

我正在尝试编辑LaTex 模板,我从这里下载https://www.overleaf.com,放入我想要的简历中。


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Simple LaTeX CV Template %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% NOTE: If you find that it says                                     %%
%%                                                                    %%
%%                           1 of ??                                  %%
%%                                                                    %%
%% at the bottom of your first page, this means that the AUX file     %%
%% was not available when you ran LaTeX on this source. Simply RERUN  %%
%% LaTeX to get the ``??'' replaced with the number of the last page  %%
%% of the document. The AUX file will be generated on the first run   %%
%% of LaTeX and used on the second run to fill in all of the          %%
%% references.                                                        %%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Setup %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% Don't like 10pt? Try 11pt or 12pt

% This is a helpful package that puts math inside length specifications

% Simpler bibsection for CV sections
% (thanks to natbib for inspiration)
 {\@listi \global\bibsep\itemsep \global\advance\bibsep by\parsep}

% Layout: Puts the section titles on left side of page

% The next \usepackage line changes the layout for CV style section
% headings as marginal notes. It also sets up the paper size as either
% letter or A4. By default, letter was used. If A4 paper is desired,
% comment out the letterpaper lines and uncomment the a4paper lines.
% As you can see, the margin widths and section title widths can be
% easily adjusted.
% ALSO: Notice that the includefoot option can be commented OUT in order
% to put the PAGE NUMBER *IN* the bottom margin. This will make the
% effective text area larger.
% IF YOU WISH TO REMOVE THE ``of LASTPAGE'' next to each page number,
% see the note about the +LP and -LP lines below. Comment out the +LP
% and uncomment the -LP.
% IF YOU WISH TO REMOVE PAGE NUMBERS, be sure that the includefoot line
% is uncommented and ALSO uncomment the \pagestyle{empty} a few lines
% below.

%% Use these lines for letter-sized paper
%           %includefoot, % Uncomment to put page number above margin
%            marginparwidth=0.7in,     % Length of section titles
%            marginparsep=.05in,       % Space between titles and text
%            margin=0.5in,               % 1 inch margins
%            includemp]{geometry}

% Use these lines for A4-sized paper
            %includefoot, % Uncomment to put page number above margin
            marginparwidth=24mm,    % Length of section titles
            marginparsep=1mm,       % Space between titles and text
            margin=15mm,              % 25mm margins

%% More layout: Get rid of indenting throughout entire document

%% This gives us fun enumeration environments. compactitem will be nice.
% \usepackage[misc]{ifsym}
%% Reference the last page in the page number
% NOTE: comment the +LP line and uncomment the -LP line to have page
%       numbers without the ``of ##'' last page reference)
% NOTE: uncomment the \pagestyle{empty} line to get rid of all page
%       numbers (make sure includefoot is commented out above)
%\pagestyle{empty}      % Uncomment this to get rid of page numbers
       \parbox{3.5in}{\, \hfill %
                    \arabic{page} of \protect\pageref*{LastPage} % +LP
%                    \arabic{page}                               % -LP
                    \hfill \,}}

% Finally, give us PDF bookmarks

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End Document Setup %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Helper Commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% The title (name) with a horizontal rule under it
% Usage: \makeheading{name}
% Place at top of document. It should be the first thing.
        {\hspace*{-\marginparsep minus \marginparwidth}%
                {\large \bfseries #1}\\[-0.15\baselineskip]%

% The section headings
% Usage: \section{section name}
% Follow this section IMMEDIATELY with the first line of the section
% text. Do not put whitespace in between. That is, do this:
%       \section{My Information}
%       Here is my information.
% and NOT this:
%       \section{My Information}
%       Here is my information.
% Otherwise the top of the section header will not line up with the top
% of the section. Of course, using a single comment character (%) on
% empty lines allows for the function of the first example with the
% readability of the second example.
         \raggedright \scshape #1}#2}

% An itemize-style list with lots of space between items

% An environment IDENTICAL to outerlist that has better pre-list spacing
% when used as the first thing in a \section

% An itemize-style list with little space between items
% \newenvironment{innerlist}[1][\enskip\textbullet]%

% An environment IDENTICAL to innerlist that has better pre-list spacing
% when used as the first thing in a \section

% To add some paragraph space between lines.
% This also tells LaTeX to preferably break a page on one of these gaps
% if there is a needed pagebreak nearby.

