



This text is found just before opening the verbatim (default, no package) environment 
  default verbatim environment
\end{verbatim}This text is found just after closing verbatim environment


This text is found just before opening the verbatim (with listings package) environment 
  verbatim with listings package
\end{mylistings}This text is found just after closing verbatim environment


This text is found just before opening the verbatim environment 
  verbatim with newvbtm package
\end{mynewvbtm}This text is found just after closing verbatim environment


%This text is found just before opening the verbatim (with verbatim package) environment 
% LaTeX Warning: Characters dropped after `\end{verbatim}' on input line
%\end{myverbatim}This text is found just after closing verbatim environment

%This text is found just before opening the verbatim (with myfancyvrb package) environment 
%! FancyVerb Error:
%  Extraneous input `This text is found just after closing verbatim environment\
%end{}' between \end{myfancyvrb} and line end
%\FV@Error ... {FancyVerb Error:
%\space \space #1
%\end{myfancyvrb}This text is found just after closing verbatim environment

后面的文本\end{verbatim}放在下一行。如果我们使用 {verbatim} 包,我们会得到以下消息:

LaTeX Warning: Characters dropped after `\end{verbatim}' on input line

文本 ”发现此文本...“没有显示在输出中,这是正确的并出现在包文档中,但fancyvrb你只会收到一个错误:

! FancyVerb Error:
  Extraneous input `This text is found just after closing verbatim environment\
end{}' between \end{myfancyvrb} and line end
\FV@Error ... {FancyVerb Error:
\space \space #1


我不知道这是否是软件包中的错误,还是由于这个软件包的实现。我给 Herbert 写了一封电子邮件(我认为他也属于这个社区),但他还没有给我答复。




      {Extraneous input `\the\@temptokena' between
        \string\end{\FV@EnvironName} and line end}%
      {This input will be discarded. Type <return> to continue.}}


      {Extraneous input  between
        \string\end{\FV@EnvironName} and line end}%



      {Extraneous input  between
        \string\end{\FV@EnvironName} and line end}%



This text is found just before opening the verbatim (default, no package) environment 
  default verbatim environment
\end{verbatim}This text is found just after closing verbatim environment


This text is found just before opening the verbatim (with listings package) environment 
  verbatim with listings package
\end{mylistings}This text is found just after closing verbatim environment


This text is found just before opening the verbatim environment 
  verbatim with newvbtm package
\end{mynewvbtm}This text is found just after closing verbatim environment


%This text is found just before opening the verbatim (with verbatim package) environment 
% LaTeX Warning: Characters dropped after `\end{verbatim}' on input line
%\end{myverbatim}This text is found just after closing verbatim environment

This text is found just before opening the verbatim (with myfancyvrb package) environment 
! FancyVerb Error:
  Extraneous input `This text is found just after closing verbatim environment\
end{}' between \end{myfanc--yvrb} and line end
p\FV@Error ... {FancyVerb Error:
\space \space #1
\end{myfancyvrb}This text is found just after closing verbatim environment
