使用 iosart2x 时如何删除 latex 中的行号

使用 iosart2x 时如何删除 latex 中的行号

当我使用 iosart2x.cls 样式时,我的论文中会出现行号。那么,如何删除它?请帮帮我。谢谢!


对于 (2022/09/12) 的 1.3.50 版本iosart2x,可在https://github.com/vtex-soft/texsupport.iospress-sat/tree/master在撰写本文时(2024 年 3 月),类选项crcready实际上正在运行(类的 1.3.12 版本并非如此)。该类选项会删除行号。此外,它还会删除页面顶部的期刊信息和版权声明,并删除页码。


课程选项的 MWE:

% additional options: [seceqn,secthm,crcready]

%% Packages

%% Definitions

%% Article Info

\begin{frontmatter} % The preamble begins here.

\title{Instructions for the preparation of a camera-ready paper in \LaTeX\thanks{Footnote in title.}}

\runtitle{Instructions for the preparation of a camera-ready paper in \LaTeX}

\author[A]{\inits{F.}\fnms{First} \snm{Author}\ead[label=e1]{[email protected]}}
\author[B]{\inits{S.}\fnms{Second} \snm{Author}\ead[label=e2]{[email protected]}}
\author[B]{\inits{T.}\fnms{Third} \snm{Author}\ead[label=e3]{[email protected]}}
\address[A]{Journal Production Department, \orgname{IOS Press}, Nieuwe Hemweg 6b, 1013 BG, Amsterdam, \cny{The~Netherlands}}
\address[B]{Department first, \orgname{University or Company name},
Abbreviate US states, \cny{Country}}

The abstract should be clear, descriptive, self-explanatory and no longer than 200 words. It should also
be suitable for publication in abstracting services. Do not include references or formulae in the abstract.

\kwd{Keyword one}
\kwd{keyword two}
\kwd{keyword three}
\kwd{keyword four}
\kwd{keyword five}

The instructions are designed for the preparation of a camera-ready and accepted paper in \LaTeX{} and should be read carefully.
Prepare your paper in the same style as used in this sample pdf file.
These instructions also contain the necessary information for manual editing.

Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are recommended to seek the advice of a native English speaker,
if possible, before submitting their manuscripts. In the text no reference should be made
to page numbers; if necessary, one may refer to sections. Try to avoid excessive use of italics and bold face.

MWE 具有\numberlinesfalse

% additional options: [seceqn,secthm,crcready]

%% Packages

%% Definitions

%% Article Info

\begin{frontmatter} % The preamble begins here.
% etc, same as above

对于 1.3.12 版本iosart2x(2019/11/20),解决方案与其他答案。以下代码删除行号(注意添加的代码需要放在 \begin{document}):

\begin{frontmatter} % The preamble begins here.





在 之后添加以下内容\documentclass{iosart2x}

