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%% Document Information
\title{%% Poster title
 Calculation of the ground state energies of some nuclei using an energy-dependent potential in the cluster model%
\author{%% Author(s)
  Elhadj Hocine\inst{*}%
  \& Rabia Yekken%
\institute{%% Institute(s) and email(s)
  Département de Physique théorique, Faculté de Physique, Université des sciences et de la technologie Houari Boumediene%
  \par e-mail(s): \email[*]{[email protected]}%

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Wave equations with energy-dependent potentials are well known in physics. They appear both in relativistic and non-relativistic quantum mechanics, also were used largely in particle, nuclear and atomic physics. More recently, a great interest has been brought to this type of potentials in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Their presence in the Schrödinger wave equation generates a reformulation of the probability density to ensure the conservation of the continuity equation. The energy levels of nuclei provide an idea of their nuclear structure. Therefore, all the nuclear models, which have evolved from 1930s to now, are expected to reproduce the energy levels. One of the fundamental models of nuclear structure is the cluster
model. In the present work, we propose to calculate analytically the ground state energies of some nuclei using an energy-dependent potential in the cluster model. With a suitable parameters values, we compare the obtained results with the available experimental data.%

\begin{block}{The energy-dependent potentials}
In this section, we present the quantum supersymmetry, in 3 dimensional
space, extended to the case where the potentials are energy-dependent
\cite{yekken2013applying}. Starting from the generalization of the
superpotential in order to factorize the Hamiltonian $H_{n}$. Here
we have considered this notation to indicate the energy-dependence
of the Hamiltonian ($\hbar=m=e=1$)
    H_{n}=-\frac{1}{2}\nabla^{2}+V_{n}(\boldsymbol{r},E_{n}),\ \ \ n=0,1,2...,
where $n$ is the radial quantum number which represents the nodes
Details concerning the modifications of the usual rules of quantum
mechanics required by the energy-dependence of the potential can be
found in \cite{lombard2007wave,formanek2004wave,yekken2010energy}
(and references therein). We recall that the constraint imposed by
the continuity equation requires the density distribution to be defined
by \cite{formanek2004wave}
\rho(\boldsymbol{r},E_{n})=\psi_{n}^{*}(\boldsymbol{r},E_{n})\left[1-\frac{\partial V_{n}(\boldsymbol{r},E_{n})}{\partial E_{n}}\right]\psi_{n}(\boldsymbol{r},E_{n}).
It is to note that the probability density has to be positive definite
and this is ensured if and only if
    1-\frac{\partial V_{n}(\boldsymbol{r},E_{n})}{\partial E_{n}}>0.\label{eq:positivity-condition}
Accordingly, the scalar product is written as 
    \left(\psi_{n}\right|\left.\psi_{n}\right\rangle =\int\psi_{n}^{*}(\boldsymbol{r},E_{n})\left(1-\frac{\partial V_{n}(\boldsymbol{r},E_{n})}{\partial E_{n}}\right)\psi_{n}(\boldsymbol{r},E_{n})d\boldsymbol{r}.
The notation $\left(\psi_{n}\right|\left.\psi_{n}\right\rangle $
is used instead of $\left\langle \psi_{n}\right|\left.\psi_{n}\right\rangle $
to distinguish the difference between the two scalar products.



\begin{block}{MATERIAL E MÉTODOS}
A Figura~\ref{fig:campuspontagrossa} é um exemplo de figura inserida usando o ambiente \LaTeX\ ``figure'' e numerada automaticamente.
\caption{Exemplo de legenda de figura.}
\includegraphics[width = 0.675\columnwidth]{./Figuras/campuspontagrossa}
A Tabela~\ref{tab:Ldimensoes} é um exemplo de tabela inserida usando o ambiente \LaTeX\ ``table'' e numerada automaticamente.
\caption{Exemplo de legenda de tabela.}
$L$   & $L^2$     & $L^3$     & $L^4$     \\
{[m]} & {[m$^2$]} & {[m$^3$]} & {[m$^4$]} \\ \hline
1     & 1         & 1         & 1         \\
2     & 4         & 8         & 16        \\
3     & 9         & 27        & 81        \\
4     & 16        & 64        & 256       \\
5     & 25        & 125       & 625       \\ \hline
\source{Autoria própria.}
Para gerar ou editar tabelas em \LaTeX\ pode-se utilizar a ferramenta ``Tables Generator'', disponível em <\url{http://www.tablesgenerator.com/}>, dentre outras.\par
Informações e dicas sobre \TeX/\LaTeX\ podem ser obtidas em:
\item \LaTeX\ Project: <\url{http://www.latex-project.org/}>.
\item Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network (CTAN): <\url{http://www.ctan.org/}>.
\item \TeX\ Users Group (TUG): <\url{http://www.tug.org/}>.
\item \LaTeX\ - Wikibooks: <\url{http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/}>.
\item \TeX\ - \LaTeX\ Stack Exchange: <\url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/}>.





