如何在第 1 节中复制第 2、3、4 节中的基于节的自动编号定理?

如何在第 1 节中复制第 2、3、4 节中的基于节的自动编号定理?

我目前通过以下环境变量对第 2、3、4 节等中的定理进行了基于节的自动编号设置:


现在我想在第 1 节(简介)中复制其中一些定理(带标签)作为主要结果的一部分。


这是一个最小工作示例。我想要的是将“定理 1.1”更改为“定理 2.1”,将“定理 1.2”更改为“定理 3.1”。

谨致问候 -mike





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\author[A. Author]{Author AUTHOR}
\date{Version of \today}
\subjclass[2000]{11M26, 11M50, 11N64 }
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%\tableofcontents % Table of Contents


Here are the major results of this paper:
theorem 2.1
theorem 3.1
The proof of these two theorems are given in the subsequent sections.

\section{Implementation, Part I}
theorem 2.1
body of proof of theorem 2.1.

theorem 2.2
body of proof of theorem 2.2.

In \cref{theorem21} and \cref{theorem22}, we obtained...

\section{Implementation, Part II}

theorem 3.1
body of proof of theorem 3.1.

theorem 3.2
body of proof of theorem 3.2.

In \cref{theorem31} and \cref{theorem32} we obtained...



theorem 2.1
theorem 3.1

但是,由于您现在已经替换了增加定理编号的实际逻辑,因此其余定理的编号将不正确。因此,您需要首先备份 LaTeX 定理编号的原始逻辑:










% Backup the original theorem-numbering logic

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\author[A. Author]{Author AUTHOR}
\date{Version of \today}
\subjclass[2000]{11M26, 11M50, 11N64 }
%\mathtoolsset{showonlyrefs,mathic = true}

%\tableofcontents % Table of Contents


Here are the major results of this paper:
theorem 2.1
theorem 3.1
The proof of these two theorems are given in the subsequent sections.

% Restore the original theorem-numbering logic

\section{Implementation, Part I}
theorem 2.1
body of proof of theorem 2.1.

theorem 2.2
body of proof of theorem 2.2.

In \cref{theorem21} and \cref{theorem22}, we obtained...

\section{Implementation, Part II}

theorem 3.1
body of proof of theorem 3.1.

theorem 3.2
body of proof of theorem 3.2.

In \cref{theorem31} and \cref{theorem32} we obtained...







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\author[A. Author]{Author AUTHOR}
\date{Version of \today}
\subjclass[2000]{11M26, 11M50, 11N64 }
%\mathtoolsset{showonlyrefs,mathic = true}

%\tableofcontents % Table of Contents


Here are the major results of this paper:
theorem 2.1
theorem 3.1
The proof of these two theorems are given in the subsequent sections.

\section{Implementation, Part I}
theorem 2.1
body of proof of theorem 2.1.

theorem 2.2
body of proof of theorem 2.2.

In \cref{theorem21} and \cref{theorem22}, we obtained...

\section{Implementation, Part II}

theorem 3.1
body of proof of theorem 3.1.

theorem 3.2
body of proof of theorem 3.2.

In \cref{theorem31} and \cref{theorem32} we obtained...



