我找到了几个类似的问题,但没有一个是完全一致的(或似乎有效)。但是,如果这是我的 Google 功力失败了,请直接链接到相关问题。
我正在尝试编写一份指南,并在末尾包含常见问题解答。我认为编写常见问题解答的最自然方式是使用 hyperref 包和 minitoc,让人们阅读问题并单击以找到答案。不幸的是,这会使指南顶部的目录被所有常见问题解答问题弄得乱七八糟。一定有一种方法可以隐藏目录中的常见问题解答问题,但仍在 minitoc 中显示它们。我尝试了\addstarredsection
minitoc 包文档中的命令,但我甚至无法正确编译它,更不用说做我想要的事情了。有什么建议吗?
\hypersetup{% % Setup the coloring of the links.
% % Currently the only necessary one is "colorlinks=true" and "linkcolor=blue".
colorlinks = true, % Colours links instead of ugly boxes
urlcolor = blue, % Colour for external hyperlinks
linkcolor = blue, % Colour of internal links
citecolor = blue % Colour of citations, could be ``red''
margin=1in,% All 4 margins need to be one inch.
paperheight=11in,% We want 11in tall paper.
paperwidth=8.5in% And 8.5in wide paper.
]{geometry}% Geometry package is the easiest way to deal with margins.
\usepackage{titlesec}% Use this for the actual header styling
\usepackage{titletoc}% Use this to manipulate Table of Contents styling
\usepackage{minitoc}% To form a miniture table of contents for the FAQ.
\title{A guide to Stuff}
\part{Part 1}
\section{Subsection of Part 1}
\section{Second Subsection of Part 1}
\part{Part 2}
\section{Subsection of Part 2}
\section{Second Subsection of Part 2}
% Every section (or subsection) below this should appear in the minitoc but NOT the main table of contents. Bonus points for being able to show *only* sections and not subsections, although this should simply be a matter of setting the toc depth in theory.
\section*{Question One}
%\addstarredsection{Question One}
\section{Question Two}
\subsection{Subquestion of Question Two}
\subsection{Another subquestion of Question Two}
\section{Question Three}
作为脚注,我想使用 titletoc 和 titlesec 包是出于其他原因,而且我看过一些关于如何使用 titletoc 来获得 minitoc 而不使用 minitoc 包的帖子。我也尝试了这些建议,但无法让任何建议的答案进行编译;甚至复制/粘贴线程中的答案作为试金石。公平地说,那些帖子似乎很旧,所以我想这是 LaTeX 和/或 titletoc 包更新的问题。我也早早放弃了这些尝试,因为我知道 minitoc 或多或少已经做了我想要的事情,而且无论如何我都想学习如何更好地使用 minitoc。
我不确定的是,为什么 minitoc 仍能正确填充所有部分,而这些部分却没有显示在顶部目录中。如果目录深度不影响 minitoc,那什么会影响呢?我认为 minitoc 解析了文件.toc
以获取其内容,因此目录中没有的内容将很难出现在 minitoc 中……但显然事实并非如此。有人能提供关于这里发生了什么的见解吗?
如何在每个 \chapter 命令后添加自定义 TOC(自动“章节细分”)?
\hypersetup{% % Setup the coloring of the links.
% % Currently the only necessary one is "colorlinks=true" and "linkcolor=blue".
colorlinks = true, % Colours links instead of ugly boxes
urlcolor = blue, % Colour for external hyperlinks
linkcolor = blue, % Colour of internal links
citecolor = blue % Colour of citations, could be ``red''
margin=1in,% All 4 margins need to be one inch.
paperheight=11in,% We want 11in tall paper.
paperwidth=8.5in% And 8.5in wide paper.
]{geometry}% Geometry package is the easiest way to deal with margins.
%\usepackage{titlesec}% Use this for the actual header styling
%\usepackage{titletoc}% Use this to manipulate Table of Contents styling
\usepackage{minitoc}% To form a miniture table of contents for the FAQ.
%koleygr: ADDED CODE
{\GenericWarning{}{Warning: A starred section can not have parameters. I am going to ignore them!}\@StarredWith}%
{\GenericWarning{}{Warning: A starred section can not have parameters. I am going to ignore them!}\@StarredSWith}%
{\GenericWarning{}{Warning: A starred section can not have parameters. I am going to ignore them!}\@StarredWith}%
{\GenericWarning{}{Warning: A starred section can not have parameters. I am going to ignore them!}\@StarredSWith}%
\foreach \opt[count=\ll from 1] in {#1}{%
%\section{Section breakdown}
\noindent{\large\bfseries Contents}%
{\noindent #2}\par
\foreach \mk in {\Continued,...,\ContinueUntil}{%
\foreach \ml in {1,...,100}{%
%\foreach \i in {#3,...,#4}
%{\item \nameref{\thechapter:\i}}
%koleygr: END ADDED CODE
\title{A guide to Stuff}
\part{Part 1}
\section{Subsection of Part 1}
\section{Second Subsection of Part 1}
\part{Part 2}
\section{Subsection of Part 2}
\section{Second Subsection of Part 2}
\section*{Question One}
%\addstarredsection{Question One}
\section{Question Two}
\subsection{Subquestion of Question Two}
\subsection{Another subquestion of Question Two}
\section{Question Three}
第 3 部分: