\makecell 在 \tabular{*} s 列中不起作用,但在 l 第一列中可以正常工作

\makecell 在 \tabular{*} s 列中不起作用,但在 l 第一列中可以正常工作


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\newcommand{\fact}[1]{\left( #1\right)!}
\def\Pone(#1){\Pr\left( #1 \right)}
\def\Ptwo(#1|#2){\Pr\left( #1 \mid #2 \right)}
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      \item[a] capital and large cities; \item[b] continuous variable, so we refer to the number of total cases in figure X to see if the regression is fitted with it.
      \note   2003: DHS, 2010:DHS, 2014:PMA round 1, 2015:PMA round 2, 2016::PMA round 3, 2016-17:PMA round 4
      \source   Authors' calculations ...
     % \end{sidewaystable}

    % \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{
     %\caption{my tavle}\label{tab:scoring}
     \captionof{subtable}{Part 2}
      %l *{18}{S[table-format=1.3]} @{}} 
    % l
                       %     S[table-format=-1.3]
                         % *{17}{S[table-format=1.3]} @{}}                            
                                  %*{24}{S[table-format=4]} @{}}   

        &   \multicolumn{6}{s}{\textcolor{blue}{ \textbf{Boucle de mouhoun}}}   &   \multicolumn{6}{s}{ \textcolor{blue}{ \textbf{Cascades}}}  &   \multicolumn{6}{s}{\textcolor{blue}{ \textbf{Centre (- ouagadougou)}}} \\
              &  {\thead[b]{2003}}
                &   {\thead[b]{2010}}
                    &   {\thead[b]{2014}}
                        &   {\thead[b]{2015}}
                            &   {\thead[b]{2016}}
                            &   {\thead[b]{2016-17}}
              &  {\thead[b]{2003}}
                &   {\thead[b]{2010}}
                    &   {\thead[b]{2014}}
                        &   {\thead[b]{2015}}
                            &   {\thead[b]{2016}}
                            &   {\thead[b]{2016-17}}
              &  {\thead[b]{2003}}
                &   {\thead[b]{2010}}
                    &   {\thead[b]{2014}}
                        &   {\thead[b]{2015}}
                            &   {\thead[b]{2016}}
                            &   {\thead[b]{2016-17}}      
      \textcolor{og}{\textbf{Household wealth }} \\
     \textbf{quintiles for DHS}\\
       \textbf{tertiles\tnote{a} for PMA} \\
       lowest tertile \makecell[l]{poorest \\ poorer} & \makecell{131\\143 }\\
          middle tertile   \makecell[l]{middle }   \\
       richest tertile \makecell[l]{ richer \\richest }    \\

     %lowest tertile \makecell[l]{poorest \\ poorer} & \makecell[l]{131 \\143} \\
     %  middle tertile   \makecell[l]{middle }  & \\
      % richest tertile \makecell[l]{ richer \\richest }  &  \\

         \textcolor{og}{\textbf{Dejure place of residence}} \\
         metropolitan\tnote{a} & 0    &   0      &        0       &       0       &       0      &           0& 0    &   0      &        0       &       0       &       0      &           0& 0    &   0      &        0       &       0       &       0      &           0\\
         urban& 180   &  264     &        27     &        30      &       67       &         78&364   &  387            & 44        &     39     &        92       &         92&0    &   0      &        0       &       0       &       0      &           0\\
            rural &725 &   1082  &          115    &        119     &       190       &        215 & 531 &    698            & 41       &      62      &       90       &         87 & 333 &     372    &         38   &          30      &       38               & 36\\ 
             \textcolor{og}{\textbf{Schooling}} \\
              no education &725 &   1030      &      82     &        84      &      140         &      151&648    & 783        &     54     &        67     &       110         &      115 &283   &  267        &     32       &      22            & 31        &        27\\
               primary       &        119   &  197    &        36      &       56       &     103         &      120 &151    & 172       &       9     &        29       &      62         &      54 &38  &    73      &        2     &         7             & 5          &       7\\
               secondary or above    &  61  &   118    &         21     &         7       &      10        &        16&  96  &   130      &      21      &        4     &         8       &          6&12   &   32       &       0        &      0             & 0      &           0\\
                \textcolor{og}{\textbf{Parity}}\tnote{b} \\
               \text{ 0} $\cdots$ \text{ 20}\\

    %  }
     % \end{center}
     %  \end{adjustbox}
      \item[a] the categories are detailed enough and doesn't over-crumble frequencies; \item[b] continuous variable, so we refer to the number of total cases in figure X to see if the regression is fitted with it.
      \note   2003: DHS, 2010:DHS, 2014:PMA round 1, 2015:PMA round 2, 2016::PMA round 3, 2016-17:PMA round 4
      \source   Authors' calculations ...
