谁能给我一个例子说明如何用 tikz 绘制这个 BLE-Stack?
\tikzstyle{Dotted} = [draw=black,dashed,thick,rectangle,minimum width=120mm,minimum height=33mm]
\tikzstyle{Normal} = [draw=black,thick,rectangle,minimum width=108mm,minimum height=12mm]
\node[label=left:Controller,label={[label distance=5.5mm]},Dotted](Controller){};
\node[above left = 3mm and 6mm of Controller.south east,anchor=south east,Normal](PHY){LE Physical Layer\\(PHY)};
\node[above = 3mm of PHY,Normal](LL){Link Layer\\(LL)};
\node[above = 10mm of Controller.north west,anchor=north west](HCI0){};
\node[above = 10mm of Controller.north east,anchor=north east](HCI1){};
\draw[dash pattern={on 5mm off 3mm},line width=1.2mm,](HCI0) -- (HCI1) node[midway,fill=white]{Host Controller Interface\\(HCI)};
\node[above = 18mm of Controller,label=left:Host,label={[label distance=5.5mm]},Dotted,minimum height=48mm](Host){};
\node[above left = 3mm and 6mm of Host.south east,anchor=south east,Normal](L2CAP){Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol\\(L2CAP)};
\node[above =15mm of L2CAP.north east,anchor=north east,Normal,minimum width=51mm](ATT){Attribute Protocol\\(ATT)};
\node[above = 15mm of ATT.east,anchor=east,Normal,minimum width=51mm](GATT){Generic Attribute Profile\\(GATT)};
\node[above = 15mm of L2CAP.north west,anchor=north west,Normal,minimum width=51mm](GAP){Generic Access Profile\\(GAP)};
\node[above = 15mm of GAP.north west,anchor=north west,Normal,minimum width=51mm](SMP){Security Manager Protocol\\(SMP)};
\node[above = 3mm of Host,label=left:Application,label={[label distance=5.5mm]},Normal,minimum width=120mm](Application){Application\\(APP)};
- 如何从左边界和右边界开始绘制虚线以得到对称虚线?
- 如何删除虚线左右两侧的插入?
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt
draw, text width=12em, text centered, minimum height=2em,
nopadding, inner ysep=3pt
text width=24em, text centered, minimum height=2em,
nopadding, inner ysep=3pt
\node[draw=none,minimum width=25em, nopadding] (start) at (0,0) {}; % Starting point
% Host
% Row 1, col 1
\node[textBlock, below=of start.south west, anchor=west]
(SMP){Security Manager Protocol\\(SMP)};
% Row 1, col 2
\node[textBlock, below=of start.south east, anchor=east]
(GATT){Generic Attribute Profile\\(GATT)};
% Row 2, col 1
\node[textBlock, below of=SMP](GAP){Generic Access Profile\\(GAP)};
% Row 2, col 2
\node[textBlock, below of=GATT](ATT){Attribute Protocol\\(ATT)};
% Row 3, col 1&2
\node[fit=(SMP) (GATT), below=of GAP.west, anchor=west, draw, nopadding](L2CAP){};
% Row 3, col 1&2 text
(L2CAPText)at(L2CAP.center){Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol\\(L2CAP)};
% Host dashed line and label
\node[fit=(L2CAP) (SMP) (GAP) (GATT) (ATT),
draw, dashed, label={[black, xshift=-5pt]left:Host} ](hostFit){};
% Application label
\node[fit=(hostFit.west) (hostFit.east)(GAP),
above=of hostFit.north west, anchor=north west,
draw, nopadding, label={[black, xshift=-5pt]left:Application}](appFit){};
% Application text
\node[longTextBlock] (appText) at (appFit.center){Application\\(APP)};
% Controller dashed lines fit
\node[fit=(hostFit.west) (hostFit.east)(GAP),
below=of hostFit.south west, anchor=south west,
% Controller actual lines and text.