As Figuras~\ref{fig:graficoxy1}, \ref{fig:graficoxy2} e \ref{fig:graficoxy3} são mais exemplos de figuras inseridas usando o ambiente \LaTeX\ ``figure'' e dispostas em três colunas.
\caption{Exemplo de legenda de figura.}
\includegraphics[width = 0.75\columnwidth]{./Figuras/graficoxy}
\source{Autoria própria.}
{\color{Blue}\vrule width 1.5pt}
\caption{Exemplo de legenda de figura.}
\includegraphics[width = 0.75\columnwidth]{./Figuras/graficoxy}
\source{Autoria própria.}
{\color{Blue}\vrule width 1.5pt}
\caption{Exemplo de legenda de figura.}
\includegraphics[width = 0.75\columnwidth]{./Figuras/graficoxy}
\source{Autoria própria.}





\item Conclusão 1.
\item Conclusão 2.
\item Conclusão 3.
\item Conclusão 4.
\item Conclusão 5.

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\bf{ICRA 2019: The second International Conference on Radiations and Applications}%
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  author = {R. Yekken},
  title  = {Du spectre au potentiel {\'e}tude du probl{\`e}me inverse dans le cas des {\'e}tats discrets avec extension aux potentiels d{\'e}pendant de l'{\'e}nergie},
  school = {Universit{\'e} des sciences et de la technologie Houari Boumediene},
  year   = {2009},
  author    = {R. Yekken and R. J. Lombard},
  title     = {Energy-dependent potentials and the problem of the equivalent local potential},
  journal   = {Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical},
  year      = {2010},
  volume    = {43},
  number    = {12},
  pages     = {125301},
  month     = {mar},
  doi       = {10.1088/1751-8113/43/12/125301},
  publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F1751-8113%2F43%2F12%2F125301},

  author   = {R. Yekken and M. Lassaut and R. J. Lombard},
  title    = {Applying supersymmetry to energy dependent potentials},
  journal  = {Annals of Physics},
  year     = {2013},
  volume   = {338},
  pages    = {195 - 206},
  issn     = {0003-4916},
  doi      = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aop.2013.08.005},
  keywords = {Supersymmetry, Energy dependent potentials},
  url      = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003491613001747},

  author   = {R. Yekken and M. Lassaut and R. J. Lombard},
  title    = {Bound States of Energy Dependent Singular Potentials},
  journal  = {Few-Body Systems},
  year     = {2013},
  volume   = {54},
  number   = {11},
  pages    = {2113--2124},
  month    = {Nov},
  issn     = {1432-5411},
  day      = {01},
  doi      = {10.1007/s00601-013-0720-3},
  url      = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00601-013-0720-3},

  author   = {J. Form{\'a}nek and R. J. Lombard and J. Mare{\v{s}}},
  title    = {Wave equations with energy-dependent potentials},
  journal  = {Czechoslovak Journal of Physics},
  year     = {2004},
  volume   = {54},
  number   = {3},
  pages    = {289--315},
  month    = {Mar},
  issn     = {1572-9486},
  day      = {01},
  doi      = {10.1023/B:CJOP.0000018127.95600.a3},
  url      = {https://doi.org/10.1023/B:CJOP.0000018127.95600.a3},
  author    = {R. J. Lombard and J. Mare{\v{s}} and C. Volpe},
  title     = {Wave equation with energy-dependent potentials for confined systems},
  journal   = {Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics},
  year      = {2007},
  volume    = {34},
  number    = {9},
  pages     = {1879--1889},
  month     = {jul},
  doi       = {10.1088/0954-3899/34/9/002},
  publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F0954-3899%2F34%2F9%2F002},

  author   = {R. J. Lombard and J. Mareš},
  title    = {The many-body problem with an energy-dependent confining potential},
  journal  = {Physics Letters A},
  year     = {2009},
  volume   = {373},
  number   = {4},
  pages    = {426 - 429},
  issn     = {0375-9601},
  doi      = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2008.12.009},
  url      = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0375960108017209},

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