% Uses hyperref to link DOI

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End Helper Commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Begin CV Document %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%\hyphenpenalty = 9999
% \makeheading{Curriculum Vitae\\ [0.3cm] TIEP HUU VU\quad~~~~~~\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad{\small Last update: December 17, 2015}}
\makeheading{Quan Ho \hfill {\small Last update: July 29, 2016}}

\section{Contact Information}

\newlength{\rcollength}\setlength{\rcollength}{3 in}

1 Dai Co Viet Str. & \texttt{Homepage:}\href{http://www.hust.edu.vn/web/vi/home}{http://www.hust.edu.vn/web/vi/home}\\
Hai Ba Trung,      & \texttt{Linkedin:}\href{http://www.linkedin.com/in/XVanNguyen}{www.linkedin.com/in/XVanNguyen}\\
Hanoi, Vietnam     & {\large\Letter} \texttt{E-mail:}\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}\\
Tel: 1800-8198     &
%% ==============================================================
\section{Research Background} % (fold)
  \item {\bf Social Network}: more descriptions here.
  \item {\bf Advanced Vietnamese:} descriptions.
% section research_backg (end)
%% =========  ==============================
    \href{https://www.stanford.edu/}{\textbf{Standford University}}, State College, PA \hfill 2013--2018 (expected)
        \item Ph.D. in \href{http://cs.stanford.edu/} {Department of Computer Science}, GPA: {\bf 4/4} -- via 40 credits.
        \item Advisor: Prof. \href{http://stanford.edu/~boyd/}{ Stephen P. Boyed}. 

    \href{http://en.hust.edu.vn}{\textbf{Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)}}, Vietnam. \hfill 2007--2012
        \item B.Sc., Electronics and Telecommunications. GPA: {\bf 3.51/4 }-- via 181 credits, Rank: {\bf 1/5000}.
        \item Thesis: \textit{Thesis title.}
%% =========  ==============================
\section{Technical Skills} % (fold)
  \item {\it Programming Languages}: C/C++, Python, Java, Javascript, VHDL, Verilog.
  \item {\it Technical Softwares}: MATLAB, OpenCV, Simulink.
%% =========  ==============================
\section{Research Experience} % (fold)
    \item {\bf Embedded Systems and Reconfigurable Computing Laboratory } \hfill 2009--2012\\
    School of Electronics and Communications, Hanoi University of Science and Technology.\\
    Implementations for the project below were done in a mix of VHDL/Verilog and C/C$++$.
      \item FPGA-based Intellectual Property camera systems: Applications in remote supervising and controlling systems. The whole system is a combination of an ARM-based Board and a Xilinx platform. 

%% ================== block:  ==========================
\section{Selected Publications}
    \item {\bf X Van Nguyen} \textit{et. al,}. ``Hanh vi ninh trong tieng Viet''. \textit{International Conference on Vietnamese}, 2016.
\section{Honors and Awards}
\item \textbf{\textit{Golden prices}} in International Vietnamese Olympiad (IVO). \hfill 2007, 2008, 2009, 2015
\item \textbf{\textit{Silver prices}} in International Vietnamese Olympiad (IVO). \hfill 2014, 2016
%% ==============================================================
Dr. \textbf{Y Dinh Le}
Institution 1\\
{E-mail: [email protected]}

Dr. \textbf{Z Khac Tran }
 Institution 2\\
 {E-mail: [email protected]}




  1. 我想问一下如何更改圆形项目符号方形项目符号像这个。



% An itemize-style list with lots of space between items
  1. 我想问一下如何删除圆圈项目符号之前的缩进,但不知道该怎么做。



  1. 例如,可以通过加载具有所需方形符号的包并应用此符号来更改标签。包名称为bbding,符号名称为(请参阅下面 Q1 标记的代码片段)。但是,这与代码中使用的\SquareCastShadowBottomRight包存在冲突(该命令在两个包中均有定义)。因此,应该编写类似的内容(请参阅下面的完整代码)。最后,要更改标签,您可以编写marvosym\Cross\let\Cross\relax
% An itemize-style list with lots of space between items
\newenvironment{outerlist}[1][\scriptsize\SquareCastShadowBottomRight]% CHANGED - Q1
        {\begin{itemize}[#1,leftmargin=1.2em]}{\end{itemize}% ChANGED - Q2

