

我尝试使用 \small 和 \adjust 命令,但无法获得所需的结果。请帮忙。MWE 附在下面。

\caption{EXata simulation parameters}
    \textbf{Interface} & \textbf{Parameter}            & \textbf{Value}                                                                 \\ \hline
    & Coordinate System             & Cartesian                                                                      \\
    & Grid Size (mxm)                    & 1500x1500                                                                      \\
    Terrain                  & Altitude Range (m)       & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}1500 (above sea level)\end{tabular}                                                         \\
    & Simulation length (s)   & 900                                                                            \\
    & Number of nodes               & 50, 75, 100, 150, 200                                                                   
    & Weather mobility (s)   & 100                         
    \\ \hline
    & Frequency (GHz)               & 2.4                                                                            \\
    Channel Properties       & Pathloss Model                & Two Ray                                                                        \\
    & Shadowing Model               & Log normal                                                                     \\
    & Shadowing Mean (dB)           & 5.8                                                                            \\ \hline
    & Radio Type                    & 802.15.4                                                                       \\
    & Transmission Power     & 3.0 dBm                                                                            \\
    & Packet Reception Model        & PHY802.15.4                                                                    \\
    Physical                 & Modulation Scheme             & O-QPSK                                                                         \\
    & CCA Mode                      & Carrier Sense                                                                  \\
    & Antenna Model                 & Omnidirectional                                                                \\
    & Noise Factor                  & 10.0                                                                           \\
    & Energy Model                  & MicaZ                                                                          \\ \hline
    & Protocol                      & 802.15.4                                                                       \\
    MAC                      & Device Type                   & FFD                                                                            \\
    & FFD Mode                      & PAN Coordinator                                                                \\ \hline
    Network                  & Protocol                      & IPv4                                                                           \\
    & Routing Protocol              & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}AODV, Bellman Ford, \\Fisheye, Lanmar\end{tabular} \\ \hline
    & Mobility Model                & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Random Waypoint\end{tabular}                                                                \\
    Mobility and Placement   & Pause Time (seconds)          & 10                                                                             \\
    & Node Orientation    & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}azimuth=90, \\ elevation=70\end{tabular}            \\ \hline
    & Model                         & Linear                                                                         \\
    Battery Model            & Monitoring Interval (s) & 60                                                                             \\
    & Capacity (mAh)               & 1200                                                                           \\ \hline
    & Number of packets             & 1000                                                                           \\
    & Packet Size (bytes)           & 64                                                                             \\
    Application              & Start Time (seconds)          & 10                                                                             \\
    & End Time (seconds)            & 900                                                                            \\
    & Packet generation rate        & 100 packets/second \\ \hline


您的表格很高...为了将其放入一个框架中,您应该将其字体大小减小到,\tiny并减小\arraystretch到 0.8,并省略框架标题:



%\frametitle{The table}
\caption{EXata simulation parameters}

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l X >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X @{}}
\textbf{Interface}  & \textbf{Parameter}    & \textbf{Value}    \\ 
    & Coordinate System         & Cartesian                             \\
    & Grid Size (m$\times$m)    & 1500$\times$1500                      \\
    & Altitude Range (m)        & 1500 (above sea level)                \\
    & Simulation length (s)     & 900                                   \\
    & Number of nodes           & 50, 75, 100, 150, 200                 \\
    & Weather mobility (s)      & 100                                   \\
Channel Properties
    & Frequency (GHz)           & 2.4                                   \\
    & Pathloss Model            & Two Ray                               \\
    & Shadowing Model           & Log normal                            \\
    & Shadowing Mean (dB)       & 5.8                                   \\
    & Radio Type                & 802.15.4                              \\
    & Transmission Power        & 3.0 dBm                               \\                                                                            & Packet Reception Model    & PHY802.15.4                           \\
    & Modulation Scheme         & O-QPSK                                \\
    & CCA Mode                  & Carrier Sense                         \\
    & Antenna Model             & Omnidirectional                       \\
    & Noise Factor              & 10.0                                  \\
    & Energy Model              & MicaZ                                 \\
MAC & Protocol                  & 802.15.4                              \\
    & Device Type               & FFD                                   \\
    & FFD Mode                  & PAN Coordinator                       \\ 
    & Protocol                  & IPv4                                  \\
    & Routing Protocol          & AODV, Bellman Ford, Fisheye, Lanmar   \\
Mobility and Placement
    & Mobility Model            & Random Waypoint                       \\
    & Pause Time (seconds)      & 10                                    \\
    & Node Orientation          & azimuth:~90, elevation:~70            \\
Battery Model   
    & Model                     & Linear                                \\
    & Monitoring Interval (s)   & 60                                    \\
    & Capacity (mAh)            & 1200                                  \\ 
    & Number of packets         & 1000      \\
    & Packet Size (bytes)       & 64        \\
    & Start Time (seconds)      & 10        \\
    & End Time (seconds)        & 900       \\
    & Packet generation rate    & 100 packets/second \\ 



