Nomencl 包 - 将选项 nomentbl 与自定义子组组合失败

Nomencl 包 - 将选项 nomentbl 与自定义子组组合失败

我正在尝试使用该nomencl包(CTAN链接) 并希望以表格形式格式化命名法条目,如文档中所述(选项nomentbl)。

这很好,除非我还尝试按照文档中所述自定义子组(通过\renewcommand{\nomgroup}...)。附加的 MWE 在输出中返回以下错误

./mwe.nls:7: Missing number, treated as zero.

并且 PDF 中的标题都乱了(见下文)。


The objective function minimizes total energy cost in the period under consideration.
  \min_x \sum_m\sum_t C_t \cdot q_m^{p,s} \cdot r_m^{p,s} \cdot x_{m,t}^{p,s}
\nomenclature[c C]{$C_t$}{Electricity price in period $t$}{}{}
\nomenclature[c q]{$q_m^{p,s}$}{Output-specific power uptake of machine $m$ when producing paper $p$ in production mode $s$}{}{}
\nomenclature[c r]{$r_m^{p,s}$}{Production rate of machine $m$ for paper $p$ when run in mode $s$}{}{}
\nomenclature[s t]{$\mathcal{T}$}{Set of points in time}{}{}
\nomenclature[s p]{$\mathcal{P}$}{Set of paper types}{}{}
\nomenclature[s m]{$\mathcal{M}$}{Set of machines}{}{}
\nomenclature[v x]{$x_{m,t}^{p,s}$}{Binary variable that equals 1 if machine $m$ produces paper $p$ in production mode $s$ in period $t$, otherwise 0}{}{}

PDF 文档中的术语混乱









The objective function minimizes total energy cost in the period under consideration.
  \min_x \sum_m\sum_t C_t \cdot q_m^{p,s} \cdot r_m^{p,s} \cdot x_{m,t}^{p,s}
\nomenclature[c C]{$C_t$}{Electricity price in period $t$}{}{}
\nomenclature[c q]{$q_m^{p,s}$}{Output-specific power uptake of machine $m$ when producing paper $p$ in production mode $s$}{}{}
\nomenclature[c r]{$r_m^{p,s}$}{Production rate of machine $m$ for paper $p$ when run in mode $s$}{}{}
\nomenclature[s t]{$\mathcal{T}$}{Set of points in time}{}{}
\nomenclature[s p]{$\mathcal{P}$}{Set of paper types}{}{}
\nomenclature[s m]{$\mathcal{M}$}{Set of machines}{}{}
\nomenclature[v x]{$x_{m,t}^{p,s}$}{Binary variable that equals 1 if machine $m$ produces paper $p$ in production mode $s$ in period $t$, otherwise 0}{}{}


