果有人能帮我重新排序引用并格式化一些分隔符,那就太好了。


• Smith, MP 和 Wu, C.,2000 年。《白云鄂博铁-稀土-铌矿床的地质和成因:综述》。收录于:Porter, TM(编辑),热液氧化铁铜金及相关矿床:全球视角. 澳大利亚矿产基金会,阿德莱德,第 271-281 页。

到目前为止我的代码返回的是这个(相关的2个@inbook是#11和#13): 在此处输入图片描述


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  author  = {Stefano Salvi and Anthony E. Williams-Jones},
  title   = {The role of hydrothermal processes in concentrating high-field strength elements in the Strange Lake peralkaline complex, Northeastern Canada},
  journal = {Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta},
  year    = {1996},
  volume  = {60},
  number  = {11},
  pages   = {1917-1932},

  chapter   = {The geology and genesis of the Bayan-Obo Fe-REE-Nb deposit: a review},
  pages     = {271-281},
  title     = {Hydrothermal iron-oxide, copper-gold and related deposits: a global perspective},
  publisher = {Australian Mineral Foundation},
  year      = {2000},
  author    = {M. P. Smith and C. Wu},
  editor    = {Porter, T.M.},
  address   = {Adelaide},

  author    = {M.P. Smith},
  title     = {Metasomatic silicate chemistry at the Bayan Obo Fe{\textendash}{REE}{\textendash}Nb deposit, Inner Mongolia, China: Contrasting chemistry and evolution of fenitising and mineralising fluids},
  journal   = {Lithos},
  year      = {2007},
  volume    = {93},
  number    = {1-2},
  pages     = {126--148},
  month     = {jan},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.lithos.2006.06.013},
  publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},

  chapter   = {Rare earth deposits in China},
  pages     = {281–310.},
  title     = {Rare Earth Minerals: Chemistry, Origin and Ore Deposits},
  publisher = {Chapman and Hall},
  year      = {1996},
  author    = {C. Wu and Z. Yuan and G. Bai},
  editor    = {A.P. Jones and F. Wall and C.T. Williams},

  author    = {Xue-Ming Yang and Le Bas, M.J.},
  title     = {Chemical compositions of carbonate minerals from Bayan Obo, Inner Mongolia, China: implications for petrogenesis},
  journal   = {Lithos},
  year      = {2004},
  volume    = {72},
  number    = {1-2},
  pages     = {97--116},
  month     = {jan},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.lithos.2003.09.002},
  publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},

  author    = {Shuan-Hong Zhang and Yue Zhao and Yongsheng Liu},
  title     = {A precise zircon Th-Pb age of carbonatite sills from the world's largest Bayan Obo deposit: Implications for timing and genesis of {REE}-Nb mineralization},
  journal   = {Precambrian Research},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {291},
  pages     = {202--219},
  month     = {apr},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.precamres.2017.01.024},
  publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},


  1. 打印时删除“Chap.”前缀chapter。只保留未格式化的标题。
  2. 在“In:”和编辑者姓名后面加上booktitlego。如果用斜体显示就好了。
  3. booktitle在)前加上 'Ed. (或 Eds,如果有多个编辑者)
  4. 其余信息如下publisher
  5. pp.在页面之前可以看到和@inbook,而不是其他引用,其中volumenumber被定义。



PS - 如果有人碰巧知道如何格式化参考书目authoryear,以便enumerate标签缩进几乎在页边距内,而不是将文本挤到框架的中间,这也会有很大的帮助!


在您目前使用@inbook条目类型的两种情况下,您实际上都应该使用@incollection条目类型。此外,正如@moewe 在其评论中指出的那样,您应该将字段更改titlebooktitle,将字段更改chaptertitle

  author    = {M. P. Smith and C. Wu},
  title     = {The geology and genesis of the Bayan-Obo Fe-REE-Nb deposit: a review},
  editor    = {Porter, T. M.},
  booktitle = {Hydrothermal iron-oxide, copper-gold and related deposits: a global perspective},
  year      = {2000},
  pages     = {271--281},
  publisher = {Australian Mineral Foundation},
  address   = {Adelaide},

  author    = {C. Wu and Z. Yuan and G. Bai},
  title     = {Rare earth deposits in China},
  editor    = {Adrian P. Jones and Frances Wall and C. Terry Williams},
  booktitle = {Rare Earth Minerals: Chemistry, Origin and Ore Deposits},
  year      = {1996},
  chapter   = {11},
  pages     = {281--310},
  publisher = {Chapman and Hall},
  series    = {Mineralogical Society Series},
  number    = {7},
