这里的主要问题是你不想要一个符号电路,而想要一个介于绘图(最好用纯 TikZ 完成)和电路之间的东西。我建议将两者分开;毕竟,acircuitikz
也是 a tikzpicture
\usepackage[siunitx, RPvoltages]{circuitikz}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes, calc}
%\usepackage[siunitx, RPvoltages]{circuitikzgit}
% this is a cylinder with an axial line
\node [cylinder, draw, minimum height=4cm, minimum width=1cm, xscale=-1](CYL){};
\draw [gray, dashed] (CYL.before bottom) arc(270:90:0.125cm and 0.5cm);
\draw [gray] (CYL.west) -- (CYL.east);
\coordinate (CYL top center) at ($(CYL.before top)!0.5!(CYL.after top)$);
\coordinate (CYL bottom center) at ($(CYL.before bottom)!0.5!(CYL.after bottom)$);
\node [color=gray, circ] at (CYL bottom center) {};
\node [circ] at (CYL top center) {};
% these are the connections, almost simmetrical
\draw (CYL top center) -- ++(-0.5,0) coordinate(top hot);
\draw (CYL.west) -- ++(0.5,0) coordinate(bottom hot);
\draw (CYL.after top) -- ++(0,-0.5) coordinate(tmp) -- (tmp -| top hot) coordinate(top shield);
\draw (CYL.before bottom) -- ++(0,-0.5) coordinate(tmp) -- (tmp -| bottom hot) coordinate (bottom shield);
% and then you add the circuit
\draw (top hot) to [R, o-] ++(-2,0) to[sV] ++(0,-2) node[ground](GND){};
\draw (GND) to[short, *-] (GND-|top shield) to[short, -o] (top shield);
\draw (bottom hot) to[short, o-] ++(1,0) to[R] ++(0,-2) -| (bottom shield) node[ocirc]{};
您可以在 TikZ 手册中专门介绍“形状”库的部分中找到有关形状的详细信息cylinder
,有关终端的噱头,请查看手册的第 4.6 节circuitikz