
As shown in Listing \ref{lst:dummylocalxmega} and Listing \ref{lst:dummylocalstm}, in the case of an implementation where  dummy operations use local variables, it does not find a part corresponding to the dummy Sbox operations in the assembly code.
    It is presumed that the compiler (WinAVR 4.3.3) provided by ChipWhisperer-Lite(CW1173) judged as operations irrelevant to the output of SubBytes function in the optimization

        \lstinputlisting[language=nasm, style=nasm, caption=Assembly code for real operation when dummy operations uses local variables on the XMEGA128D4 microprocessor., label=lst:reallocalxmega]{asm_local_rl_XMEGA.asm}
        \lstinputlisting[language=nasm, style=nasm, caption=Assembly code for dummy operation when dummy operations uses local variables on the XMEGA128D4 microprocessor., label=lst:dummylocalxmega]{asm_local_dm_XMEGA.asm}

        \lstinputlisting[language=nasm, style=nasm, caption=Assembly code for real operation when dummy operations uses local variables on the STM32F303 microprocessor., label=lst:reallocalstm]{asm_local_rl_STM.asm}
        \lstinputlisting[language=nasm, style=nasm, caption=Assembly code for dummy operation when dummy operations uses local variables on the STM32F303 microprocessor., label=lst:dummylocalstm]{asm_local_dm_STM.asm}

    \hfill \break
    Nevertheless, the power consumption traces of the SubBytes function can be divided into 32 parts because the ord array referenced in the switch-case statement is not optimized.
    Operations using unoptimized array are also not optimization targets, so a loop consisting of switch-case statements is performed, even though internal operations are not performed.


上述 Latex 代码创建了一个如上图所示的 pdf。







由于您想将两个列表并排放置,因此不能使用lstistings浮动选项,您需要将它们放在周围的浮动中。您可以使用figure环境,但最好使用由包设置的浮动类型的环境,以确保它与其他浮动列表保持顺序。所以我 lstfloat在这里定义(浮动类型已由 listings 包设置,但仅通过关键字提供float,而不是作为环境提供)




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Note I used `[htp]` here so if the construct does not fit on the page, it will float to the top of the next, as usual.
