请查看以下 MWE。我找到了一个自动解决好根的方法。字母的深度被忽略,下标不影响深度。
,但我通常使用 Plain (Lua-)TeX。但使用低级命令加载 OTF 字体会在代码中产生许多额外的行,因此我使用 LuaLaTeX 和 Unicode Math 编写了这个 MWE。
% Only for LuaTeX
% to get cramped style
\Umathcodenum`j=`i % example for goobling depth of letters
\setbox\z@\hbox{\scantokens{\catcode`\_=\active \let_=\@gobble
$\m@th#1{\vphantom{0}#2}$}} % Subscripts do not influence depth
\Uradical"0"221A {\box\r@@tbox}}
This works fine for not nested roots:
$ \sqrt A \sqrt j $, $ \sqrt{Aj} $, $ \sqrt{1_{1_1}\over Aj_{A_A}} $
However, there is a problem with nested roots:
$ \sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{11}}}}} $
The base of the root signs alternates and the radical rules
are vertically spaced unequal. What am I doing wrong?