

我正在使用 bibtex 和导入的参考书目,但是我被要求使其保持一致。

@article {MR2735939,
    AUTHOR = {Zhang, Liping and Wu, Soon-Yi and L\'{o}pez, Marco A.},
     TITLE = {A new exchange method for convex semi-infinite programming},
   JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Optim.},
  FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Optimization},
    VOLUME = {20},
      YEAR = {2010},
    NUMBER = {6},
     PAGES = {2959--2977},
      ISSN = {1052-6234},
   MRCLASS = {90C34 (65K05 90C30)},
  MRNUMBER = {2735939},
MRREVIEWER = {Francisco Guerra-V\'{a}zquez},
       DOI = {10.1137/090767133},
       URL = {https://doi.org/10.1137/090767133},
@incollection {MR2175672,
    AUTHOR = {Guerra V\'{a}zquez, Francisco and R\"{u}ckmann, Jan-J.},
     TITLE = {Semi-infinite programming: properties and applications to
    BOOKTITLE = {New tools of economic dynamics},
    SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Econom. and Math. Systems},
    VOLUME = {551},
     PAGES = {373--393},
 PUBLISHER = {Springer, Berlin},
      YEAR = {2005},
   MRCLASS = {91B02 (90C34 91-02)},
  MRNUMBER = {2175672},
       DOI = {10.1007/3-540-28444-3_22},
       URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-28444-3_22},


Liping Zhang, Soon-Yi Wu, and Marco A. López. A new exchange method for convexsemi-infinite programming.SIAM J. Optim., 20(6):2959–2977, 2010.

Francisco Guerra Vázquez and Jan-J. Rückmann. Semi-infinite programming: propertiesand applications to economics. InNew tools of economic dynamics, volume 551 ofLectureNotes in Econom. and Math. Systems, pages 373–393. Springer, Berlin, 2005.

我尤其想知道如何更改卷数以使其保持一致。我想要的是 551:373-393,而不是“经济学讲义 551 卷”。我可以将 incollection 更改为 article,但这有效吗?


(a) 学术期刊和 (b) 系列书籍中的“卷”的含义完全不同。试图在除字段名称外没有任何共同点的项目之间建立“一致的外观”毫无用处volumr


我不会试图在不需要的地方建立“一致的外观”,而是专注于提供对读者真正有用的信息。对于带有键的条目,我将为和字段MR2175672提供信息,并将字段中当前包含的信息拆分为单独的和字段。 editorchapterpublisherpublisheraddress


  author       = "Guerra V{\'a}zquez, Francisco and R{\"u}ckmann, Jan-J.",
  title        = "Semi-infinite programming: Properties and applications to economics",
  booktitle    = "New Tools of Economic Dynamics",
  editor       = "Jacek Leskow and Mart{\'i}n Puchet and Lionello F. Punzo",
  xseries       = "Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems",
  xvolume       = 551,
  pages        = "373--393",
  chapter      = 22,
  publisher    = "Springer",
  address      = "Berlin",
  year         = 2005,
  mrclass      = "91B02 (90C34 91-02)",
  mrnumber     = 2175672,
  doi          = "10.1007/3-540-28444-3_22",
  url          = "https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-28444-3_22",
