longtable 和格式化 tikzpicture 的

longtable 和格式化 tikzpicture 的




\begin{longtable}{|p{7.5cm}p{8cm}|} \hhline{|--|}
 {\textbf{Function \& Properties}}}&\multicolumn{1}{c|} 
{\textcolor{violet}{\textbf{Graph}}}\\ \hhline{|--|}
%%% Linear Function
\begin{minipage}[b]{.5\textwidth} \normalsize \textbf{Linear 
 Function} \\
 \normalsize $f(x)=mx+b$ \\
         ($m$ and $b$ are real numbers) \\
 \normalsize $\bullet$  Domain and range are all real 
\normalsize $\bullet$  Graph is nonvertical line with\\
\normalsize \phantom{$\bullet$}$\text{slope}=m$ and\\
\normalsize \phantom{$\bullet$}$\text{y-intercept}=(0,b)$
 %\draw[step=.5cm, dotted, lightgray] (-3.25,-3.5) grid 
 \draw[->] (-3.75,0)  -- (3.75,0) node[below] {$x$};
 \draw[->] (0,-2.95) node[below]{\phantom{x}} -- (0,3.95) 
 node[left] {$y$};
 %     \foreach \x/\xtext in {-3/-6, -2.5/ , -2/-4, -1.5/  , 
 -1/-2, -.5/  , .5/ , 1/2, 1.5/  , 2/4 , 2.5/ , 3/6}
 %    \draw[xshift=\x cm] (0pt,3pt) -- (0pt,-3pt) 
  %          {\small $\xtext$};
  %     \foreach \y/\ytext in {-3.5/ , -3/-6 , -2.5/ , 
  -2/-4, -1.5/  , -1/ -2, -.5/ , .5/ , 1/2, 1.5/ ,2/4, 2.5/ 
 ,  3/6, 3.5/ }
 %   \draw[yshift=\y cm] (3pt,0pt) -- (-3pt,0pt) 
  %         {\small $\ytext$};
        %\draw[yshift=-1 cm] (3pt,0pt) -- (-3pt,0pt) 
 node[left=-4pt,fill=white] {\small $-2$};          
 \draw[domain=-6:6,smooth,variable=\x,thick,blue,<->] plot 
 \draw[fill] (0,1) circle (2pt) node[right] {\small 
 \node at (0,3.75) [right] {\small \textcolor{red} 
{$\mathbf{f(x)=mx+b, m>0\phantom{x}}$}};                        
\end{minipage} \\ \hhline{|--|}
%%% Identity Function
\begin{minipage}[b]{.5\textwidth} \normalsize 
 \textbf{Identity Function} \\
 %\normalsize (special type of linear function) \\
 \normalsize $f(x)=x$ (special type of linear function) \\
 \normalsize $\bullet$  Domain and range are all real 
 \normalsize $\bullet$  Graph is a line with slope $m=1$\\
 \normalsize \phantom{$\bullet$} and $\text{y-intercept}= 
 \normalsize $\bullet$  The line consists of all points for \\
 \normalsize \phantom{$\bullet$} which the $x$-coordinate 
  equals the\\
  \normalsize \phantom{$\bullet$} $y$-coordinate. 
  \draw[step=.5cm, dotted, lightgray] (-3.25,-3.5) grid 
 \draw[->] (-3.75,0) -- (3.75,0) node[below] {$x$};
 \draw[->] (0,-3.95) node[below] {\phantom{x}} -- (0,3.95) 
   node[left] {$y$};
       \foreach \x/\xtext in {-3/-6, -2.5/ , -2/-4, -1.5/  , -1/-2, -.5/  , .5/ , 1/2, 1.5/  , 2/4 , 2.5/ , 3/6}
   \draw[xshift=\x cm] (0pt,3pt) -- (0pt,-3pt) node[below,fill=white]
        {\small $\xtext$};
   \foreach \y/\ytext in {-3.5/ , -3/-6 , -2.5/ , -2/-4, -1.5/  , -1/ -2, -.5/ , .5/ , 1/2, 1.5/ ,2/4, 2.5/ ,  3/6, 3.5/ }
  \draw[yshift=\y cm] (3pt,0pt) -- (-3pt,0pt) node[left,fill=white]
        {\small $\ytext$};
        %\draw[yshift=-1 cm] (3pt,0pt) -- (-3pt,0pt) node[left=-4pt,fill=white] {\small $-2$};
\draw[domain=-6:6,smooth,variable=\x,thick,blue,<->] plot ({.5*\x},{.5*(1*\x)});
\draw[fill] (0,0) circle (2pt) node[below right] {\small $(0,0)$};
\draw[fill] (1,1) circle (2pt) node[below right] {\small $(2,2)$};
\draw[fill] (-1,-1) circle (2pt) node[left] {\small $(-2,-2)$};
\node at (0,3.75) [right] {\small \textcolor{red}{$\mathbf{f(x)=x}$}};                      
 \end{minipage} \\ \hhline{|--|}







