我正在完成一份科学报告,并有一个很长的风险评估。我使用 longtable 环境将表格放在 2 页以上。然而,在表格的末尾,表格恰好放在第二页,在下一部分开始之前,有一个不需要的空白页。以下是一个例子:
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\title{Depth Study: Assessing the compliance of generic aspirin with Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient requirements}
\author{Theo Last}
This investigation aims to assess, via titration, how much the measured concentration of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in a low cost Black and Gold aspirin tablet differs from the concentration stated by the manufacturer. Specifically, it aims to determine whether this difference is within the acceptable range stated by the British Pharmacopoeia.
\section{Risk Assessment}
\caption{Risks, Hazards and Precautions}
\textbf{Risk} & \textbf{Hazard} & \textbf{Precaution} \\
Broken or chipped glassware & Cuts to skin & Inspect glassware thoroughly for damage before use; Do not use if broken or chipped; Sweep up all breakages with dustpan and brush \\
Electronic balance & Electrical injury & Do not use near water; Only use rated appliances – check test and tag date; \\
Hot plate & May cause burns; electrical injury & Allow to cool before touching; Treat burns immediately by placing in cool running water for at least 5 minutes; Same precautions as electronic balance for electrical injury \\
Heated solutions & Scalding & Do not use laboratory stool when heating; Do not leave solutions unattended on hot plate; do not stopper any flasks containing boiling liquids; Treat burns immediately by placing in cool running water for at least 5 minutes \\
Hydrochloric Acid (\ce{HCl}) & Eye, skin and lung irritant & Do not use lab stool while handling; Wear safety glasses; Rinse skin in event of contact; Use in a well ventilated space; Use low concentrations and/or amounts as appropriate ;Wash hands thoroughly after use\\
Sodium Hydroxide (\ce{NaOH}) & Eye and skin irritant & Do not use lab stool while handling; Wear safety glasses; Rinse skin in event of contact; Use in a well ventilated space; Use low concentrations and/or amounts as appropriate; Wash hands thoroughly after use\\
Aspirin (\ce{C9H8O4}) & Powder may irritate skin, eyes, lungs; It is a pharmaceutical drug and hence can be dangerous to consume large quantities & Wear safety glasses; Rinse skin in event of contact; Use in a well ventilated space; Avoid ingestion by washing hands thoroughly after use \\
Phenolphthalein (\ce{C20H14O4}) & Eye, skin and lung irritant & Wear safety glasses; Rinse skin in event of contact; Use in a well ventilated space; Use low concentrations and/or amounts as appropriate; Wash hands thoroughly after use\\
Mortar and Pestle & Heavy - blunt force trauma & Wear enclosed shoes; Keep apparatus away from edge of bench \\
\caption{Apparatus and Justifications}
\textbf{Apparatus} & \textbf{Justification} \\ \hline
Electronic balance & To accurately measure mass of aspirin \\ \hline
Mortar and pestle & To powder aspirin tablets \\ \hline
Hot plate & To heat aspirin/\ce{NaOH} solution and ensure completion \\ \hline
Conical flasks & To provide a reaction vessel for the titration and for the aspirin/\ce{NaOH} solution \\ \hline
Black and Gold aspirin tablets & To test for compliance with pharmacopoeial standards (analyte) \\ \hline
Pipette/Pipette Filler & To transfer aliquots of various solutions \\ \hline
Phenolphthalein indicator & To indicate the endpoint of the back titration \\ \hline
Burette & To controllably and precisely add \ce{HCl} solution in titrations \\ \hline
Deionised water & To rinse receiving vessels; To perform dilutions \\ \hline
Spatula & To transfer powdered aspirin \\ \hline
Weighboat & To facilitate the weighing of powdered aspirin \\ \hline
Retort Stand & To hold burette \\ \hline
Burette clamp & To hold burette \\ \hline
Funnel & To add \ce{HCl} solution to burette \\ \hline
Standardised \ce{HCl} solution (see appendices) & To test concentration as a titrant \\ \hline
Standardised \ce{NaOH} solution (see appendices) & To react with aspirin \\ \hline
Measuring cylinder & To add approximate volumes when high precision is not required \\ \hline
这里的问题是不是 longtable
\begin{tabular}{|p{3cm}|p{8cm}|} % <================================ p{6cm}
请参阅减少的 mwe:
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}
\title{Depth Study: Assessing the compliance of generic aspirin with Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient requirements}
\author{Theo Last}
This investigation aims to assess, via titration, how much the measured concentration of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in a low cost Black and Gold aspirin tablet differs from the concentration stated by the manufacturer. Specifically, it aims to determine whether this difference is within the acceptable range stated by the British Pharmacopoeia.
\section{Risk Assessment}
\caption{Risks, Hazards and Precautions}\\
\textbf{Risk} & \textbf{Hazard} & \textbf{Precaution} \\
Broken or chipped glassware & Cuts to skin & Inspect glassware thoroughly for damage before use; Do not use if broken or chipped; Sweep up all breakages with dustpan and brush \\
Electronic balance & Electrical injury & Do not use near water; Only use rated appliances – check test and tag date; \\
Hot plate & May cause burns; electrical injury & Allow to cool before touching; Treat burns immediately by placing in cool running water for at least 5 minutes; Same precautions as electronic balance for electrical injury \\
Heated solutions & Scalding & Do not use laboratory stool when heating; Do not leave solutions unattended on hot plate; do not stopper any flasks containing boiling liquids; Treat burns immediately by placing in cool running water for at least 5 minutes \\
Hydrochloric Acid (\ce{HCl}) & Eye, skin and lung irritant & Do not use lab stool while handling; Wear safety glasses; Rinse skin in event of contact; Use in a well ventilated space; Use low concentrations and/or amounts as appropriate ;Wash hands thoroughly after use\\
Sodium Hydroxide (\ce{NaOH}) & Eye and skin irritant & Do not use lab stool while handling; Wear safety glasses; Rinse skin in event of contact; Use in a well ventilated space; Use low concentrations and/or amounts as appropriate; Wash hands thoroughly after use\\
Aspirin (\ce{C9H8O4}) & Powder may irritate skin, eyes, lungs; It is a pharmaceutical drug and hence can be dangerous to consume large quantities & Wear safety glasses; Rinse skin in event of contact; Use in a well ventilated space; Avoid ingestion by washing hands thoroughly after use \\
Phenolphthalein (\ce{C20H14O4}) & Eye, skin and lung irritant & Wear safety glasses; Rinse skin in event of contact; Use in a well ventilated space; Use low concentrations and/or amounts as appropriate; Wash hands thoroughly after use\\
Mortar and Pestle & Heavy - blunt force trauma & Wear enclosed shoes; Keep apparatus away from edge of bench \\
\caption{Apparatus and Justifications}
\begin{tabular}{|p{3cm}|p{8cm}|} % <================================ p{6cm}
\textbf{Apparatus} & \textbf{Justification} \\ \hline
Electronic balance & To accurately measure mass of aspirin \\ \hline
Mortar and pestle & To powder aspirin tablets \\ \hline
Hot plate & To heat aspirin/\ce{NaOH} solution and ensure completion \\ \hline
Conical flasks & To provide a reaction vessel for the titration and for the aspirin/\ce{NaOH} solution \\ \hline
Black and Gold aspirin tablets & To test for compliance with pharmacopoeial standards (analyte) \\ \hline
Pipette/Pipette Filler & To transfer aliquots of various solutions \\ \hline
Phenolphthalein indicator & To indicate the endpoint of the back titration \\ \hline
Burette & To controllably and precisely add \ce{HCl} solution in titrations \\ \hline
Deionised water & To rinse receiving vessels; To perform dilutions \\ \hline
Spatula & To transfer powdered aspirin \\ \hline
Weighboat & To facilitate the weighing of powdered aspirin \\ \hline
Retort Stand & To hold burette \\ \hline
Burette clamp & To hold burette \\ \hline
Funnel & To add \ce{HCl} solution to burette \\ \hline
Standardised \ce{HCl} solution (see appendices) & To test concentration as a titrant \\ \hline
Standardised \ce{NaOH} solution (see appendices) & To react with aspirin \\ \hline
Measuring cylinder & To add approximate volumes when high precision is not required \\ \hline