当我在参考部分更改 \leftmark 的行为时,它只会在该部分的第二个奇数页上发生变化(默认情况下,\leftmark 和 \rightmark 都设置为 \bibname)。使用以下代码编译下面的 MWE
pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape %.tex|bibtex bu1.aux|bibtex bu2.aux|pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape %.tex|pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape %.tex
\documentclass[b5paper, twoside, 11pt]{book}
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % needed for fancy headers
\setlength{\headheight}{13.6pt} % to avoid lame warning ...
\usepackage[sectionbib]{bibunits} % enable several bibliography. The sectionbib sets bibliography titles at section level
author={A Dummy Reference},
title = {\blindtext[7]},
journal = {Some random Journal},
year = {2013}
\defaultbibliography{test} % source for references
\renewcommand\bibname{References} % rename bibliography as references
#1 % contents
\sectionmark{References} % <- I want this as \rightmark
\chaptermark{\the\paperTitle} % <- I want this as \leftmark
\section{First section in introduction}
\sectionmark{References} % <- I want this as \rightmark
\chaptermark{Introduction} % <- I want this as \leftmark
\paperTitle{First paper title}%
\includePaper{\section{First section in paper}\blindtext[8]\cite{test}}
\documentclass[b5paper, twoside, 11pt]{book}
\setlength{\headheight}{13.6pt} % to avoid lame warning ...
\usepackage[sectionbib]{bibunits} % enable several bibliography. The sectionbib sets bibliography titles at section level
author={A Dummy Reference},
title = {\blindtext[7]},
journal = {Some random Journal},
year = {2013}
\defaultbibliography{test} % source for references
\renewcommand\bibname{References} % rename bibliography as references
#1 % contents
\section{First section in introduction}
\paperTitle{First paper title}%
\includePaper{\section{First section in paper}\blindtext[8]\cite{test}}
\documentclass[b5paper, twoside, 11pt]{book}
\usepackage{scrlayer-fancyhdr} % needed for fancy headers
\setlength{\headheight}{13.6pt} % to avoid lame warning ...
\usepackage[sectionbib]{bibunits} % enable several bibliography. The sectionbib sets bibliography titles at section level
author={A Dummy Reference},
title = {\blindtext[7]},
journal = {Some random Journal},
year = {2013}
\defaultbibliography{test} % source for references
\renewcommand\bibname{References} % rename bibliography as references
#1 % contents
\markright{References} % <- I want this as \rightmark
\section{First section in introduction}
\rightmark{References} % <- I want this as \rightmark
\paperTitle{First paper title}%
\includePaper{\section{First section in paper}\blindtext[8]\cite{test}}