  • 从表中删除minipage所有
  • 用于itemize第一列的列表
  • \tikzpicture我添加选项[baseline=(ny)],其中(ny)是包含 y 轴标签的节点的名称。这样tikzpictures 就与单元格顶部对齐
  • 稍微改变一下图片的代码
  • geometry由于您的表格比文本宽度宽,我通过使用包来更改列宽以及减少页边距

                                }% end of AtBeginEnvironment


\multicolumn{1}{|c}{\textcolor{violet}{\textbf{Function \& Properties}}}
    &   \textcolor{violet}{\textbf{Graph}}  \\ 
%%% Linear Function
\textbf{Linear Function}

$f(x)=mx+b$ ($m$ and $b$ are real numbers) 
\item   Domain and range are all real numbers
\item   Graph is nonvertical line with $\mathrm{slope}=m$ and $\mathrm{y-intercept}=(0,b)$
\draw[->] (-3.75,0) -- (3.75,0) node[below] {$x$};
\draw[->] (0,-3.25) -- (0,3.50) node[below right,text=red]  {$f(x)=mx +b,\ m>0$}
                                node[left] (ny) {$y$};
\foreach \i/\ii in {-3/-6, -2.5/ , -2/-4, -1.5/  , -1/-2, -.5/  , 
                    .5/ , 1/2, 1.5/  , 2/4 , 2.5/ , 3/6}
\draw (2pt,\i) -- ++ (-4pt,0) node[fill=white,font=\small,left] {$\ii$};
\draw (\i,2pt) -- ++ (0,-4pt) node[fill=white,font=\small,below] {$\ii$};
\draw[thick,blue,<->] plot[domain=-6:6] (.5*\x,{.5*(.5*\x+2)});
\fill (0,1) circle[radius=2pt] node[font=\small, below right] {$(0,b)$};
    \end{tikzpicture}\smallskip   \\ 
%%% Identity Function
\textbf{Identity Function}

$f(x)=x$ (special type of linear function)  
\item   Domain and range are all real numbers
\item   Graph is a line with slope $m=1$ and $\mathrm{y-intercept}=
\item The line consists of all points for which the $x$-coordinate
  equals the $y$-coordinate.
\draw[->] (-3.75,0) -- (3.75,0) node[below] {$x$};
\draw[->] (0,-3.25) -- (0,3.50) node[below right,text=red]  {$f(x)=x$}
                                node[left] (ny) {$y$};
\foreach \i/\ii in {-3/-6, -2.5/ , -2/-4, -1.5/  , -1/-2, -.5/  ,
                    .5/ , 1/2, 1.5/  , 2/4 , 2.5/ , 3/6}
\draw (2pt,\i) -- ++ (-4pt,0) node[fill=white,font=\small,left] {$\ii$};
\draw (\i,2pt) -- ++ (0,-4pt) node[fill=white,font=\small,below] {$\ii$};
\draw[thick,blue,<->] plot[domain=-6:6] (.5*\x,{.5*(1*\x)});
\fill (-2,-2) circle[radius=2pt] node[font=\small, below right] {$(-2,-2)$}
      ( 0, 0) circle[radius=2pt] node[font=\small, below right] {$(0,0)$}
      ( 2, 2) circle[radius=2pt] node[font=\small, below right] {$(2,2)$};
\end{tikzpicture}\smallskip     \\