\draw[dash pattern={on 7pt off 3pt}, line width=3pt]
(controllerDashed.west) -- (controllerDashed.east)
node[textBlock, midway,fill=white, draw=none]
{Host Controller Interface\\(HCI)};
% Controller
% Row 1
\node[fit=(L2CAP), below=of controllerDashed.south, anchor=south,
nopadding, draw, yshift=-5pt](controllerRow1){};
% Row 1 text
(controlRow1Text) at (controllerRow1.center){LE Physical Layer\\(PHY)};
% Row 2
\node[fit=(controllerRow1), below of = controllerRow1, draw,
% Row 2 text
(controlRow2Text) at (controllerRow2.center){Link Layer\\(LL)};
% Controller dashed lines and label
\node[fit=(controllerRow1)(controllerRow2), draw, dashed,
label={[black, xshift=-5pt]left:Control}](controlFit){};
使用 TikZ 库fit
,所有定位距离仅使用 中定义的值node distance
如果您想更改节点标签与节点的距离(以一致的方式),您只需要添加label distance = <desired amount>
选项(现在添加到下面的 MWE)。
另外,如果你想改变节点和它周围的点节点之间的距离,例如在水平方向和垂直方向上有所不同,你只需要在节点的样式中添加inner xsep
和。例如:inner ysep
FIT/.style = {draw, semithick, dotted, fit=#1,
inner xsep=4mm, inner ysep=2mm}, % here you can adjust inner distance of node},
我现在将上述所有内容添加到我的 MWE 中。
\documentclass[tikz, border=3mm]{standalone}
node distance = 2mm and 0mm,
box/.style = {draw, text width=#1, inner sep=2mm, align=center},
box/.default = 98mm,
FIT/.style = {draw, semithick, dotted, fit=#1,
inner xsep=4mm, inner ysep=2mm}, % here you can adjust inner distance of node
% this adjust you need to consider at defining the width of the top nodes
label distance = 2mm,
font = \sffamily
\node (phy) [box] {LE Physical Layer\\(PHY)};
\node (lll) [box, above = of phy] {Link Layer\\(LL)};
\node (cntrl) [FIT=(phy) (lll), label=left:Control] {};
\node (hci) [box=12em,draw=none,
above=of cntrl] {Host Controller Interface\\(HCI)};
\draw[line width=1.2mm, dash pattern=on 5mm off 3mm] % solve your first question
(lll.west |- hci) -- (hci)
(lll.east |- hci) -- (hci);
\node (cap) [box, above=of hci] {Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol\\(L2CAP)};
\node (gap) [box=44mm,
above right=of cap.north west] {Generic Access Profile\\(GAP)};
\node (att) [box=44mm,
above left=of cap.north east] {Attribute Protocol\\(ATT)};
\node (smp) [box=44mm,
above=of gap] {Security Manager Protocol\\(SMP)};
\node (gap) [box=44mm,
above=of att] {Generic Attribute Profile\\(GATT)};
\node (host) [FIT=(cap) (smp), label=left: Host] {};
\node (app) [box=106mm, above= of host,
label=left:Application] {Application\\(APP)};
- 对于第一个问题,只需命名写有文本的节点,然后从该节点向边缘绘制图案。
\path[](HCI0) -- (HCI1) node[midway,fill=white](aux){Host Controller Interface\\(HCI)};%<--- auxiliary node (aux)
\draw [dash pattern={on 5mm off 3mm},line width=1.2mm](aux)--(HCI0)(aux)--(HCI1);% pattern from center to edges
- 第二个问题比较复杂,因此我建议你将其作为另一个独立的问题。
\tikzstyle{Dotted} = [draw=black,dashed,thick,rectangle,minimum width=120mm,minimum height=33mm]
\tikzstyle{Normal} = [draw=black,thick,rectangle,minimum width=108mm,minimum height=12mm]
\node[label=left:Controller,label={[label distance=5.5mm]},Dotted](Controller){};
\node[above left = 3mm and 6mm of Controller.south east,anchor=south east,Normal](PHY){LE Physical Layer\\(PHY)};
\node[above = 3mm of PHY,Normal](LL){Link Layer\\(LL)};
\node[above = 10mm of Controller.north west,anchor=north west](HCI0){};
\node[above = 10mm of Controller.north east,anchor=north east](HCI1){};
% new node (aux)
\path[](HCI0) -- (HCI1) node[midway,fill=white](aux){Host Controller Interface\\(HCI)};%<--- auxiliary node (aux)
\draw [dash pattern={on 5mm off 3mm},line width=1.2mm](aux)--(HCI0)(aux)--(HCI1);% pattern from center to edges
\node[above = 18mm of Controller,label=left:Host,label={[label distance=5.5mm]},Dotted,minimum height=48mm](Host){};
\node[above left = 3mm and 6mm of Host.south east,anchor=south east,Normal](L2CAP){Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol\\(L2CAP)};
\node[above =15mm of L2CAP.north east,anchor=north east,Normal,minimum width=51mm](ATT){Attribute Protocol\\(ATT)};
\node[above = 15mm of ATT.east,anchor=east,Normal,minimum width=51mm](GATT){Generic Attribute Profile\\(GATT)};