\frametitle{The table}
\caption{EXata simulation parameters (first part)}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l X >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X @{}}
\textbf{Interface}  & \textbf{Parameter}    & \textbf{Value}    \\
    & Coordinate System         & Cartesian                             \\
    & Grid Size (m$\times$m)    & 1500$\times$1500                      \\
    & Altitude Range (m)        & 1500 (above sea level)                \\
    & Simulation length (s)     & 900                                   \\
    & Number of nodes           & 50, 75, 100, 150, 200                 \\
    & Weather mobility (s)      & 100                                   \\
Channel Properties
    & Frequency (GHz)           & 2.4                                   \\
    & Pathloss Model            & Two Ray                               \\
    & Shadowing Model           & Log normal                            \\
    & Shadowing Mean (dB)       & 5.8                                   \\
    & Radio Type                & 802.15.4                              \\
    & Transmission Power        & 3.0 dBm                               \\                                                                            & Packet Reception Model    & PHY802.15.4                           \\
    & Modulation Scheme         & O-QPSK                                \\
    & CCA Mode                  & Carrier Sense                         \\
    & Antenna Model             & Omnidirectional                       \\
    & Noise Factor              & 10.0                                  \\
    & Energy Model              & MicaZ                                 \\

\caption{EXata simulation parameters (second part)}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l X >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X @{}}
\textbf{Interface}  & \textbf{Parameter}    & \textbf{Value}    \\
MAC & Protocol                  & 802.15.4                              \\
    & Device Type               & FFD                                   \\
    & FFD Mode                  & PAN Coordinator                       \\
    & Protocol                  & IPv4                                  \\
    & Routing Protocol          & AODV, Bellman Ford, Fisheye, Lanmar   \\
Mobility and Placement
    & Mobility Model            & Random Waypoint                       \\
    & Pause Time (seconds)      & 10                                    \\
    & Node Orientation          & azimuth:~90, elevation:~70            \\
Battery Model
    & Model                     & Linear                                \\
    & Monitoring Interval (s)   & 60                                    \\
    & Capacity (mAh)            & 1200                                  \\
    & Number of packets         & 1000      \\
    & Packet Size (bytes)       & 64        \\
    & Start Time (seconds)      & 10        \\
    & End Time (seconds)        & 900       \\
    & Packet generation rate    & 100 packets/second \\




高度约 3 厘米被注释掉,我会拆分表格或删除标题:


%\frametitle{This is a frame with a table}
\caption{EXata simulation parameters}
%\resizebox{\linewidth}{3cm}{% i would split it up
    \textbf{Interface} & \textbf{Parameter}            & \textbf{Value}                                                                 \\ \hline
    & Coordinate System             & Cartesian                                                                      \\
    & Grid Size (mxm)                    & 1500x1500                                                                      \\
    Terrain                  & Altitude Range (m)       & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}1500 (above sea level)\end{tabular}                                                         \\
    & Simulation length (s)   & 900                                                                            \\
    & Number of nodes               & 50, 75, 100, 150, 200                                                                   
    & Weather mobility (s)   & 100                         
    \\ \hline
    & Frequency (GHz)               & 2.4                                                                            \\
    Channel Properties       & Pathloss Model                & Two Ray                                                                        \\
    & Shadowing Model               & Log normal                                                                     \\
    & Shadowing Mean (dB)           & 5.8                                                                            \\ \hline
    & Radio Type                    & 802.15.4                                                                       \\
    & Transmission Power     & 3.0 dBm                                                                            \\
    & Packet Reception Model        & PHY802.15.4                                                                    \\
    Physical                 & Modulation Scheme             & O-QPSK                                                                         \\
    & CCA Mode                      & Carrier Sense                                                                  \\
    & Antenna Model                 & Omnidirectional                                                                \\
    & Noise Factor                  & 10.0                                                                           \\
    & Energy Model                  & MicaZ                                                                          \\ \hline
    & Protocol                      & 802.15.4                                                                       \\
    MAC                      & Device Type                   & FFD                                                                            \\
    & FFD Mode                      & PAN Coordinator                                                                \\ \hline
    Network                  & Protocol                      & IPv4                                                                           \\
    & Routing Protocol              & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}AODV, Bellman Ford, \\Fisheye, Lanmar\end{tabular} \\ \hline
    & Mobility Model                & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Random Waypoint\end{tabular}                                                                \\
    Mobility and Placement   & Pause Time (seconds)          & 10                                                                             \\
    & Node Orientation    & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}azimuth=90, \\ elevation=70\end{tabular}            \\ \hline
    & Model                         & Linear                                                                         \\
    Battery Model            & Monitoring Interval (s) & 60                                                                             \\
    & Capacity (mAh)               & 1200                                                                           \\ \hline
    & Number of packets             & 1000                                                                           \\
    & Packet Size (bytes)           & 64                                                                             \\
    Application              & Start Time (seconds)          & 10                                                                             \\
    & End Time (seconds)            & 900                                                                            \\
    & Packet generation rate        & 100 packets/second \\ \hline
