Name&Frequency Range&Interpretation and Appearance\\ \hline\hline
Delta \delta&0.1 - 3.5 Hz&Deep sleep or unconsciousness.\\
Theta \theta&4 - 7.5 Hz&Decreased consciousness or sleep.\\
Alpha \alpha&8 - 13 Hz&Awake, relaxed, (clinically: awake or eyes closed)\\
Beta \beta &14 - 30 Hz&Consciously alert, agitated, or tense\\
Gamma \gamma&30 Hz +&Attention, sensory stimulation\\
\caption[Rhythms of the EEG signal]{Rhythms of the EEG signal.}
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\usepackage{tabularx} % for the first instance
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Name & Frequency Range & Interpretation and Appearance\\
Delta $\delta$ & \SIrange{0.1}{3.5}{\hertz} & Deep sleep or unconsciousness.\\
Theta $\theta$ & \SIrange{4}{7.5}{\hertz} & Decreased consciousness or sleep.\\
Alpha $\alpha$ & \SIrange{8}{13}{\hertz} & Awake, relaxed, (clinically: awake or eyes closed)\\
Beta $\beta$ & \SIrange{14}{30}{\hertz} & Consciously alert, agitated, or tense\\
Gamma $\gamma$ & \SI{>30}{\hertz} & Attention, sensory stimulation\\
\caption[Rhythms of the EEG signal]{Rhythms of the EEG signal.}
Name & Frequency Range & Interpretation and Appearance\\
Delta $\delta$ & \SIrange{0.1}{3.5}{\hertz} & Deep sleep or unconsciousness.\\
Theta $\theta$ & \SIrange{4}{7.5}{\hertz} & Decreased consciousness or sleep.\\
Alpha $\alpha$ & \SIrange{8}{13}{\hertz} & Awake, relaxed, (clinically: awake or eyes closed)\\
Beta $\beta$ & \SIrange{14}{30}{\hertz} & Consciously alert, agitated, or tense\\
Gamma $\gamma$ & \SI{>30}{\hertz} & Attention, sensory stimulation\\
\caption[Rhythms of the EEG signal]{Rhythms of the EEG signal.}
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\setlength{\mycolwidth}{\widthof{Range in \si{\hertz}}}
Name&Frequency Range&Interpretation and Appearance\\ \hline\hline
Delta $\delta$ & 0.1 - 3.5 Hz & Deep sleep or unconsciousness.\\
Theta $\theta$ & 4 - 7.5 Hz & Decreased consciousness or sleep.\\
Alpha $\alpha$ & 8 - 13 Hz & Awake, relaxed, (clinically: awake or eyes closed)\\
Beta $\beta$ & 14 - 30 Hz & Consciously alert, agitated, or tense\\
Gamma $\gamma$ & 30 Hz + & Attention, sensory stimulation\\
\caption[Rhythms of the EEG signal]{Rhythms of the EEG signal.}
Name & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Frequency} & Interpretation and Appearance \\
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Range in Hz} & \\
Delta $\delta$ & 0.1 & 3.5 & Deep sleep or unconsciousness. \\
Theta $\theta$ & 4 & 7.5 & Decreased consciousness or sleep. \\
Alpha $\alpha$ & 8 & 13 & Awake, relaxed, (clinically: awake or eyes closed) \\
Beta $\beta$ & 14 & 30 & Consciously alert, agitated, or tense \\
Gamma $\gamma$ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textgreater 30} & Attention, sensory stimulation \\
\caption[Rhythms of the EEG signal]{Rhythms of the EEG signal.}