我尝试使用 tabular 包使右列相对于左列更宽(大约为 1/3)。我的代码出了问题,因为它使左列更宽,总宽度大于文本宽度。有什么帮助吗?
\graphicspath{ {Figures/} }
style=apa, backend=biber
justification = centering
Author &Test Procedure \\ \hline
Deere DU, Miller RP (\cite{deere1966engineering})& Record three readings along the length of NX-size core for each 451 rotation. Average a total of 24 readings,
disregarding the erroneous readings.\\ \hline
Young RP, Fowell RJ (\cite{young1978assessing})& Divide rock mass surface into grids and average the single impacts from each grid.\\ \hline
ISRM (\cite{international1976engineering})& Record 20 rebound values from single impacts separated by at least a plunger diameter, and average the upper
10 values.\\ \hline
Goktan RM, Ayday C(\cite{goktan1993suggested})& Record 20 rebound values from single impacts separated by at least a plunger diameter. Reject outlier values by using Chauvenet’s criterion, and average the remaining readings.\\ \hline
Soiltest & Record 15 rebound values from single impacts and average the highest 10. The maximum deviation from the
mean should be less than 2.5.\\ \hline
Matthews JA, Shakesby RA (\cite{matthews1984status})& 15 measurements on any sample. The mean of the rebound values are calculated and the five values deviating
most from the mean are discarded.\\ \hline
Kazi A, Al-Mansour ZR (\cite{kazi1980empirical}) & Record at least 35 rebound readings, drop the 10 lowest readings and average the remaining 25.\\ \hline
Katz O. et al. (\cite{kazi1980empirical}) & Perform 32–40 individual impacts and average the upper $50\%$. \\ \hline
Poole RW, Farmer IW (\cite{poole1980consistency}) & Select the peak rebound value from five continuous impacts at a point. Average the peaks of the three sets of
tests conducted at three separated points. \\ \hline
Hucka V (\cite{hucka1965rapid}) & Select the peak rebound value from 10 continuous impacts at a point. Average the peaks of the three sets of
tests conducted at three separated points. \\ \hline
GBG [41]& Record 12 readings taken in a diamond pattern at the test point. Discard the lowest and highest values to
obtain a mean rebound number.\\ \hline
USBR [43]& Ten readings at various locations on each surface. Discount the five lowest readings, and average the highest five.\\ \hline
Sumner P and Nel W (\cite{sumner2002effect})& Take 15 readings at different points and discard five great outliers to obtain a mean value from the remaining 10 values.\\
\caption{Some recommended Schmidt hammer test procedures (from \cite{goktan2005comparative})}.
。您不需要表格型' 高级计算算法。由于我\tabcolsep
使用 从每列中删除了一个@{}
,分别为 1/3 和 2/3 文本宽度。我已经将第二列排版为对齐并使用微型以便有更好的换行。
除了在底部边距拆分长表格外,还提供列。(它兼容性非常好,您只需将三行代码从 更改为longtable
style=apa, backend=biber
\usepackage{array, xltabular}
%\newcolumntype{F}{>{\RaggedRight\arraybackslash\hsize=0.5\hsize}X} % First column (ragged right)
%\newcolumntype{L}{>{\hsize=1.5\hsize}X} % Last column (justified)
\newcolumntype{F}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{\dimexpr((0.333\textwidth)-\tabcolsep)}} % First column (ragged right)
\newcolumntype{L}{p{\dimexpr((0.667\textwidth)-\tabcolsep)}} % Last column (justified)
\begin{xltabular}{\textwidth}{@{} FL @{}}
\caption{Some recommended Schmidt hammer test procedures (from Goktan2005)}\\
Author &Test Procedure \\ \midrule
Author &Test Procedure \\ \midrule
\multicolumn{2}{r@{}}{\small Continues\ldots}\\
\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\ldots\ \small Continued}\\
Deere DU, Miller RP (Deere1966)& Record three readings along the length of NX-size core for each 451 rotation. Average a total of 24 readings, disregarding the erroneous readings.\\\addlinespace[6pt]
Young RP, Fowell RJ (Young1978)& Divide rock mass surface into grids and average the single impacts from each grid.\\
ISRM (International1976)& Record 20 rebound values from single impacts separated by at least a plunger diameter, and average the upper 10 values.\\ \addlinespace[6pt]
Goktan RM, Ayday C (Goktan1993)& Record 20 rebound values from single impacts separated by at least a plunger diameter. Reject outlier values by using Chauvenet’s criterion, and average the remaining readings.\\
Soiltest & Record 15 rebound values from single impacts and average the highest 10. The maximum deviation from the mean should be less than 2.5.\\
