精确 !( 和 !) 的索引条目

精确 !( 和 !) 的索引条目

我确实看过回答类似的问题。这是关于我的比斯蒙GPLv3+ 自由软件项目github (犯罪b08143a1478f如果这很重要的话)其 LaTeX 文档(部分生成)位于其doc/子目錄。我的电脑运行的是Linux/Debian/Sid,它的LaTeX子系统是texlive-full 2018.20190227

为了本报告草案(在 PDF 中,其 §2.3.2 靠近图 4 页 34)用获得pdflatex,从我的build-bismon-doc.shshell 脚本,由make latexdoc从 LaTeX 源文件(在 下doc/)获取的 调用我需要有一个索引条目精确的字符串!(!),最好采用固定宽度的电传打字机字体格式(因此\texttt在 LaTeX 用语中使用)。这是在文件doc/datapersist-bm.tex第 640 行左右当前 (git commit当然还没有 -ed) LaTeX 代码具有:


  The lines starting with \texttt{«} or \texttt{!(}
  \index{{!(}@\texttt{!(}} \index{«@\texttt{«}}
  and with \texttt{»} or \texttt{!)}
  \index{{!)}@\texttt{!(}} \index{»@\texttt{»}}
  are delimiting the object's persistent
  representation. Comments~\footnote{Once the persistence code -
    loading and dumping of the state - is mature enough, we will
    disable generation of comments in data files.} can start with a
  bar \texttt{|} till the following bar, or with two slashes
  \texttt{//} till the end of line.  {\verb+!~+} with matching
         {\verb+(~+} ... \verb+~)+ are for ``modifications'' (here, we
         set the \index{name}{\texttt{name}} of that object to
         \texttt{first\_test\_module}). Object payloads are also
         dumped in such ``modification'' form. \verb+!@+ puts the
         \index{mtime}{\emph{mtime}}. \verb+!$+ \textit{classobjid}
         sets the \index{class}{class} to the object of objid
         \textit{classobjid}. \verb+!:+ \textit{attrobj}
         \textit{valattr} put the attribute \textit{attrobj}
         associated with the value \textit{valattr}. \verb+!#+
         \textit{nbcomp} reserve the spaces for \textit{nbcomp}, and
         \verb/!&/~\textit{valcomp} appends the value \textit{valcomp}
         as a component.

%% next paragraph was removed for brevity on this LaTeX forum question




您需要!在 之前和之后引用 ,这是 MakeIndex 的特殊字符@




The lines starting with \index{«@\texttt{«}}\texttt{«} or \index{"!(@\texttt{"!(}}\texttt{!(}
and with \index{»@\texttt{»}}\texttt{»} or \index{"!)@\texttt{"!(}}\texttt{!)}
are delimiting the object's persistent representation. 
Comments~\footnote{Once the persistence code---loading and dumping of the state---is mature 
enough, we will disable generation of comments in data files.} can start with a 
bar~\texttt{|} till the following bar, or with two slashes~\texttt{//} till the 
end of line.  
\verb+!~+ with matching \verb+(~+ ... \verb+~)+ are for ``modifications'' (here, we
set the \index{name}{\texttt{name}} of that object to \texttt{first\_test\_module}). 
Object payloads are also dumped in such ``modification'' form.
\verb+!@+ puts the \index{mtime}{\emph{mtime}}.
\verb+!$+ \textit{classobjid} sets the \index{class}{class} to the object of 
objid \textit{classobjid}.
\verb+!:+ \textit{attrobj} \textit{valattr} put the attribute \textit{attrobj}
associated with the value \textit{valattr}.
\verb+!#+ \textit{nbcomp} reserve the spaces for \textit{nbcomp}, and
\verb/!&/~\textit{valcomp} appends the value \textit{valcomp} as a component.





  \item \texttt{!(}, 1
  \item \texttt{!(}, 1
  \item \texttt{\IeC {\guillemotleft }}, 1
  \item \texttt{\IeC {\guillemotright }}, 1


  \item class, 1


  \item mtime, 1


  \item name, 1