这是“最小损害建议”,展示了您可以用 做什么adjustbox。您可以通过多种方式改进它。但是,这定义了左列和右列的 adustboxes。



margin=0pt 0pt 0pt 1ex}
\begin{longtable}{|p{\the\dimexpr\the\textwidth-8cm-3\tabcolsep}p{8cm}|} \hhline{|--|}
 {\textbf{Function \& Properties}}}&\multicolumn{1}{c|} 
{\textcolor{violet}{\textbf{Graph}}}\\ \hhline{|--|}
%%% Linear Function
\normalsize \textbf{Linear 
 Function} \\
 \normalsize $f(x)=mx+b$ \\
         ($m$ and $b$ are real numbers) \\
 \normalsize $\bullet$  Domain and range are all real 
\normalsize $\bullet$  Graph is nonvertical line with\\
\normalsize \phantom{$\bullet$}$\text{slope}=m$ and\\
\normalsize \phantom{$\bullet$}$\text{y-intercept}=(0,b)$
 %\draw[step=.5cm, dotted, lightgray] (-3.25,-3.5) grid 
 \draw[->] (-3.75,0)  -- (3.75,0) node[below] {$x$};
 \draw[->] (0,-2.95) node[below]{\phantom{x}} -- (0,3.95) 
 node[left] {$y$};
 %     \foreach \x/\xtext in {-3/-6, -2.5/ , -2/-4, -1.5/  ,  -1/-2, -.5/  , .5/ , 1/2, 1.5/  , 2/4 , 2.5/ , 3/6}
 %    \draw[xshift=\x cm] (0pt,3pt) -- (0pt,-3pt)  node[below,fill=white]
  %          {\small $\xtext$};
  %     \foreach \y/\ytext in {-3.5/ , -3/-6 , -2.5/ ,   -2/-4, -1.5/  , -1/ -2, -.5/ , .5/ , 1/2, 1.5/ ,2/4, 2.5/  ,  3/6, 3.5/ }
 %   \draw[yshift=\y cm] (3pt,0pt) -- (-3pt,0pt)  node[left,fill=white]
  %         {\small $\ytext$};        
  %\draw[yshift=-1 cm] (3pt,0pt) -- (-3pt,0pt)  node[left=-4pt,fill=white] {\small $-2$};          
 \draw[domain=-6:6,smooth,variable=\x,thick,blue,<->] plot 
 \draw[fill] (0,1) circle (2pt) node[right] {\small 
 \node at (0,3.75) [right] {\small \textcolor{red} 
{$\mathbf{f(x)=mx+b, m>0\phantom{x}}$}};                        
\end{Rightbox} \\ \hhline{|--|}
%%% Identity Function
 \textbf{Identity Function} \\
 %\normalsize (special type of linear function) \\
 \normalsize $f(x)=x$ (special type of linear function) \\
 \normalsize $\bullet$  Domain and range are all real 
 \normalsize $\bullet$  Graph is a line with slope $m=1$\\
 \normalsize \phantom{$\bullet$} and $\text{y-intercept}= 
 \normalsize $\bullet$  The line consists of all points for \\
 \normalsize \phantom{$\bullet$} which the $x$-coordinate 
  equals the\\
  \normalsize \phantom{$\bullet$} $y$-coordinate. 
  \draw[step=.5cm, dotted, lightgray] (-3.25,-3.5) grid 
 \draw[->] (-3.75,0) -- (3.75,0) node[below] {$x$};
 \draw[->] (0,-3.95) node[below] {\phantom{x}} -- (0,3.95) 
   node[left] {$y$};
       \foreach \x/\xtext in {-3/-6, -2.5/ , -2/-4, -1.5/  , -1/-2, -.5/  , .5/ , 1/2, 1.5/  , 2/4 , 2.5/ , 3/6}
   \draw[xshift=\x cm] (0pt,3pt) -- (0pt,-3pt) node[below,fill=white]
        {\small $\xtext$};
   \foreach \y/\ytext in {-3.5/ , -3/-6 , -2.5/ , -2/-4, -1.5/  , -1/ -2, -.5/ , .5/ , 1/2, 1.5/ ,2/4, 2.5/ ,  3/6, 3.5/ }
  \draw[yshift=\y cm] (3pt,0pt) -- (-3pt,0pt) node[left,fill=white]
        {\small $\ytext$};
        %\draw[yshift=-1 cm] (3pt,0pt) -- (-3pt,0pt) node[left=-4pt,fill=white] {\small $-2$};
\draw[domain=-6:6,smooth,variable=\x,thick,blue,<->] plot ({.5*\x},{.5*(1*\x)});
\draw[fill] (0,0) circle (2pt) node[below right] {\small $(0,0)$};
\draw[fill] (1,1) circle (2pt) node[below right] {\small $(2,2)$};
\draw[fill] (-1,-1) circle (2pt) node[left] {\small $(-2,-2)$};
\node at (0,3.75) [right] {\small \textcolor{red}{$\mathbf{f(x)=x}$}};                      
 \end{Rightbox} \\ \hhline{|--|}