\node[above = 15mm of L2CAP.north west,anchor=north west,Normal,minimum width=51mm](GAP){Generic Access Profile\\(GAP)};
\node[above = 15mm of GAP.north west,anchor=north west,Normal,minimum width=51mm](SMP){Security Manager Protocol\\(SMP)};
\node[above = 3mm of Host,label=left:Application,label={[label distance=5.5mm]},Normal,minimum width=120mm](Application){Application\\(APP)};
% First try mentioned in the question
\tikzstyle{Dotted} = [draw=black,dashed,thick,rectangle,minimum width=120mm,minimum height=33mm]
\tikzstyle{Normal} = [draw=black,thick,rectangle,minimum width=108mm,minimum height=12mm]
\node[label=left:Controller,label={[label distance=5.5mm]},Dotted](Controller){};
\node[above left = 3mm and 6mm of Controller.south east,anchor=south east,Normal](PHY){LE Physical Layer\\(PHY)};
\node[above = 3mm of PHY,Normal](LL){Link Layer\\(LL)};
\node[above = 10mm of Controller.north west,anchor=north west](HCI0){};
\node[above = 10mm of Controller.north east,anchor=north east](HCI1){};
\draw[dash pattern={on 5mm off 3mm},line width=1.2mm,](HCI0) -- (HCI1) node[midway,fill=white]{Host Controller Interface\\(HCI)};
\node[above = 18mm of Controller,label=left:Host,label={[label distance=5.5mm]},Dotted,minimum height=48mm](Host){};
\node[above left = 3mm and 6mm of Host.south east,anchor=south east,Normal](L2CAP){Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol\\(L2CAP)};
\node[above =15mm of L2CAP.north east,anchor=north east,Normal,minimum width=51mm](ATT){Attribute Protocol\\(ATT)};
\node[above = 15mm of ATT.east,anchor=east,Normal,minimum width=51mm](GATT){Generic Attribute Profile\\(GATT)};
\node[above = 15mm of L2CAP.north west,anchor=north west,Normal,minimum width=51mm](GAP){Generic Access Profile\\(GAP)};
\node[above = 15mm of GAP.north west,anchor=north west,Normal,minimum width=51mm](SMP){Security Manager Protocol\\(SMP)};
\node[above = 3mm of Host,label=left:Application,label={[label distance=5.5mm]},Normal,minimum width=120mm](Application){Application\\(APP)};
% Just to demonstrate the outlines
\draw(current bounding box.south east) rectangle(current bounding box.north west);
% Second try with improved outlines
\tikzstyle{Dotted} = [draw=black,dashed,thick,rectangle,minimum width=120mm,minimum height=33mm]
\tikzstyle{Normal} = [draw=black,thick,rectangle,minimum width=108mm,minimum height=12mm]
% Edited label configuration
\node[label={[label distance=3mm]left:Controller},Dotted](Controller){};
\node[above left = 3mm and 6mm of Controller.south east,anchor=south east,Normal](PHY){LE Physical Layer\\(PHY)};
\node[above = 3mm of PHY,Normal](LL){Link Layer\\(LL)};
\node[above = 10mm of Controller.north west,anchor=north west](HCI0){};
\node[above = 10mm of Controller.north east,anchor=north east](HCI1){};
\path[](HCI0) -- (HCI1) node[midway,fill=white](aux){Host Controller Interface\\(HCI)};
\draw [dash pattern={on 5mm off 3mm},line width=1.2mm](aux)--(HCI0)(aux)--(HCI1);
% Edited label configuration
\node[above = 18mm of Controller,label={[label distance=3mm]left:Host},Dotted,minimum height=48mm](Host){};
\node[above left = 3mm and 6mm of Host.south east,anchor=south east,Normal](L2CAP){Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol\\(L2CAP)};
\node[above =15mm of L2CAP.north east,anchor=north east,Normal,minimum width=51mm](ATT){Attribute Protocol\\(ATT)};
\node[above = 15mm of ATT.east,anchor=east,Normal,minimum width=51mm](GATT){Generic Attribute Profile\\(GATT)};
\node[above = 15mm of L2CAP.north west,anchor=north west,Normal,minimum width=51mm](GAP){Generic Access Profile\\(GAP)};
\node[above = 15mm of GAP.north west,anchor=north west,Normal,minimum width=51mm](SMP){Security Manager Protocol\\(SMP)};
% Edited label configuration
\node[above = 3mm of Host,label={[label distance=3mm]left:Application},Normal,minimum width=120mm](Application){Application\\(APP)};
% Just to demonstrate the outlines
\draw(current bounding box.south east) rectangle(current bounding box.north west);
- 左侧:第一次尝试
- 右侧:最终解决方案