

我也构建了一个表格,但第二个表格没有出现。这是输出: https://i.stack.imgur.com/crapl.jpg 以下是表格:

    \textbf{{Cognitive-intellectual field}} \\
    Thinking fluidly & Generating large amounts of ideas \\
    Thinking more... & Fast flow of thought \\
    & Number of relevant answers & \\
    Flexible thinking & Variety of types of ideas \\
    Take different approaches & Ability to move from one category to another \\
    & Change direction of thought by bypassing obstacles \\
    Original thought & Unusual answers \\
    Think in new or unique ways & Smart ideas \\
    & Mental production that deviates from the obvious \\
    Elaborative thinking & Embellish an idea or a simple answer to make it more elegant \\
    Add to... & Extend or expand reasoning or ideas
    \textbf{Emotional setting (personality)} \\
    Availability to take risks & Expose to failure or criticism \\
    Have the courage to... & Try to guess \\
    & Work well even in unstructured conditions \\
    & Defend your ideas \\
    Complexity & Look for numerous alternatives \\
    Feeling challenged... & See the gap between how things are and how they should be \\
    & Restore order starting from chaos \\
    & Move into intricate ideas or problems \\
    Curiosity & Be inquisitive and fantasize \\
    Wanting to... & Play with an idea \\
    & Be open to bewildering situations \\
    & Meditate on the mystery of things \\
    Imagination & Visualize and build mental images \\
    To have the power of... & Dreaming of things that never happened \\
    & Feel intuitively \\
    & Go beyond sensory limits or real characteristics \\
    % Colour for the rulings in tables:





%% \usepackage[table]{xcolor} % uncomment for light gray lines in table

%%{\arrayrulecolor{gray!50} % uncomment for light gray lines in table
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{{Cognitive-intellectual field}}} \\
    Thinking fluidly & Generating large amounts of ideas \\
    Thinking more... & Fast flow of thought \\
    & Number of relevant answers  \\
    Flexible thinking & Variety of types of ideas \\
    Take different approaches & Ability to move from one category to another \\
    & Change direction of thought by bypassing obstacles \\
    Original thought & Unusual answers \\
    Think in new or unique ways & Smart ideas \\
    & Mental production that deviates from the obvious \\
    Elaborative thinking & Embellish an idea or a simple answer to make it more elegant \\
    Add to... & Extend or expand reasoning or ideas\\
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{Emotional setting (personality)}} \\
    Availability to take risks & Expose to failure or criticism \\
    Have the courage to... & Try to guess \\
    & Work well even in unstructured conditions \\
    & Defend your ideas \\
    Complexity & Look for numerous alternatives \\
    Feeling challenged... & See the gap between how things are and how they should be \\
    & Restore order starting from chaos \\
    & Move into intricate ideas or problems \\
    Curiosity & Be inquisitive and fantasize \\
    Wanting to... & Play with an idea \\
    & Be open to bewildering situations \\
    & Meditate on the mystery of things \\
    Imagination & Visualize and build mental images \\
    To have the power of... & Dreaming of things that never happened \\
    & Feel intuitively \\
    & Go beyond sensory limits or real characteristics \\
%%} % uncomment for light gray lines in table



这是您作为 MWE 的表格,但很难理解您想要实现什么。如您所见,两个嵌套表格进入主表格的第一列,在第二个嵌套表格中,您定义了三列,但使用了两列。


\usepackage[left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm]{geometry} 

到 MWE 的序言。最后一个单元格中定义的命令似乎是尝试使用灰色规则。相反,使用


为了避免过满hboxes和复杂的列计算,我将主表转换为 tabularx-table 并将第二列设为 X 列。


 \usepackage[left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm]{geometry}


    \textbf{{Cognitive-intellectual field}} \\
    Thinking fluidly & Generating large amounts of ideas \\
    Thinking more... & Fast flow of thought \\
    & Number of relevant answers  \\
    Flexible thinking & Variety of types of ideas \\
    Take different approaches & Ability to move from one category to another \\
    & Change direction of thought by bypassing obstacles \\
    Original thought & Unusual answers \\
    Think in new or unique ways & Smart ideas \\
    & Mental production that deviates from the obvious \\
    Elaborative thinking & Embellish an idea or a simple answer to make it more elegant \\
    Add to... & Extend or expand reasoning or ideas
    \textbf{Emotional setting (personality)} \\
    Availability to take risks & Expose to failure or criticism \\
    Have the courage to... & Try to guess \\
    & Work well even in unstructured conditions \\
    & Defend your ideas \\
    Complexity & Look for numerous alternatives \\
    Feeling challenged... & See the gap between how things are and how they should be \\
    & Restore order starting from chaos \\
    & Move into intricate ideas or problems \\
    Curiosity & Be inquisitive and fantasize \\
    Wanting to... & Play with an idea \\
    & Be open to bewildering situations \\
    & Meditate on the mystery of things \\
    Imagination & Visualize and build mental images \\
    To have the power of... & Dreaming of things that never happened \\
    & Feel intuitively \\
    & Go beyond sensory limits or real characteristics \\
 %   \noalign
%    % Colour for the rulings in tables:
%    \makeatletter
%       \def\rulecolor#1#{\CT@arc{#1}}
%       \def\CT@arc#1#2{%
%       \ifdim\baselineskip=\z@\noalign\fi
%       {\gdef\CT@arc@{\color#1{#2}}}}
%       \let\CT@arc@\relax
%      \rulecolor{gray!50}
%    \makeatother