Matthews JA, Shakesby RA (Matthews1984)& 15 measurements on any sample. The mean of the rebound values are calculated and the five values deviating most from the mean are discarded.\\
Kazi A, Al-Mansour ZR (Kazi1980) & Record at least 35 rebound readings, drop the 10 lowest readings and average the remaining 25.\\
Katz O. et al. (Kazi1980b) & Perform 32–40 individual impacts and average the upper $50\%$. \\ \addlinespace[6pt]
Poole RW, Farmer IW (Poole1980) & Select the peak rebound value from five continuous impacts at a point. Average the peaks of the three sets of tests conducted at three separated points. \\
Hucka V (Hucka1965) & Select the peak rebound value from 10 continuous impacts at a point. Average the peaks of the three sets of tests conducted at three separated points. \\
GBG [41]& Record 12 readings taken in a diamond pattern at the test point. Discard the lowest and highest values to obtain a mean rebound number.\\
USBR [43]& Ten readings at various locations on each surface. Discount the five lowest readings, and average the highest five.\\
Sumner P and Nel W (Sumner\&Nel2002)& Take 15 readings at different points and discard five great outliers to obtain a mean value from the remaining 10 values.\\
两列的列类型;并使第三列的宽度为第一列的三倍。(创建多个具有不同宽度的 X 型列时,请确保宽度总和等于 X 型列的数量。在下面的代码中,我们有 0.5+1.5=2=X 型列的数量。)附言:我通过反复试验得出了 1:3 的相对列宽比率。将(相对)字体大小从
—— 你的读者会感激你的举动通过使用更少但间距适当的水平线,使表格看起来更加开放。请记住,空白在传达视觉分离感方面与线条一样有效。
\graphicspath{ {Figures/} }
%% not needed for this example:
%style=apa, backend=biber
\setlength\tabcolsep{4pt} % default: 6pt % '2pt' is not exactly much
\usepackage[justification = centering]{caption}
% \centering % redundant
%\scriptsize % barely legible
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} L{0.5} L{1.5} @{}}
Author & Test Procedure \\
Deere DU, Miller RP (\cite{deere1966engineering})
& Record three readings along the length of NX-size core for each 451 rotation. Average a total of 24 readings, disregarding the erroneous readings.\\ \addlinespace
Young RP, Fowell RJ (\cite{young1978assessing})
& Divide rock mass surface into grids and average the single impacts from each grid.\\ \addlinespace
ISRM (\cite{international1976engineering})
& Record 20 rebound values from single impacts separated by at least a plunger diameter, and average the upper 10 values.\\ \addlinespace
Goktan RM, Ayday C (\cite{goktan1993suggested})
& Record 20 rebound values from single impacts separated by at least a plunger diameter. Reject outlier values by using Chauvenet's criterion, and average the remaining readings.\\ \addlinespace
& Record 15 rebound values from single impacts and average the highest 10. The maximum deviation from the
mean should be less than 2.5.\\ \addlinespace
Matthews JA, Shakesby RA (\cite{matthews1984status})
& 15 measurements on any sample. The mean of the rebound values are calculated and the five values deviating most from the mean are discarded.\\ \addlinespace
Kazi A, Al-Mansour ZR (\cite{kazi1980empirical})
& Record at least 35 rebound readings, drop the 10 lowest readings and average the remaining 25.\\ \addlinespace
Katz O. et al. (\cite{kazi1980empirical})
& Perform 32--40 individual impacts and average the upper $50\%$. \\ \addlinespace
Poole RW, Farmer IW (\cite{poole1980consistency})
& Select the peak rebound value from five continuous impacts at a point. Average the peaks of the three sets of tests conducted at three separated points. \\ \addlinespace
Hucka V (\cite{hucka1965rapid})
& Select the peak rebound value from 10 continuous impacts at a point. Average the peaks of the three sets of tests conducted at three separated points. \\ \addlinespace
GBG [41]
& Record 12 readings taken in a diamond pattern at the test point. Discard the lowest and highest values to obtain a mean rebound number.\\ \addlinespace
USBR [43]
& Ten readings at various locations on each surface. Discount the five lowest readings, and average the highest five.\\ \addlinespace
Sumner P and Nel W (\cite{sumner2002effect})
& Take 15 readings at different points and discard five great outliers to obtain a mean value from the remaining 10 values.\\
\caption{Some recommended Schmidt hammer test
procedures (from \cite{goktan2005comparative})}.