% An environment IDENTICAL to outerlist that has better pre-list spacing
% when used as the first thing in a \section
\newenvironment{lonelist}[1][\scriptsize\SquareCastShadowBottomRight]% CHANGED - Q1
  1. 为了避免项目标签前的空白,您应该考虑更改列表leftmargin的键enumitem。请参阅上面 Q2 标记的代码片段(您可以根据自己的喜好调整此键的值)。

  2. 请注意,必须%\def\halfblankline{\vspace{0.1in}}before之后写入符号Dr. \textbf{Y Dinh Le}。如果没有,%编译将在 之前产生多余的空格Dr. \textbf{Y Dinh Le}

  3. 另外,考虑更改部分leftmargin的键enumerate精选出版物。我认为,这个值应该等于列表leftmarginitemize。但在这种情况下,我建议扩大当前值1.2em

  4. 主页太宽。


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Simple LaTeX CV Template %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% NOTE: If you find that it says                                     %%
%%                                                                    %%
%%                           1 of ??                                  %%
%%                                                                    %%
%% at the bottom of your first page, this means that the AUX file     %%
%% was not available when you ran LaTeX on this source. Simply RERUN  %%
%% LaTeX to get the ``??'' replaced with the number of the last page  %%
%% of the document. The AUX file will be generated on the first run   %%
%% of LaTeX and used on the second run to fill in all of the          %%
%% references.                                                        %%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Setup %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% Don't like 10pt? Try 11pt or 12pt

% This is a helpful package that puts math inside length specifications

% Simpler bibsection for CV sections
% (thanks to natbib for inspiration)
 {\@listi \global\bibsep\itemsep \global\advance\bibsep by\parsep}

% Layout: Puts the section titles on left side of page

% The next \usepackage line changes the layout for CV style section
% headings as marginal notes. It also sets up the paper size as either
% letter or A4. By default, letter was used. If A4 paper is desired,
% comment out the letterpaper lines and uncomment the a4paper lines.
% As you can see, the margin widths and section title widths can be
% easily adjusted.
% ALSO: Notice that the includefoot option can be commented OUT in order
% to put the PAGE NUMBER *IN* the bottom margin. This will make the
% effective text area larger.
% IF YOU WISH TO REMOVE THE ``of LASTPAGE'' next to each page number,
% see the note about the +LP and -LP lines below. Comment out the +LP
% and uncomment the -LP.
% IF YOU WISH TO REMOVE PAGE NUMBERS, be sure that the includefoot line
% is uncommented and ALSO uncomment the \pagestyle{empty} a few lines
% below.

%% Use these lines for letter-sized paper
%           %includefoot, % Uncomment to put page number above margin
%            marginparwidth=0.7in,     % Length of section titles
%            marginparsep=.05in,       % Space between titles and text
%            margin=0.5in,               % 1 inch margins
%            includemp]{geometry}

% Use these lines for A4-sized paper
            %includefoot, % Uncomment to put page number above margin
            marginparwidth=24mm,    % Length of section titles
            marginparsep=1mm,       % Space between titles and text
            margin=15mm,              % 25mm margins

%% More layout: Get rid of indenting throughout entire document

%% This gives us fun enumeration environments. compactitem will be nice.
% \usepackage[misc]{ifsym}
%% Reference the last page in the page number
% NOTE: comment the +LP line and uncomment the -LP line to have page
%       numbers without the ``of ##'' last page reference)
% NOTE: uncomment the \pagestyle{empty} line to get rid of all page
%       numbers (make sure includefoot is commented out above)
%\pagestyle{empty}      % Uncomment this to get rid of page numbers
       \parbox{3.5in}{\, \hfill %
                    \arabic{page} of \protect\pageref*{LastPage} % +LP
%                    \arabic{page}                               % -LP
                    \hfill \,}}

% Finally, give us PDF bookmarks

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End Document Setup %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Helper Commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% The title (name) with a horizontal rule under it
% Usage: \makeheading{name}
% Place at top of document. It should be the first thing.
        {\hspace*{-\marginparsep minus \marginparwidth}%
                {\large \bfseries #1}\\[-0.15\baselineskip]%

