不使用 lineno 包添加行号

不使用 lineno 包添加行号

我在使用 lineno 包和期刊文章模板时遇到了几个问题(例如,没有对某些段落进行编号)。是否可以在页面侧面添加“未对齐”的行号列?







% Specify a verbatim list of numbers (or items) to be on the side of the text block
     1 \\  2 \\  3 \\  4 \\  5 \\  6 \\  7 \\  8 \\  9 \\ 10 \\
    11 \\ 12 \\ 13 \\ 14 \\ 15 \\ 16 \\ 17 \\ 18 \\ 19 \\ 20 \\
    21 \\ 22 \\ 23 \\ 24 \\ 25 \\ 26 \\ 27 \\ 28 \\ 29 \\ 20 \\
    31 \\ 32 \\ 33 \\ 34 \\ 35 \\ 36 \\ 37 \\ 38 \\ 39 \\ 30 \\
    41 \\ 42 \\ 43 \\ 44 \\ 45 \\ 46

  \ttfamily\color{black!50}% Font/colour used for number list

% Add number list to the ForeGround of every page
  % Start at the top left of the text block
    % Numbers on left
      \numberlist[r]% Print numbers, right-aligned
    \hspace{50pt}% Space between left numbers and text block
    \hspace*{\textwidth}% Just to right side of text block
    \hspace{3em}% Space between right numbers and text block
      \numberlist[l]% Print numbers, left-aligned




