使用 decorations.text 装饰路径的文本换行符

使用 decorations.text 装饰路径的文本换行符

是否可以在装饰路径的文本中使用换行符?考虑以下 MWE:

% Circular arrows with text
% Author: Tom Bombadil
% inner radius, middle radius, outer radius, start angle,
% end angle, tip protusion angle, options, text
  \fill[#7] (\astart:\rin) arc (\astart:\aend:\rin)
       -- (\aend+\atip:\rmid) -- (\aend:\rout) arc (\aend:\astart:\rout)
       -- (\astart+\atip:\rmid) -- cycle;
  \path[font = \sffamily, decoration = {text along path, text = {|\mytextstyle|#8},
    text align = {align = center}, raise = -0.5ex}, decorate]
    (\astart+\atip:\rmid) arc (\astart+\atip:\aend+\atip:\rmid);

  \fill[even odd rule,red!30] circle (3.8) circle (3.2);
  \foreach \x in {0,60,...,300} {
      draw = red!50!black, very thick}{a very long text that wants to be split into multiple lines \x}

使用 '\\' 无法编译。我看了http://tug.ctan.org/info/visualtikz/VisualTikZ.pdf但是,从本质上来说,这似乎是不可能的。有什么想法吗?




% Circular arrows with text
% Author: Tom Bombadil
% inner radius, middle radius, outer radius, start angle,
% end angle, tip protusion angle, options, text
  \fill[#7] (\astart:\rin) arc (\astart:\aend:\rin)
       -- (\aend+\atip:\rmid) -- (\aend:\rout) arc (\aend:\astart:\rout)
       -- (\astart+\atip:\rmid) -- cycle;
  \path[font = \sffamily, decoration = {text along path, text = {|\mytextstyle|#8},
    text align = {align = center}, raise = -0.5ex}, decorate]
    (\astart+\atip:\rmid) arc (\astart+\atip:\aend+\atip:\rmid);

  \fill[even odd rule,red!30] circle (3.8) circle (3.2);
  \foreach \x in {0,60,...,300} {
      draw = red!50!black, very thick}{%
a very long text\\
that wants to be\\
split into multiple\\


基于使用 tikz 在弯曲箭头内绘制弯曲文本(多行)使用多个后续操作,我最终得到了以下解决方案(可能会有所改进,但可以满足我的需求):


% Circular arrows with text
% Author: Tom Bombadil
% inner radius, middle radius, outer radius, start angle,
% end angle, tip protusion angle, options, text
  \fill[#7] (\astart:\rin) arc (\astart:\aend:\rin)
       -- (\aend+\atip:\rmid) -- (\aend:\rout) arc (\aend:\astart:\rout)
       -- (\astart+\atip:\rmid) -- cycle;
  \foreach \x/\y in #8 
    \path[{postaction={decoration = {text along path, text align = {align = center}, text={\x}, reverse path, raise=\y ex}, decorate}}] (\astart+\atip:\rmid) arc (\astart+\atip:\aend+\atip:\rmid);
  \fill[even odd rule,red!30] circle (3.8) circle (3.2);
  \foreach \x in {0,60,...,300} {
      draw = red!50!black, very thick}{{a very long text/1.5, that wants to be/-0.5, split into multiple/-2.5, lines/-4.5}}



密钥中的文本arc data可以包含\\将文本分割成多行。

此文本以键为中心arc data pos=0.5

箭是用钥匙获得的slices arrow={-0.6}{0}


\fill[red!30,even odd rule] (0,0) circle[radius=3.8] circle[radius=3.2];
  arc data=a very long text\\that wants to be\\split into multiple\\lines,
  arc data angle shift=-5,
  arc data expand=f,
  arc data pos=0.5,
  gap polar=5,
  slices arrow={-0.6}{0},
  slices style={red,draw=red!50!black,very thick},
  total count=6