% The section headings
% Usage: \section{section name}
% Follow this section IMMEDIATELY with the first line of the section
% text. Do not put whitespace in between. That is, do this:
%       \section{My Information}
%       Here is my information.
% and NOT this:
%       \section{My Information}
%       Here is my information.
% Otherwise the top of the section header will not line up with the top
% of the section. Of course, using a single comment character (%) on
% empty lines allows for the function of the first example with the
% readability of the second example.
         \raggedright \scshape #1}#2}

% An itemize-style list with lots of space between items

% An environment IDENTICAL to outerlist that has better pre-list spacing
% when used as the first thing in a \section

% An itemize-style list with little space between items
% \newenvironment{innerlist}[1][\enskip\textbullet]%

% An environment IDENTICAL to innerlist that has better pre-list spacing
% when used as the first thing in a \section

% To add some paragraph space between lines.
% This also tells LaTeX to preferably break a page on one of these gaps
% if there is a needed pagebreak nearby.

% Uses hyperref to link DOI

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End Helper Commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Begin CV Document %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%\hyphenpenalty = 9999
% \makeheading{Curriculum Vitae\\ [0.3cm] TIEP HUU VU\quad~~~~~~\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad{\small Last update: December 17, 2015}}
\makeheading{Quan Ho \hfill {\small Last update: July 29, 2016}}

\section{Contact Information}

\newlength{\rcollength}\setlength{\rcollength}{3 in}

1 Dai Co Viet Str. & \texttt{Homepage:}\href{http://www.hust.edu.vn/web/vi/home}{http://www.hust.edu.vn/web/vi/home}\\
Hai Ba Trung,      & \texttt{Linkedin:}\href{http://www.linkedin.com/in/XVanNguyen}{www.linkedin.com/in/XVanNguyen}\\
Hanoi, Vietnam     & {\large\Letter} \texttt{E-mail:}\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}\\
Tel: 1800-8198     &
%% ==============================================================
\section{Research Background} % (fold)
  \item {\bf Social Network}: more descriptions here.
  \item {\bf Advanced Vietnamese:} descriptions.
% section research_backg (end)
%% =========  ==============================
    \href{https://www.stanford.edu/}{\textbf{Standford University}}, State College, PA \hfill 2013--2018 (expected)
        \item Ph.D. in \href{http://cs.stanford.edu/} {Department of Computer Science}, GPA: {\bf 4/4} -- via 40 credits.
        \item Advisor: Prof. \href{http://stanford.edu/~boyd/}{ Stephen P. Boyed}. 

    \href{http://en.hust.edu.vn}{\textbf{Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)}}, Vietnam. \hfill 2007--2012
        \item B.Sc., Electronics and Telecommunications. GPA: {\bf 3.51/4 }-- via 181 credits, Rank: {\bf 1/5000}.
        \item Thesis: \textit{Thesis title.}
%% =========  ==============================
\section{Technical Skills} % (fold)
  \item {\it Programming Languages}: C/C++, Python, Java, Javascript, VHDL, Verilog.
  \item {\it Technical Softwares}: MATLAB, OpenCV, Simulink.
%% =========  ==============================
\section{Research Experience} % (fold)
    \item {\bf Embedded Systems and Reconfigurable Computing Laboratory } \hfill 2009--2012\\
    School of Electronics and Communications, Hanoi University of Science and Technology.\\
    Implementations for the project below were done in a mix of VHDL/Verilog and C/C$++$.
      \item FPGA-based Intellectual Property camera systems: Applications in remote supervising and controlling systems. The whole system is a combination of an ARM-based Board and a Xilinx platform. 

%% ================== block:  ==========================
\section{Selected Publications}
    \item {\bf X Van Nguyen} \textit{et. al,}. ``Hanh vi ninh trong tieng Viet''. \textit{International Conference on Vietnamese}, 2016.
\section{Honors and Awards}
\item \textbf{\textit{Golden prices}} in International Vietnamese Olympiad (IVO). \hfill 2007, 2008, 2009, 2015
\item \textbf{\textit{Silver prices}} in International Vietnamese Olympiad (IVO). \hfill 2014, 2016
%% ==============================================================
Dr. \textbf{Y Dinh Le}
Institution 1\\
{E-mail: [email protected]}

Dr. \textbf{Z Khac Tran }
 Institution 2\\
 {E-mail: [email protected]}


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