如何通过旋转垂直对齐 tikz 节点

如何通过旋转垂直对齐 tikz 节点

我如何对齐旋转的 tikz 节点?



  \node (doc) {Doc};
  \node[draw, trapezium, rotate=90, right=.5cm of doc, anchor=north] (step1) {reductin step 1};
  \node[draw, trapezium, rotate=90, right=.5cm of step1, anchor=north] (step2) {reduction step 2};
  \node[draw, right= of step2, text width=2cm] (step3) {Non-reducing};   
  \node[draw, text width=4cm, right= of step3] (comment) {Long comment:\\all nodes should aligned by their vertical centers};

  \draw[->] (doc) to (step1); 
  \draw[->] (step1) to (step2);
  \draw[->] (step2) to (step3);                 
  \draw[->] (step3) to (comment);                                                                                                                 




  \node (doc) {Doc};
  \node[draw, trapezium, rotate=90, right=.5cm of doc, anchor=north] (step1) {reductin step 1};
  \node[draw, trapezium, rotate=90, right=.5cm of step1.south, anchor=north] (step2) {reduction step 2};
  \node[draw, right= of step2.south, text width=2cm] (step3) {Non-reducing};   
  \node[draw, text width=4cm, right= of step3] (comment) {Long comment:\\all nodes should aligned by their vertical centers};

  \draw[->] (doc) to (step1); 
  \draw[->] (step1) to (step2);
  \draw[->] (step2) to (step3);                 
  \draw[->] (step3) to (comment);                                                                                                                 
