我想创建一个带有一个可选参数的新环境,该参数用于设置 pgfkeys。我希望将一个键作为参数传递给枚举,以使项目一次出现一个(<+->)。似乎枚举将该参数作为计数器的样式(字母、阿拉伯语、罗马语……)。这是一个扩展问题吗?枚举是否在寻找特殊字符?我做错了什么?我也尝试过 l3keys,但遇到了同样的问题。
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %%% without that the < > appear as inversed ! and ?
/enume/.is family, /enume,
default/.style =
{opt = empty},
opt/.estore in = \theopt,
\NewDocumentEnvironment {myenum} {o} {%
\pgfkeys{/enume, default, #1}%
The key value is : \theopt
%\begin{enumerate}[<+->] % with this line it is working (but it doesn't use the parameter)
\begin{enumerate}[\theopt] % with this line it is not working
\item I have a cat.
\item It is blue.
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %%% without that the < > appear as inversed ! and ?
/enume/.is family, /enume/.cd,
default/.style =
{opt = empty},
opt/.estore in = \theopt,
\NewDocumentEnvironment {myenum} {o} {%
\pgfkeys{/enume, default, #1}%
The key value is : \theopt
%\begin{enumerate}[<+->] % with this line it is working (but it doesn't use the parameter)
\edef\temp{\noexpand\begin{enumerate}[\theopt]} % with this line it is not working
\item I am owned by a cat.
\item They are blue.