定制大学论文 .cls 和 minitoc 兼容性

定制大学论文 .cls 和 minitoc 兼容性



此 URL 提供的代码还包括用于使用 的 mwe .cls。我很快就插入了命令:(\usepackage{minitoc}放在通常的位置)、\dominitoc(放在我认为\tableofcontents将被调用的位置之前)和\minitoc(放在\chapter{}调用之后),如文档所建议的那样minitoc

我没有观察到 minitoc。我正在使用 PdfLaTeX 进行编译。


% simple.tex -- a very simple thesis document for demonstrating %   dalthesis.cls class file \documentclass[12pt]{dalthesis}



\title{The title} \author{Noah Body}

% The following degrees are included in the current dalthesis.cls % class file: \mcs  % options are \mcs, \macs, \mec, \mhi, \phd, and \bcshon

% If you degree is not included, you can set several options manually. % The following example shows the parameters for the \mcs degree. % However, if you need to set these parameters manually, please check % the correct names with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and let the % maintainer of this class file know (Vlado Keselj, [email protected]). % MCS Example:

\degree{Doctor of Mixology} %\degreeinitial{M.C.Sc.} \faculty{Science} \dept{Contemporary Home Economics}

% Month and Year of Defence \defencemonth{June}\defenceyear{2013}

\dedicate{Optionally, the thesis can be dedicated to someone, and the  student can enter the dedication content here.}

% This sample thesis contains no tables nor figures, so there is no % need to include lists of tables and figures in the front matter: \nolistoftables \nolistoffigures



\begin{abstract} This is a test document. \end{abstract}

\begin{acknowledgements} Thanks to all the little people who make me look tall. \end{acknowledgements}



Get it done!  Use reference material by Lamport~\cite{latex-by-lamport} or Gooses, Mittelback, and Samarin~\cite{latex-companion}.

\chapter{Doing It}


\section{Getting Ready}

Get all the parts that I need.  I can throw in a whole pile of terms like preparation, methodology, forethought, and analysis as examples for me to use in the future.

\section{Next Step}

Do it!

Of course, you have to have pictures to show how you did it to make people understand things better.


Did it!

\bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{simple}



{\reset@font\mtcSfont\mtc@string\contentsline{section}{\noexpand \leavevmode \numberline {2.1}Getting Ready}{\reset@font\mtcSfont 2}}
{\reset@font\mtcSfont\mtc@string\contentsline{section}{\noexpand \leavevmode \numberline {2.2}Next Step}{\reset@font\mtcSfont 2}}

正在生成一系列这样的文件:mwe.mtc,,,,,,,其中大多数文件大小为 0 KB,而只有内容。mwe.mtc0令人鼓舞,但我不明白为什么 minitoc 没有出现在章节调用之后。mwe.mtc1mwe.mtc2mwe.mtc3mwe.mtc4mwe.mtc5mwe.mtc4



dalthesis和的主要问题minitoc是 minitoc 编号不同步,因为两个文件都重新定义或修补\chapter其内部宏。因此,第一步是正确地将所有修补的命令链接在一起。(minitoc检测重新定义并发出警告,该警告也必须被抑制。)

由于根据文件中的条目minitoc创建文件,因此当章节出现在目录中但没有编号时,编号仍然是错误的。然后,所有 minitoc 文件的读取过程都找不到正确的文件。这就是为什么您没有得到第 2 章的 minitoc,因为内容已写入文件。要调整带星号章节的编号,请提供一个命令,该命令将写入文件以发出信号,表示 minitoc 计数器应该减少。但是,当前的实现本身无法工作,因此也需要修复。.mtc*\contentsline.toc.mtc4minitoc\chapterbegin.toc





  \bibitem[1]{latex-by-lamport}\LaTeX\ by Lamport
  \bibitem[2]{latex-companion}\LaTeX\ companion



% Link redefinitions for normal chapters

% Link redefinitions for starred chapters
% TODO: Is this @@@ thing ever used?

% To suppress redefinition warning

% Marker to adjust minitoc numbering in .toc file

% Correct minitoc numbering for starred chapters with ToC entry

% Correct minitoc numbering for LoT/LoF



\title{The title} \author{Noah Body}

% The following degrees are included in the current dalthesis.cls % class file: \mcs  % options are \mcs, \macs, \mec, \mhi, \phd, and \bcshon

% If you degree is not included, you can set several options manually. % The following example shows the parameters for the \mcs degree. % However, if you need to set these parameters manually, please check % the correct names with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and let the % maintainer of this class file know (Vlado Keselj, [email protected]). % MCS Example:

\degree{Doctor of Mixology} %\degreeinitial{M.C.Sc.} \faculty{Science} \dept{Contemporary Home Economics}

% Month and Year of Defence

\dedicate{Optionally, the thesis can be dedicated to someone, and the  student can enter the dedication content here.}

% This sample thesis contains no tables nor figures, so there is no % need to include lists of tables and figures in the front matter:
%\nolistoftables \nolistoffigures



\begin{abstract} This is a test document. \end{abstract}

\begin{acknowledgements} Thanks to all the little people who make me look tall. \end{acknowledgements}



Get it done!  Use reference material by Lamport~\cite{latex-by-lamport} or Gooses, Mittelback, and Samarin~\cite{latex-companion}.

\chapter{Doing It}


\section{Getting Ready}

Get all the parts that I need.  I can throw in a whole pile of terms like preparation, methodology, forethought, and analysis as examples for me to use in the future.

\section{Next Step}

Do it!

Of course, you have to have pictures to show how you did it to make people understand things better.


Did it!




